Repairing years of diplomatic rifts is the trend! UAE and Qatar reopen embassies to each other | Qatar | UAE

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:23 PM

The Middle East region has added a new wave of flowers to the tide. On the 19th local time, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar announced the restoration of their diplomatic missions to each other. After severing diplomatic ties six years ago, the two countries reopened their embassies to each other, which will further normalize and cooperate their relations. The public opinion believes that with the surge of "peace and reconciliation" in the Middle East, the recovery of relations between Qatar and neighboring countries is also a trend.

Reopening the embassy

Based on the Euler Declaration and the common desire of both sides to strengthen bilateral relations, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar have announced the restoration of their diplomatic missions to each other starting from the 19th.

The UAE government has announced that the UAE and Qatar have decided to restore their diplomatic missions to each other, namely the UAE Embassy in Doha, the Qatar Embassy in Abu Dhabi, and the Consulate General in Dubai. This decision will take effect from June 19, 2023.

Qatar's statement stated that the foreign ministers of the two countries have resumed telephone communication with each other's diplomatic missions and congratulated each other.

Analysis suggests that the reopening of embassies between the two countries marks a further normalization and cooperation in their relationship. This will promote political, economic, and cultural exchanges between the two countries, as well as further promote regional unity and stability.

In June 2017, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Qatar and imposed sanctions and blockades on it, citing Qatar's support for terrorism and the disruption of regional security. The Qatari government denies the above allegations.

The public opinion points out that the 2017 "diplomatic dispute" was not a cold day. Previously, Qatar openly supported the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and other regional organizations seen as security threats by countries such as Saudi Arabia, which greatly angered Saudi Arabia. In addition, Qatar has close relations with Türkiye and Iran, which also creates cracks in Qatar's relations with other Arab countries.

There are also many differences between the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. Reuters reported that for many years, the two countries have been in fierce competition in terms of regional influence, the role of Islam in politics, and support for regional organizations.

However, in 2021, with the 41st Gulf Cooperation Council summit held in the western Saudi city of Euler, participating leaders signed the Euler Declaration at the summit, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt announced the resumption of diplomatic relations with Qatar. This opened a new chapter in promoting regional security and stability, and thereafter all parties began to advance the process of resuming diplomatic relations.

The general trend

The public opinion believes that with the acceleration of the "peace and reconciliation" movement, the awareness of unity and self-improvement among regional countries is constantly increasing, which is a major prerequisite for the reopening of embassies between the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

On the one hand, a major reason for the Qatar diplomatic crisis is that Qatar is closer to Iran. But with the facilitation of China, Iran and Saudi Arabia resumed diplomatic relations that had been interrupted for seven years in April this year, and the recovery of Qatar's relations with neighboring countries has become a trend.

On the 6th of this month, the Iranian Embassy in Saudi Arabia reopened. On the 17th of this month, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal visited Iran for the first time in 7 years and met with Iranian President Lech, marking further reconciliation between the two countries.

Qatar's Al Jazeera television station stated that after the reconciliation between the two countries, the hostile sentiment in the Gulf region has also eased. In addition to Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Qatar, whose resumption of diplomatic relations was temporarily delayed, also announced their agreement to officially resume diplomatic relations in April this year.

On the other hand, Türkiye, which has close relations with Qatar, has also begun to ease its relations with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia in recent years. Last year, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed paid an official visit to Türkiye, and the two sides said they would open a new era of comprehensive cooperation in various fields.

In this regard, analysis suggests that the further recovery of relations between Qatar and neighboring countries marks the complete resolution of the Qatar diplomatic crisis. This reflects the reshaping of the regional political landscape characterized by long-term conflict and confrontation. With the end of the era of US dominance, regional countries are actively seeking new positioning and prioritizing their economy and development.

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