Who has the best and longest lasting water quality, and the most stable water ecological purification system? The female chief designer tells you that the Shanghai Artificial Lake Team | Ecology | Artificial Lake

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:13 AM

Here, from a scattered small tributary and Duantou River, it has become the artificial lake with the best water quality, longest duration, and most stable water ecological purification system in Shanghai. Today, the "fish of Shanghai" in Fengxian New City is increasingly clear and visible against the backdrop of blue sky and white clouds.

The so-called Yi person is on the side of the water. Since the thematic demonstration on water eutrophication in 2010, Professor Wang Liqing's team has formed a 13 year "fish water relationship" with this "big fish". As the chief designer of the aquatic ecology of this area, and as the head of the newly established Shanghai Ocean University Water Ecological Research Institute - Shanghai Fish Demonstration and Exhibition Base, she and her team have revitalized Jinhai Lake with a grass, a fish, and a pond of water, bringing vitality to Fengxian City and happiness to the hearts of the people.

Professor Wang Liqing led a team at the Fish Water in Shanghai

"Produce" the most ecological water at the lowest cost

Who has the best and longest lasting water quality, and the most stable water ecological purification system? The female chief designer tells you that the Shanghai Artificial Lake Team | Ecology | Artificial Lake

Many people do not believe that such a large body of water can have such stable and clean water for the water management of "Shanghai Fish". Industry insiders have come in droves, marveling at the "clear water" while also questioning, "Did you add medicine? Why can the water be so clear?"

Similar doubts make the team laugh and cry. Xue Xiaohui, the head of team operation and maintenance, calculated that if traditional equipment processing methods are used, it would cost approximately 0.2 to 0.5 yuan per ton of water per day; If pure water ecological treatment is used, the cost of water treatment will suddenly decrease by more than four or five times at only 0.04 yuan per ton of water per day.

The "ecological fish" produced by Shanghai's fish are caught by cormorant fishing, and the results are given to nursing homes for free

Not following the equipment treatment method, the team has its own self-made ecological governance "prescription": first cut off external pollution within the area to prevent sewage from flowing in; Designing underwater terrain, creating habitats for submerged plants, breeding aquatic plants, and constructing a de eutrophication aquatic ecosystem... As a result, a "clear water, fish swimming, and beautiful scenery" aquatic ecosystem is gradually formed.

Who has the best and longest lasting water quality, and the most stable water ecological purification system? The female chief designer tells you that the Shanghai Artificial Lake Team | Ecology | Artificial Lake

In recent years, Wang Liqing's team has led and participated in the development of more than 10 industry guidelines and regulations, owning more than 40 patents and integrated technologies. They have formed more than 30 technologies in six modules, including "health assessment, ecological interception, in-situ purification, enhanced restoration, smart ecology, and management and maintenance", and established a comprehensive water environment ecological governance technology system.

Today, I picked up a silver carp weighing over 20 pounds

Walking around the repair site twice is very healing in my heart

In fact, this team has learned more from failures and gained more successful experiences than others. The water environment restoration of "Shanghai Fish" has just begun. They have planted short bitter grass in the shallow coastal areas, like underwater lawns laid on the bottom of the water, and the underwater landscape is very beautiful. Unexpectedly, that winter in Shanghai was extremely cold, with a sudden drop in water levels. All the dwarf bitter grass was exposed to the air, and the wet water on the grass was covered with a layer of ice.

Who has the best and longest lasting water quality, and the most stable water ecological purification system? The female chief designer tells you that the Shanghai Artificial Lake Team | Ecology | Artificial Lake

Wang Liqing was so anxious that tears welled up in her eyes: "If these short bitter grasses don't grow, the underwater landscape here will be ruined next year." Fortunately, in the second year, after being exposed to freezing for two weeks, the short bitter grasses gradually grew again, which also gave the team an inspiration: this bitter herb is not only short but also cold resistant. After 10 years of cultivation, the dwarf bitter grass has gone through nearly 20 generations, not only able to maintain evergreen, but also able to withstand cold and heat throughout the four seasons.

Whenever Wang Liqing sees a previously dirty, black, or turbid "Class V" water body that has undergone ecological management and restoration, her overall appearance has been rejuvenated, and she feels proud that her profession has a place to use. "When you have free time or under a lot of pressure, take a walk around the repaired project site and watch the clear water. When various fish swim leisurely and happily in the water, your heart will be very healed."

Direct delivery to local elderly care institutions

The "Rebirth" water body covers an area of 6 West Lakes

Who has the best and longest lasting water quality, and the most stable water ecological purification system? The female chief designer tells you that the Shanghai Artificial Lake Team | Ecology | Artificial Lake

Through the efforts of Wang Liqing's team, from ecological restoration of wetlands and lakes, ecological management of rivers and landscape water bodies, to water quality protection of water sources, nearly 37 million square meters of water in more than 560 water bodies in 23 provinces and cities across the country have been revitalized, with a water area equivalent to six West Lakes.

Only in terms of the small and large rivers, including the "Village Gouzhai River", the team has adopted integrated ecological technology according to local conditions in the first "Most Beautiful River" in Shanghai, such as Sanxiangou, as well as in Ningbo, Wuxi, Nantong, Ji'an, Chongqing, Hefei and other places, treating more than 200 rivers, nearly 240 kilometers, restoring the natural ecological landscape effect of clear water, clean surface, and fish swimming.

Wang Liqing tells the story of a drop of water to the students

Urgently managing water is also busy educating people. Liberation Daily's Shangguan News reporter learned that after teaching for more than 30 years, Wang Liqing still insists on teaching at the front line for undergraduate and graduate students. The "Aquatic Biology" course she is responsible for constructing has been rated as a "Shanghai Excellent Course", and has successively edited and participated in the compilation of three relevant university textbooks. Over the years, she has trained more than 70 outstanding master's and doctoral students for society, and during winter and summer vacations, she leads students to solve practical problems on site. "I hope to continue my experience in water environment ecological governance, enhance the influence of Shanghai Ocean University in the field of national water ecological restoration, and also cultivate a large number of talents in the field of ecological protection.".

Who has the best and longest lasting water quality, and the most stable water ecological purification system? The female chief designer tells you that the Shanghai Artificial Lake Team | Ecology | Artificial Lake
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