Leave behind our era's general education textbooks, gather first-class scholars, and integrate classics into the representation of the body and mind | Chinese people | era

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:53 PM

"Traditional culture has rich connotations. Reading classics and being influenced by them, practicing them in daily life, and inheriting excellent traditional culture may be called 'integrating classics into body and mind'. On June 27th, the 'General Education of Chinese Classics' series held a new book press conference at Shanghai Juzhen Culture Company of Zhonghua Book Company. Chen Yinchi, the editor in chief of the series, the director of Fudan University Library, and the director of the International Research Center for Chinese Civilization, responded to the theme of the press conference - integrating classics into body and mind.".

"Chinese Classics General Education" is a set of original full-color graphic and textual "Little Books for Everyone" published by Zhonghua Book Company, which guides the public to understand traditional classics. The series of books is based on the public and is committed to integrating the latest academic research results into the introduction of each classic. In the process of sorting out the origin and dissemination history of classics and their impact on Chinese culture and world civilization, it not only imparts "true knowledge", but also conveys scholars' thinking and wisdom on life and academia.

Leave behind our era's general education textbooks, gather first-class scholars, and integrate classics into the representation of the body and mind | Chinese people | era

To ensure the quality and authority of the series, the authors of this series are all outstanding frontline scholars in this field. Their writing requires solid evidence, striving to combine academic rigor and easy to understand, turning academic achievements into public knowledge, and transforming traditional classics into general knowledge for the Chinese people. The five types of "Chinese Classic General Education" were introduced to readers in August last year and were printed three times within seven months. The five types of the second edition released this time include "General Knowledge of the Book of Changes" by Professor Wang Zhenfu of Fudan University, "General Knowledge of the Compendium of Materia Medica" by Professor Wang Jiakui of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, "General Knowledge of the New Language of the World" by Professor Liu Qiang of Tongji University, "General Knowledge of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms" by Associate Professor Xu Wei of Fudan University, and "General Knowledge of Three Hundred Tang Poems" by Professor Zhou Xinglu of Peking University.

"The popularity of'Chinese Classics' proves the eager demand of public readers for high-quality traditional culture popularization books." Yin Tao, editor-in-chief of Zhonghua Book Company, said that the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the cultural development and inheritance symposium has injected the freshest vitality into the field of traditional culture publishing and brought "unprecedented ideological emancipation". The main carrier of traditional culture is in the process of promoting the second combination, building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and building a new culture belonging to our era, it will continue to play a fundamental role. The interpretation and interpretation of the general nature of classic ancient books is not only the result of development and transformation, but also a bridge to the spirit of Chinese excellent traditional culture."

Leave behind our era's general education textbooks, gather first-class scholars, and integrate classics into the representation of the body and mind | Chinese people | era

"How can traditional culture play a greater role in the process of social development?" Chen Yinchi said, looking at the selected classics in the second volume, these classics have conveyed us a lot of cultural information and codes, presented the elements of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and are closely related to the physical and mental development of modern Chinese people. "The Book of Changes" reflects the thinking mode of Chinese people; "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" represents the intellectual world and demeanor of medieval elites; Although "Three Hundred Tang Poems" is a book compiled by the Qing Dynasty and different from early classics, it has a great influence, and Tang poetry also presents the emotional world of the Chinese people well; The Romance of the Three Kingdoms represents the ancient common people's understanding and comprehension of history; The Compendium of Materia Medica contains rich pharmacology and scientific content, representing the Chinese people's understanding of medical herbs and their concern for their own bodies.

The Book of Changes is known as the "First National Studies" and the "Ancient Eastern Strange Book". The "General Knowledge of the Book of Changes" written by the renowned scholar of the Book of Changes, Wang Zhenfu, not only introduces the basic knowledge of reading the Book of Changes, but also provides a detailed analysis of the symbols, patterns, and corresponding language related to the Book of Changes. It outlines the three thousand year history of the Book of Changes and its global influence, opening the door to the world of the Book of Changes for readers. "The 'General Education' series of books not only meets the reading needs of readers, but also adapts to the direction of our cultural construction. Whether my 'General Education' is right or not remains to be verified by readers," said Wang Zhenfu.

Leave behind our era's general education textbooks, gather first-class scholars, and integrate classics into the representation of the body and mind | Chinese people | era

"In the process of writing, I attempted to bridge the two classic works taught at Tongji University over the past decade," The Analects "and" The New Language of the World "- which I refer to as" bilingual teaching "." The New Language of the World "is not just a novel, it should be a text that connects the two major categories of" zi "and" shi ". Liu Qiang believes that" general education "includes three aspects: first, integration, which is the integration of the academic development history, internal mechanism, and logic of a text;"; Secondly, convergence refers to the spatial integration of relevant previous research and domestic and foreign research; Thirdly, "Clear and concise" should be a text that combines academic, general, and popular elements. It is hoped that the "Chinese Classic General Education" series of books can lead readers to immerse themselves in the ocean of classics.

"The ancients said that if you read three hundred Tang poems proficiently, you can recite them even if you don't know how to recite them." Three Hundred Tang Poems "was a good reading material for the enlightenment of Tang poetry in the past, and it is also a classic reading book of Tang poetry today. I wrote" General Knowledge of Three Hundred Tang Poems "in the form of thematic lectures to enhance readability and fun. Zhou Xinglu summarized Tang poetry as" the flower of human nature and the essence of language "." Through translation and dissemination, Tang poetry showcases the aesthetic landscape of excellent Chinese literature and art to the world. "Three Hundred Tang Poems" is the artistic essence of China as a poetic country, and also a beautiful business card for the opening up of Chinese poetry culture to foreign exchanges. "

Leave behind our era's general education textbooks, gather first-class scholars, and integrate classics into the representation of the body and mind | Chinese people | era

"The older generation has led us into the door of traditional culture, and we have a responsibility to guide and provide direction for the next generation to enter traditional culture." Wang Jiakui said that due to the promotion of Li Shizhen's films, stamps, literature, and even music works, Li Shizhen has become a well-known "public figure". The title of "Compendium of Materia Medica" is well-known to everyone, but few have the opportunity to open a book and read it briefly; Even if you skim through a few pages, it's hard to figure out what's going on, and a feeling of "unknowingly sharp" arises naturally. Therefore, it is necessary to write a "general knowledge" book for readers outside of the field of Chinese herbal medicine. "Wang Jiakui extracted two sentences from this book:" The first sentence is from the classic formula category of the "Yi Wen Zhi" in the "Book of Han", which is the original meaning of medicinal books. The second sentence is from Confucius' words, 'I know more about the names of birds, animals, plants, and trees.' The connection between herbal medicine and culture lies in this. Objectively speaking, for readers outside the traditional medical industry, "Compendium of Materia Medica" is not a must read book. I hope that readers can understand the general outline of herbal medicine through this "general knowledge". If there is special research needs, they can also quickly find answers in the original text based on the clues provided in the small book. "

"General knowledge, first and foremost, lies in communication." Romance of the Three Kingdoms "is deeply ingrained in the daily lives of Chinese people. I want to integrate this popular novel into the overall context of popular literature and art. Only by having a comprehensive understanding of the characters, plot, and concepts in the novel can one avoid falling into the trap of reading easily. Secondly, knowledge, firstly, employs many oral stories, theatrical expressions, and publishing anecdotes that are not well understood by ordinary readers. Secondly, insight, hoping to break away from the" Three Kingdoms "and read" The Three Kingdoms "when discussing different topics. Thirdly, intelligence, ancient classics are the crystallization of human nature, and human nature is complex. We read classics." "Facing both the ancients and the present. Starting from human nature, we can better understand the ancients and also face the present better," said Xu Wei.

Leave behind our era's general education textbooks, gather first-class scholars, and integrate classics into the representation of the body and mind | Chinese people | era

"Classics not only require guidance, but also need to be read by first-class scholars. The authors of the 'General Knowledge of Chinese Classics' series have good oral and written skills, and are distributed among the old, middle, and young generations, which can leave us with general knowledge books of our era. Professor Chen Zhenghong from Fudan University, who came to the scene as a reader, is currently writing' General Knowledge of Records of the Grand Historian '.". Chen Yinchi revealed that the third volume of the "Chinese Classic General Education" series has been actively planned and looks forward to meeting readers soon.

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