Shanghai plans to build a new cultural landscape and become a "vanguard" and "pioneer". Shanghai | City | Pioneer

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:54 AM

Shanghai is the birthplace of the Party, the birthplace of its original aspiration, and the birthplace of the great spirit of founding the Party. It is also an important cultural hub of modern China. The unique geographical advantages of being by the river and by the sea, as well as well-developed transportation, have enabled Shanghai to form an open characteristic of integrating domestic and foreign cultures, embracing both the East and the West, gathering immigrants, and being diverse from all over the world in its long-term historical and cultural development. Driven by the open effect, Shanghai has fostered an innovative and inclusive cultural atmosphere and character, forming a unique urban cultural temperament and the "Shanghai Culture" brand.

Here, the red culture that pursues civilization progress, national independence, and people's liberation can be spread and promoted, until it condenses into the great spirit of founding the Party; The Shanghai style culture of "following the times, focusing on innovation, and advocating innovation" has blossomed and produced many renowned cultural masters and original cultural masterpieces; The traditional Jiangnan culture, which is elegant, fresh, broad-minded, and wise, has been able to spread and establish itself, injecting a calm and confident spiritual power into the fusion of diverse cultures. It can be said that cultural innovation and the creation of charm have become a shining business card of Shanghai.

Culture has a guiding and promoting role in spirit and value.This cultural characteristic is the most vivid portrayal of China's development and progress in the new era.

The profound cultural connotation of Shanghai's urban character indicates that openness is the broad mindedness of urban development. "Openness leads to prosperity, while lockdown leads to decline."; Innovation is a powerful engine for urban development. "Innovation leads to progress, while fixed steps lead to retreat."; Inclusion is the magnanimity of urban development, where both income and exclusion lead to gains and losses.

The cultivation and innovation of culture can only be achieved by adhering to the principles of openness, innovation, and inclusiveness. Only then can we uphold integrity and respect the past, be fearless of new challenges, have the courage to accept new things, be adept at external exchanges and integration, and be inclusive of world civilization. It can be said that the urban character of Shanghai not only constitutes the cultural characteristics of Shanghai's socialist modernization international metropolis, but also injects fresh soul and inexhaustible power into the cultural creation and innovation of this mega city.

Currently, the environmental conditions, pattern and form, driving mechanisms, and governance models of Shanghai's urban development are undergoing profound changes. Aiming at the positioning requirement of "having global influence", Shanghai, with strong historical and cultural consciousness, further promotes the urban character of "openness, innovation, and inclusiveness", takes the good use of red culture, Shanghai style culture, and Jiangnan cultural resources as key support, and uses cultural "soft elements" to support the development of "hard principles", revitalizing internal creativity and external competitiveness, fully leveraging the "accelerator" role of cultural soft power to empower and optimize development, providing energy and yeast for comprehensively improving the city's level and core competitiveness.

Furthermore, the urban character of "openness, innovation, and inclusiveness" and the urban spirit of "embracing all rivers, pursuing excellence, being open-minded, wise, and humble" together constitute the spiritual value foundation of Shanghai, fully reflecting the empowering, optimizing, aggregating, and motivating role of culture in the economic and social development of the city. For many years, Shanghai has been continuously committed to enhancing its urban cultural soft power and strengthening its core competitiveness in promoting reform and development, precisely because it has played a leading, fundamental, and decisive role as a "spiritual value foundation".

In the development process of Shanghai, especially since the reform and opening up, at every critical moment or major opportunity, the urban spirit and character will be highly valued and vigorously promoted, continuously inspiring Shanghai's sense of mission to be a "vanguard" and "pioneer". In the new era and new journey, Shanghai should live up to its mission and take the lead, take on a new cultural mission in the great practice of comprehensively promoting Chinese path to modernization, adhere to the principle of not forgetting the original, absorbing foreign countries, and facing the future, more consciously cultivate the city spirit, highlight the city character, and provide a strong spiritual impetus for creating new miracles and showing new atmosphere.

Inheriting the history of Shanghai——

The urban spirit and character are deeply rooted in the historical process of urban development, deeply integrated into the development and struggle history of the city, and are the never-ending source of strength for urban development. To some extent, today's Shanghai reflects the history of Shanghai. Whether it is production, life, or cultural relics, one can find the shadow of the past.

Since the establishment of Shanghai, many historical events and figures have had a profound impact on this land. Especially the spiritual pursuit and personal style of benevolent people, model workers, and heroic martyrs still flow in the blood of the city to this day. The distinctive feature of Shanghai's urban spirit is not only due to specific geographical advantages, but also the spiritual character built and accumulated in the historical evolution of Shanghai. Only by observing and thinking from the historical process can we deeply understand the important role of urban spirit and character in urban development.

Integrate with the lives of citizens——

The urban spirit is the vibrant soul of a city, always linked to the lifestyle of its citizens, and preserved or maintained in the form of folk customs to preserve its spiritual connotations and characteristics.

From Shikumen to Yangjingbang, from pavilions to half a liang of grain coupons, from government settings to Bai Xiang's "big world", from newspaper giants to "Western cinema"... The ups and downs of Shanghai's urban life are closely linked to the ecological mentality of its citizens.

The daily behavior and demeanor of Shanghai citizens exhibit multiple aspects of spiritual orientation, many of which are complementary and unified. To cultivate and create new urban culture, it is necessary to respect the specific folk customs and traditions of the city, and promote positive, healthy, and positive spiritual culture in daily life practice.

Corresponding to the future of Shanghai——

The urban spirit is a condensed history of the development of urban spirit, connecting the past, present, and future. Cultivating and creating new urban culture also requires providing a vision that is aligned with future development plans and strategies.

Shanghai's modernization development strategy emphasizes the principle of "trial and error", which is a path choice with future orientation and foresight. To cultivate and create a new urban culture in Shanghai, it is necessary to align with the future vision, adhere to the spiritual home, provide spiritual motivation and value orientation to undertake new missions and promote new development, reflect the unity of national spirit and urban personality, historical inheritance and progress of the times, and the unity of internal value and external image.

Looking towards the future, Shanghai is planning to build a new cultural landscape: emphasizing rules and order while displaying vitality; Having both international style and Eastern charm; Being able to both appreciate each other's beauty and share beauty together; It can touch history and embrace the future; It not only advocates for everyone to strive and excel, but also reflects the importance of mutual assistance and observation in every aspect. There is reason to believe that the urban spirit and character of Shanghai will surely radiate greater vitality and make more contributions in the cultural creation of the new era.

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