The five towns in the Yangtze River Delta jointly released a list of key projects to create a "new quality town circle"

Release time:Jun 27, 2024 14:02 PM

On June 27, the "Party Building Leading Industry Collaboration - Building a New Quality Town Circle" Party Building Joint Construction Promotion Meeting and Project Release Ceremony was held in Fengjing Town, Jinshan District. On the same day, Fengjing Town, Jinshan District, Zhujing Town, Jinshan District, Jiashan Economic and Technological Development Zone, Yaozhuang Town, Jiashan County, and Xindai Town, Pinghu City gathered together to jointly release the list of key projects for the joint construction and development of the "new quality town circle" adjacent to Shanghai and Zhejiang in 2024, unveiled the platform of the specialized and new service base of the Small and Medium Enterprises Association, and signed the Shanghai-Zhejiang adjacent industry new quality productivity collaborative development alliance, further stimulating new momentum for the coordinated development of adjacent areas in the Yangtze River Delta.

At the ceremony, the "four towns and one street" reached a consensus on the adjacent development of the "new quality town circle" and clarified the annual rotation system. Fengjing Town became the first round of rotation units. In the early stage, based on the joint consultation of the five parties, a development pattern of "one place and three circles" was constructed. Focusing on the construction of a highland for party building, an industrial development innovation circle, a cultural tourism ecological charm circle, and a livable life happiness circle, 20 specific contents were launched, involving the continuous deepening of the "dual committee system", co-organizing the leading industry development forum, carrying out cultural and art festival exchanges in adjacent areas, strengthening the organic connection of urban planning, and sharing high-quality medical resources. The purpose is to further promote the efficient flow of resource elements in adjacent areas through projectization, and strive to promote higher quality development of regional integration.

In fact, a town map from the Qing Dynasty records that Jinshan Fengjing and the neighboring areas of Zhejiang have the same roots and origins. For many years, they have been adjacent to each other in terms of land, water, and people. The first proposal of "adjacent party building" began on March 18, 2016, when Jinshan District and Jiashan County signed the strategic framework agreement on "jointly building a demonstration zone for integrated development in the adjacent areas of Shanghai and Zhejiang", allowing Shanghai and Zhejiang to renew their ties and realize the relationship between the two places; in August 2017, Jinshan District and Pinghu City signed a cooperation framework agreement on "adjacent party building" to lead regional linkage development, and Xindai Town officially joined. Jinshan Fengjing, Jiashan Economic and Technological Development Zone, Jiashan Yaozhuang, and Pinghu Xindai jointly promoted integration; in November 2019, the three places and four parties jointly held a seminar on adjacent party building and issued the "Adjacent Party Building Consensus" to jointly promote the coordinated development of the adjacent areas of Shanghai and Zhejiang.

In recent years, with the continuous and in-depth development of the party building in the neighboring areas, all parties have reached consensus on a number of cooperation on the basis of further clarifying ideas and deepening connotations. This time, the participation of Zhujing Town has injected new strength into the high-quality integrated development. The original "three towns and one street" has also expanded to "four towns and one street", gradually achieving mutual integration and communication on a larger scale, wider field, and deeper level.

When it comes to "integration" and "high quality", enterprises in Fengjing Town, Jinshan District have a keen sense of smell and respond quickly. Shanghai Hanzhong Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. is a leading domestic compressor company with global operations. For many years, it has been firmly sitting on the throne of "tax champion" in the town, with operating income of 3.852 billion yuan in 2023. With the continuous expansion of the scale of the industry, this national-level specialized and new "little giant" enterprise has more than 300 suppliers and more than 500 customers in the Yangtze River Delta region, and has formed an industrial cluster for electromechanical equipment manufacturing. Among them, there are nearly 10 supply companies located in Jiaxing and Pinghu, with an annual procurement amount of more than 200 million yuan.

"Thanks to the integrated development of neighboring regions, the time and manpower costs of enterprises in handling various affairs have been greatly saved, which has strengthened our confidence and confidence in increasing R&D investment." Yu Yuxuan, chairman of Shanghai Hanzhong Precision Machinery Co., Ltd., told reporters that in recent years, they have not only built a timely supply chain in the region, achieved optimal resource allocation and information sharing, and reduced costs, but also enjoyed an additional deduction of more than 89 million yuan in R&D expenses in 2023. "In the future, we will continue to increase investment in scientific research and drive enterprises in neighboring regions to jointly promote the development of 'new quality productivity' in the field of new energy."

Companies like Hanzhong Precision Machinery that have developed across borders and integrated between Shanghai and Zhejiang and are growing stronger are not isolated cases in Fengjing Town. Denair Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the production and sales of high-end intelligent air compressors. It was listed in 2016. Due to development needs, the company established a production base in Xindai Town, Pinghu City in 2018, covering an area of ​​35,000 square meters. Subsequently, Fengjing's Denair Company became the headquarters. In 2023, the two companies completed a total revenue of nearly 500 million yuan, adding strong impetus to the high-quality development of the regional economy. In addition, there are a number of companies such as Shanghai Fresi Valve Co., Ltd. and Demeng Compression Machinery Co., Ltd., which are all in the coordinated and linked development of Shanghai and Zhejiang, laying a solid foundation for building a "new quality town circle".

Taking industrial collaboration as the starting point, the service center for specialized, sophisticated and innovative enterprises in the new quality town circle of the Yangtze River Delta was unveiled today. The platform will provide full value chain services for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises with specialized, sophisticated and innovative characteristics in the region, helping enterprises to grow bigger and stronger. In addition, the "four towns and one street" also signed the Shanghai-Zhejiang neighboring industry new quality productivity collaborative development alliance, the Shanghai-Zhejiang neighboring agricultural new model, new technology and new business form innovation cooperation alliance, the Shanghai-Zhejiang neighboring cultural tourism new scenic spot alliance, and the cross-provincial joint administrative law enforcement team expansion and capacity increase agreement, and launched the "Neighboring Worker Easy" neighboring area odd-job platform and the Shanghai-Zhejiang neighboring party member cadre talent growth training camp. In the future, the five parties will continue to output momentum for the development of the adjacent regions in an all-round, multi-angle and in-depth manner.

"Building a 'neighboring new-quality urban circle' is an important measure for Shanghai and Zhejiang to deepen exchanges and cooperation. It is also another solid measure to innovate the neighboring party building system and mechanism. It indicates that we will take neighboring party building as the guide and 'science and technology empowering the integration of the three lives' as the theme, and work together to take bigger steps towards actively integrating into the higher-quality integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta." Wang Mingfa, secretary of the Party Committee of Fengjing Town, Jinshan District, said.

The five towns in the Yangtze River Delta jointly released a list of key projects to create a "new quality town circle"
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