"Echoes of Mountains and Rivers - Exhibition of Le Zhenwen's Zhangchi Works" opens at the China National Academy of Painting

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 23:01 PM

"Echoes of Mountains and Rivers - Le Zhenwen Zhangchi Works Exhibition" opened at the National Academy of Painting Art Museum in Beijing on the 15th. This was a wonderful appearance of a representative Shanghai-style painter in Beijing.

Le Zhenwen and Zhang Chi are well-known artists in the Chinese painting circle and important artists with overseas influence. This exhibition displays 88 works by the two artists, mainly new works in recent years.

Le Zhenwen: Baiyun and Hegong Wuxin 178cm×96cm 2022

Yue Zhenwen: Taihang Morning Song 105cm×115cm 2023

Yue Zhenwen is good at using color, and the collision and blending of color and ink create an unexpected and wonderful realm. His works are diverse in simplicity and rich in simplicity. He uses a brand-new pen and ink language to appropriately transform his inner feelings about the changes of the times into wonderful mountains and rivers in his pen.

This exhibition displays four series of Le Zhenwen. Among them, the two series "Return to Nature" and "Modern Composition of Traditional Pen and Ink" allow the audience to fully appreciate the exquisiteness and charm of "Le's Landscape"; while the "Lotus Series" and "Flowers and Birds of the Four Seasons" series show the traditional flower-and-bird paintings given by Le Zhenwen. The new realm of aesthetic characteristics of the times reflects the broad artistic vision and superb creative talent of an outstanding Shanghai-style artist.

Chi Chi: Yun Shui Yao 180cmx97cmx5 2015

Relaxation: China Antarctic Great Wall Station 97cmx178cm 2020

Relaxation: Clouds Rises and Peaks 232cm×106cm×72023

Zhang Chi has spent a lot of effort on the theme of "urban landscape" in recent years. She uses traditional Chinese painting to depict the ever-changing contemporary urban landscape, presenting the inner temperament and spirit of a city, and providing a successful creative case for the "urban landscape" that has aroused heated discussions in the new era. This exhibition displays her four series of works: "Clouds and Water Ballads", "Antarctica", "Wave Waves" and "Falling Waterfalls and Forests".

Le Zhenwen talked about his experience of holding an exhibition in Beijing at the opening ceremony. Photo by Fan Jianghong

At the opening ceremony, Le Zhenwen made a speech and said that coming to Beijing to hold an exhibition this time was a "rushing test" for their painting art. Through this exhibition, listen to the opinions and suggestions of experts and critics, work hard, strive to create more outstanding landscape paintings, and fulfill an artist's mission of the times.

Shang Hui, director of the China Artists Association, director of the Art Theory Committee, and doctoral supervisor, said that the theme of this exhibition is "Echoes of Mountains and Rivers", which shows that the landscape paintings of Le Zhenwen and Zhang Chi are not the traditional landscapes of literati who travel freely, but are based on landscapes. The national epic narrative that constructs the connotation of modern humanistic spirit presents the modern spirit of landscape painting.

He said: "Let's look at Le Zhenwen's "Straight Up to the Floating Clouds", "Clouds Rolling and Soothing" and "Loess and Wind, Sun, Moon and Stars". The winding mountains and ridges, the steaming clouds and rosy clouds across the screen, the endless The battlements of the Arrow Tower...where are the mist, mist and coldness of traditional literati landscape paintings? The spiritual connotation condensed in the painting clearly highlights the expression of feelings about family and country in Zhang Chi's "Clouds Rising Over the Mountains". "Only the Vast" and "Purple Air", the vast purple smoke and clouds in the sky, the integrated landscape, the thousands of flowing water and springs... In fact, they have long been separated from the portrayal of natural landscapes, but her The sentimental spirit of the times is written horizontally and subjectively on a large picture. "

He believes that the artistic language of landscape paintings by Le Zhenwen and Zhang Chi not only reflects the inheritance and reference of literati's brushwork, but also reflects the new creation of modern vision. They not only stay at the abstract composition of lines and surfaces, but also hide the lens scheduling, light tone and flowing extension in traditional brushwork, allowing people to feel that these landscapes are the modern Chinese paintings that we love and appreciate. Especially when you look at their works carefully, the theory and sophistication of their brushwork seems to be naturally connected with the brushwork of traditional literati. In this regard, their conscious integration of modern vision also more profoundly embodies contemporary Chinese painting's understanding of the artistic spirit of traditional landscape painting.

Xu Lian, deputy director of the China National Academy of Painting, summed up his overall impression of this art exhibition in eight words: "Magnificent mountains and rivers, clear mind." She said that when she saw the paintings of Le Zhenwen and Zhang Chi, the magnificent mountains and rivers of the times made people deeply moved. The picture is elegant, grand, quiet and poetic, and the pen and ink are precise, detailed and rich, showing the artist's confidence and restraint. Through these works, I feel that the mirror of the times is not only reflected in the pictures, but also in the artist's heart.

She said that using landscape paintings to express the times is a characteristic of the literary and artistic practice of the times that needs to be continuously promoted, and it needs to go hand in hand in the two dimensions of tradition and innovation. The practices of two artists, Le Zhenwen and Zhang Chi, provide good research cases.

Le Zhenwen: Straight to the Floating Clouds 330cm×1100cm 2023

Le Zhenwen: Another year of lotus pond color 330cm×1100cm2022

In order to go to Beijing this time to "rush for the exam", Le Zhenwen specially spent more than half a year to create two masterpieces: "Straight Up to the Floating Clouds" and "Another Year of the Color of the Lotus Pond". At 11 meters long and 3.3 meters high, it is currently the largest. Rice paper size. Commenting on these two masterpieces, the famous literary and art critic Mao Shi'an believed that "Up to the Clouds" gives a vigorous and upward emotional color to the Great Wall, which represents the spirit of the Chinese nation. The Great Wall is like the backbone of a dragon, winding through and hovering over the peaks. , echoing the strong and desolate ancient pines of Tantuo Temple in the foreground. A piece of red expresses the artist's best wishes for the Chinese nation. "Another Year Over the Lotus Pond" can be described as the visual sublimation of Zhu Ziqing's famous prose piece "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond". The painting has a vivid, fresh and natural charm.

Many well-known artists, critics, cultural figures and some leading comrades from Beijing and Shanghai attended the opening ceremony of "Echoes of Mountains and Rivers - Le Zhenwen Zhangchi Works Exhibition". The exhibition is sponsored by the Chinese Painting Society, Shanghai Artists Association, China National Academy of Painting Art Museum, China National Academy of Painting Exchange and Cooperation Department, Chinese Women Painters Association, Shanghai Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai Duoyunxuan Group, Shanghai Juequn Painting and Calligraphy Academy, Beijing Silk Road Hosted by Boya Painting and Calligraphy Academy.

"Echoes of Mountains and Rivers - Exhibition of Le Zhenwen's Zhangchi Works" opens at the China National Academy of Painting
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