Why Xi Jinping Emphasizes "Promoting Theoretical Innovation in Combination with New Practice"?, Marxism in the Latest Politburo Collective Learning | China | Xi Jinping

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:11 AM

On the afternoon of June 30, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech when presiding over the sixth collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. He clearly pointed out: "Looking back on the party's 100-year history of struggle, the reason why our party has been able to make great achievements in various historical periods of revolution, construction and reform, and to lead the people to accomplish arduous tasks that other political forces in China cannot accomplish. The fundamental lies in mastering Marxist scientific theory and constantly promoting theoretical innovation, it has made major theoretical achievements such as Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of 'three represents', the scientific concept of development, and the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and has always persisted in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keeping pace with the times, and seeking truth and pragmatism. Marxism radiates a strong vitality in China, enabling the party to master the powerful power of truth."

Practice has proved that for more than a hundred years, the CPC has insisted on writing Marxism on its own banner, constantly promoting theoretical innovation in combination with new realities, gradually creating a new realm of Marxism in China and the times, and guiding the great practice of China's revolution, construction and reform with the scientific theory of Marxism in China and the times. The scientific and truthful nature of Marxism has been fully tested in China, the people-oriented and practical nature of Marxism has been fully implemented in China, and the openness and timeliness of Marxism have been fully demonstrated in China. The experience of our party's century long struggle has shown that continuously combining new realities to promote theoretical innovation is of great guiding significance for our party to accelerate the modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the new journey, and continuously create new opportunities for the development of the party and the state.

Combining New Practice to Promote Theoretical Innovation is the First Political Task of the CPC

In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "Why the Communist Party of China can and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good is, in the final analysis, the Marxist line of the Chinese era. This is the conclusion of history. We should constantly deepen our understanding of the regularity of the Party's theoretical innovation and achieve more fruitful theoretical innovation results in the new era and new journey." The fundamental reason why the Communist Party of China can lead the broad masses of people to accomplish arduous tasks that other political forces in China cannot accomplish is that it insists on combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture, and insists on emancipating the mind, Seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, seeking truth and being pragmatic, insisting that practice is the only criterion for testing truth, and insisting on proceeding from reality in everything, timely answer the questions of China, the world, the people and the times from the perspective of the combination of theory and practice, and constantly promote the Sinicization of Marxism.

Without revolutionary ideas and theories, there can be no successful revolutionary practice. Marxism is the ideological weapon for our party to establish, prosper, and strengthen the party, and it is the soul of our party. Marxist theory fully draws on and criticizes the excellent achievements of human thought and culture, insightfully elucidates the basic laws of human civilization evolution, deeply understands and scientifically predicts the overall direction of human social evolution, especially classic writers who discover and interpret the materialist view of history and the theory of surplus value, establish dialectical materialism and historical materialism, and transform socialism and communism from utopia to reality. It can be said that Marxist theory is the outstanding achievement of world civilization and the "essence of the human spirit". It is a powerful ideological weapon for proletarian parties to understand the world, reform society and benefit the masses. It is also a powerful ideological engine and a powerful spiritual momentum for the CPC to unite and lead hundreds of millions of people to carry out revolutionary struggle, engage in socialist construction and promote reform and opening up.

As a result of the Party's theoretical innovation, Marxism with Chinese characteristics and modernization has always been a powerful ideological weapon for our Party to understand the world, grasp laws, pursue truth, and transform the world. It is the political guiding ideology that our Party and the country have always followed. The CPC is a proletarian party with Marxism as its theoretical foundation and action guidance. It organically integrates the basic principles of Marxism into the practice of China's revolution, construction and reform and opening up, and establishes Marxism as the fundamental guiding ideology of the party. This is not only determined by the fundamental nature of the CPC, but also related to China's own reality since 1840, the world situation faced by China, and the basic trend of the evolution of world history.

At the very beginning of its founding, the CPC was faced with a major issue of long-term, fundamental and overall importance that must be addressed, namely, how to apply the scientific theory that germinated in the social and historical conditions of Western Europe in the 19th century and led the proletariat to carry out revolutionary struggle against the bourgeoisie to China and its revolutionary cause in semi colonial and semi feudal society in a timely and effective manner, so as to complete the most urgent task of saving the nation from subjugation since the Opium War as soon as possible. It has become the primary political task of the CPC to integrate the basic principles of Marxism highly with the national conditions and cultures of backward eastern countries, to modernize Marxism in China, to make it an innovative scientific theory, and to truly release the truth power that Marxism leads and guides the Chinese revolution. The centennial struggle history of the CPC has repeatedly proved that only by constantly promoting the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, promoting theoretical innovation and taking it as the core and key for the whole party to strengthen its own construction, can our party assume its original mission of "working for the happiness of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation".

Combining New Practice to Promote Theoretical Innovation is the Political Advantage of the CPC for Success

The modernization of Marxism in China is not only of great theoretical significance, but also of outstanding practical value. It is a huge political advantage for the CPC to succeed and win.

The October Revolution brought Marxism Leninism to China with the sound of a cannon. The forerunners of the Chinese proletarian revolution saw the way out and hope of solving China's persistent ailments from the scientific truth of Marxism, actively advocated and vigorously publicized Marxism, and laid a solid ideological foundation for the establishment of the CPC. After the founding of the CPC, it has always attached great importance to the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and the excellent traditional culture of China, which has cultivated a deep soil for the innovative development of Marxism in China, accelerated the process of sinicization of Marxism, and kept our party's innovation theory on the right direction and track. An important conclusion of the centennial development of the CPC is that the future and destiny of the CPC is inseparable from the adherence to the sinicization and modernization of Marxism. In any case, adhering to the sinicization and modernization of Marxism and focusing on the innovation and development of theory will make the cause of our party flourish, otherwise it will encounter setbacks and failures.

At the same time, since entering the new era, our party has focused on using Marxism to activate the outstanding factors full of vitality in China's excellent traditional culture and endow them with new era connotation, inject the great spirit and rich wisdom of the Chinese nation into Marxism in a deeper level, effectively connect the essence of Marxism with the essence of China's excellent traditional culture, fuse into new theoretical advantages, and constantly climb new ideological peaks. The centennial history of the Party has proved and will continue to prove that only by consistently promoting the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, and consistently guiding and leading the cause of the Party with theoretical innovations, can the CPC be as powerful as a rainbow, with an enduring foundation and bright prospects.

The basic principles and main paths for promoting theoretical innovation based on new realities

Firmly promoting the modernization of Marxism in China is not only the internal logic of the development of Marxist theory itself, but also the objective need to solve different practical problems in different periods of China, and also an important guarantee for the development and growth of the CPC. The historical considerations and practical tests over the past 100 years have vividly demonstrated the vivid picture of Marxism rooted in the fertile soil of China, integrating the excellent traditional culture of China, nourishing the growth of the CPC, and guiding the CPC to lead hundreds of millions of people to create historic undertakings. To promote theoretical innovation in combination with new realities, the following basic principles and main paths should be followed:

One is to focus on combining the basic principles of Marxism with the changing realities of contemporary China. The sinicization and modernization of Marxism means keeping up with the times and applying the basic stance, viewpoints, and methods of Marxism to the great practice of China's reform and development, adhering to everything based on the actual situation of China's national conditions, timely responding and effectively answering major problems in the socialist modernization construction on the new journey, and forming a Marxist theory of the 21st century with Chinese style, Chinese characteristics, and Chinese style.

The second is to focus on promoting the fine tradition and ideological style of liberating the mind and seeking truth from facts. Liberating the mind is an important attribute of Marxism, and seeking truth from facts is the living soul of Marxism. The two together constitute the basic principle of Marxism's sinicization and modernization, and are also the fundamental ideological method of our party's observation of the world, analysis of problems, and transformation of society. At present, China has entered an important historical period of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. We should firmly uphold the fine tradition of emancipating the mind, adhere to the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, take the practical problems of Chinese path to modernization on the new journey as the guide, take what we are doing as the center, keep in mind the big country, based on the practical application of Marxist theory, based on the theoretical thinking of key and difficult issues, summarize, refine and sublimate the results of practical application and the results of theoretical thinking, and use the latest theoretical achievements of the Party to guide and guide the "Five in One" overall layout and the "Four Comprehensive" strategic layout, so that the modernization of Marxism in China will shine in the new era.

The third is to focus on promoting the excellent academic atmosphere of integrating theory with practice. The issue of academic style is a fundamental attitude towards Marxism and a crucial issue that must be addressed in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism. Only by firmly establishing the development concept centered on the people, adhering to the integration of theory with practice, and opposing dogmatism and empiricism, can we effectively promote the sinicization and modernization of Marxism. Entering a new historical journey, in the context of the accelerated evolution and deep interaction of the "two major situations", only by adhering to and carrying forward the excellent academic style of integrating theory with practice, being good at using the basic principles of Marxism to analyze the stages of social development, analyze the main contradictions in society, and clarify the causes of social problems, can we formulate a line, principles, and policy strategies that are in line with objective reality, and make progress in embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country.

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