Chinese culture can be condensed and refined into five groups of words and ten words, which are unified in terms of connotation or internal genes | ideology | origin

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:37 PM

The content of Chinese culture is rich and colorful, and the ideology of Chinese civilization is broad and profound. In terms of the essence or inherent genes, it can be condensed and refined into five groups of words and ten words, namely "benevolence and propriety", "harmony and harmony", "knowledge and action", "civil and military", and "family and country".

"Ren Li" reflects the unity of internal cultivation and external expression, reflecting ideological beliefs; "Harmony" reflects the unity of content and form, reflecting the way of thinking; "Knowledge and action" reflects the unity of the subjective and objective worlds, reflecting the attributes of thought; "Wen Wu" reflects the unity of Zhang and Chi, and embodies the wisdom of thought; "Family and country" reflects the unity of the ego and the greater self, reflecting the realm of thought.

"Ren Li"——

"Ren" is the inherent requirement of the ontology for oneself, which is to "not do to others what one does not want", that is, to cultivate one's own character and establish virtue, to understand the true essence and goals of "Ren", to externalize "Ren" in action, internalize "Ren" in thought, concretize it in action, and ultimately achieve the value pursuit of "Ren".

"Li" is a requirement for integration into the external environment and a social behavioral norm, which means that by restraining oneself, nurturing righteousness, and respecting order, following the norms and order of "Li", we can promote the relationship between father and son, discuss the relationship between the elderly and the young, and form a moral bond with the monarch and subjects, so that everything can be unified in "Li".

"Ren Li" is interdependent and mutually supportive, forming the ultimate goal and implementation method pursued by the traditional Chinese ideological system. Only with "benevolence" as the standard can there be a spirit of pursuing excellence and self-improvement, a sense of compassion, benevolence, and the responsibility of carrying things with great virtue; Only with "propriety" as the norm can we uphold the moral principles of "poverty leads to self-improvement, and prosperity leads to the benefit of the world" and "achieving one's aspirations brings benefits to the people; not achieving one's aspirations leads to personal cultivation and exposure to the world". Only then can we have the proud backbone of "iron can be broken, jade can be broken, and the sea can wither, regardless of poverty or life and death" and "the path of the Tao, although millions of people are bound for it".


"Harmony" is the attitude towards life advocated by Chinese culture, while "harmony" is the ideal state advocated by Chinese culture. "Harmony" is the connotation, "harmony" is the form; "Harmony" is an internal thinking mode, while "harmony" is an external reflection form; "Harmony" is an attitude and goal held in dealing with problems and resolving conflicts, while "harmony" is a form and manifestation exhibited in dealing with problems and resolving conflicts.

Based on the concept of "harmony", there is a Chinese demeanor of "embracing all rivers and embracing each other", as well as a Chinese realm of "heaven and earth coexisting with me, and all things being one with me", "the path of the great road, and the world being common", a pursuit of "unity between heaven and man, the way of nature, and the unity of the world", and a way of thinking of "mutual love and mutual benefit". Only then can there be a forward-looking concept of "seeking common ground while reserving differences, harmony with all nations, inclusiveness, and shared rights and responsibilities".

"Knowing and doing"——

The emphasis on knowledge and action is the most prominent feature of ideological and cultural integration into the world, and it is a concrete manifestation of the connection between theory and practice. It is the difference between Chinese culture and traditional religious emergence culture.

"Knowledge" and "action" are important ways and evaluation standards to achieve "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness". They have nurtured a sense of practice that "learning must be practiced, and practice must be followed", "action is the beginning of knowledge, and knowledge is the result of action", a tenacious perseverance that "learning without poverty, steadfastness in action without fatigue", a courage to practice, and the courage to practice ", a integrity character that" words and actions are consistent, a promise of a thousand gold "," having words but no actions, and a gentleman's shame ", and a political ethics that" knowledge is conscience, behavior is good ", and" governing with virtue and virtue in place ".

"Civil and Military"——

"Wen" and "Wu" are the ways to solve problems and the virtues of handling affairs. "Literature" is the best way to solve problems, that is, "using culture"; "Martial arts" is the bottom line means of dealing with things, that is, "using martial arts to transform them.".

With the principles of "literature" and "martial arts" in governing the world, one can develop the governing philosophy of "no attachment to the masses without literature, no threat to the enemy without martial arts, and if one is capable of literature and martial arts, then all nations will regard it as the law". Only then can one have the perseverance of "if a person offends me, I will offend them" and the patience of "being obedient and easy to win". Only then can one have the mentality of "not competing for short-term gains and losses, and not considering immediate gains and losses" in facing honor and disgrace.

"Home country"——

Putting national righteousness first, prioritizing family, country, and the world, unifying personal and social values, and maintaining personal and national destiny together, is a concentrated embodiment of the essence, energy, and spirit of Chinese culture.

It is precisely because of the spiritual support and source of strength of "ren li", "he he he", "zhi xing", "wen wu", and "jia guo" that the Chinese character of self-improvement and virtue carrying things has emerged continuously, the Chinese ethics of poverty and righteousness, the Chinese demeanor of embracing all rivers with magnanimity, the Chinese character of being upright and indomitable, the Chinese character of dedicating oneself wholeheartedly and sacrificing life for righteousness, the Chinese realm of returning to simplicity and unity between heaven and humanity, the Chinese faith of establishing a heart for heaven and earth, establishing a destiny for the people, inheriting the teachings of the sages, and creating peace for the world have emerged.

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