Why hasn't anyone paid attention to the pedestrian trap after being complained about for six months?, This short 50 meter sidewalk hides multiple deep pits

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 23:31 PM

"I accidentally stepped on it and almost fell off!"

At the beginning of 2023, Mr. Li, a citizen, was walking near the Fengbang subway station on Line 14 of Caoan Highway at night when the light was quite dim. He accidentally stepped on a damaged manhole cover and almost had an accident. Recently, Mr. Li passed through here again, and the original damaged manhole cover was missing, leaving only the exposed wellhead. Worried about pedestrian accidents, he left a message on the Jiefang Daily Shangguan News Interactive Platform, hoping to receive attention from relevant departments.

According to Mr. Li, there are more than one places around the Fengbang subway station that affect traffic, and "there are several missing manhole covers alone."

Why hasn't anyone paid attention to the pedestrian trap after being complained about for six months?, This short 50 meter sidewalk hides multiple deep pits

Caoan Highway is the Jiading section of G312 National Highway and is a major transportation artery. Fengbang Metro Station is the starting station of Line 14, responsible for the transportation of people in Jiangqiao Town and surrounding areas of Jiading District. Why are there so many problems in such an important location? The reporter conducted an investigation.

How the sidewalk has become a "pedestrian trap area"

On the afternoon of August 29th, the reporter arrived at the scene. After reaching the ground from Exit 4 of Fengbang Metro Station on Line 14, there is the pedestrian walkway south of Caoan Highway. Heading west for about 100 meters, near the shoulder of the road, there is a drainage well with two adjacent wellheads. One of the wellheads is prominently open, revealing a square sewer with a black hole.

Why hasn't anyone paid attention to the pedestrian trap after being complained about for six months?, This short 50 meter sidewalk hides multiple deep pits

On the west side of Exit 4 of Fengbang Metro Station, the drainage well is exposed on the sidewalk.

The reporter looked down along the wellhead, and the height of the wellhead from the water surface inside the well was about 1 meter. The wellhead, which is about 50 centimeters long and 30 centimeters wide, is exposed, with the only cover being a cement strip placed on the diagonal of the wellhead. Citizens traveling from west to east to the subway station are likely to fall into a well if they are not careful. The reporter saw that it may be to remind passing citizens that there is a red and white triangular cone outside the wellhead, which has been flattened and folded in half, and the skin has faded and damaged. From a distance, it looks more like a garbage bag that has been thrown everywhere, inconspicuous, and difficult to produce a warning effect.

After crossing the Caoan Highway from the zebra crossing, the reporter arrived near Exit 5 of Fengbang Subway Station. Heading west, in a non motorized vehicle parking lot adjacent to the exit, the reporter saw three bulky cement isolation piers standing crookedly upright. Moving forward, on the sidewalk near the intersection, the reporter saw another sewer well. Unlike the previous one, this wellhead is completely covered by a curved cement board. The reporter lifted the cement board and found that the wellhead also lacked the originally equipped manhole cover, so cement boards were used instead to cover the wellhead. The color of the cement board is similar to that of the floor tiles, but the height is about 5 centimeters higher. If not careful, it is easy to trip over it.

Why hasn't anyone paid attention to the pedestrian trap after being complained about for six months?, This short 50 meter sidewalk hides multiple deep pits

The cement board became a temporary manhole cover.

Moving forward, not far away is another well without a manhole cover. There are some plastic products piled up in the well, and a red plastic pile with a "submarine floor drain" is placed at the top to remind pedestrians that there is no manhole cover here.

A manhole cover for a drainage well is missing, and red stakes have been placed as a warning.

Why hasn't anyone paid attention to the pedestrian trap after being complained about for six months?, This short 50 meter sidewalk hides multiple deep pits

Mr. Li said that after discovering the problem of missing manhole covers earlier this year, he reported it to the relevant government departments through different channels. At the beginning of his response, he received a response that the area was under construction, so there are currently some conditions on the sidewalk. At the beginning of the year, this section of the road was indeed under construction, and I thought it would be restored after the construction was completed. After the engineering team withdrew, the missing manhole cover on the sidewalk was not replaced.

Cement blocks occupying the road, garbage and weeds everywhere

In addition to the lack of manhole covers, Mr. Li also reported issues with pedestrian walkways such as multiple stone barriers. Mr. Li said that many isolation piers were stacked on the sidewalk beside Cao'an Highway, and the most serious part almost occupied two-thirds of the sidewalk, and the tactile paving was also divided into two sections. "A few days ago, I saw that the isolation pier had been removed, but I didn't expect it to be placed back today."

Why hasn't anyone paid attention to the pedestrian trap after being complained about for six months?, This short 50 meter sidewalk hides multiple deep pits

The stone pier stacking point mentioned by Mr. Li is located on the sidewalk section outside Liancheng Group at 3616 Caoan Road. The reporter continued to head west towards the area. On the way, the reporter saw another square cement hole about 5 centimeters above the road surface, which was left for unknown purposes. Inside, some beverage bottles and other garbage were discarded. Four 3-centimeter long thin steel bars protrude from the edge of the cement hole. If pedestrians accidentally stumble at night, these exposed steel bars may cause more serious damage.

A raised cement hole on the sidewalk can easily trip pedestrians.

Under the traffic lights near the entrance of Liancheng Group, about half of the width of the sidewalk is occupied by 8 disorderly cement stone piers, with a blue traffic sign facing the road next to one pier that reads "Water accumulation ahead, no overpass, vehicles turning around". However, there is not a large area of water accumulation around, and it seems that the sign has not been taken away since its previous use and is left here. In the gap between the cement piers, no one knows who has discarded the white foam board, supermarket disposable paper cups, black plastic baskets, ice cream packaging bags, abandoned warning posts and other garbage.

Why hasn't anyone paid attention to the pedestrian trap after being complained about for six months?, This short 50 meter sidewalk hides multiple deep pits

A large number of cement piers are piled up on the sidewalk.

On the nearby sidewalk, weeds grow vigorously in the gaps between the bricks. The surface of the bricks is covered with a layer of dark green moss, indicating that this section of the road has been neglected for a long time and has become a neglected corner of urban roads.

The sidewalks along Caoan Highway are overgrown with weeds.

Why hasn't anyone paid attention to the pedestrian trap after being complained about for six months?, This short 50 meter sidewalk hides multiple deep pits

About 50 meters to the west, five concrete piers have also been stacked under a power pole. The gap has also become a "temporary dump". Plastic bags, dry grass, etc. are everywhere. The tactile paving has been cut in two by three piers.

Cement stone piers are piled up haphazardly on the sidewalk, and a large amount of garbage is casually discarded without anyone cleaning it up.

This section of road with missing manhole covers and disorderly stacking of cement piers is located in Jiangqiao Town, Jiading District. The reporter contacted the People's Government of Jiangqiao Town. The staff replied to the reporter that they had received complaints about the relevant issues of this section earlier. As Caoan Road is a municipal level road with complex ownership, although it is within the jurisdiction of Jiangqiao Town, the maintenance unit is the Municipal Urban Operation Company. The staff stated that the town and city transportation center has reported and circulated the complaint through a grid platform, and will also send personnel to handle the on-site issues temporarily in advance.

Why hasn't anyone paid attention to the pedestrian trap after being complained about for six months?, This short 50 meter sidewalk hides multiple deep pits

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