The concert sang in the Old Summer Palace. "My hometown is very pleasant. Kwai dialect Macintosh contest" attracted 2 billion people to watch music | dialect | Macintosh

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 06:30 AM

The local dialect carries the local sentiment, while the dialect holds hands with the local friendship. Last night, the closing show of "My hometown is very pleasant to listen to - Kwai dialect Macba contest" - the dialect Macba concert was held in Beijing Yuanmingyuan. The unique concert lit up this cultural treasure house. More than 30 musicians from all over the country gathered together, speaking "Eastern and Western languages" and singing "Southern and Northern tunes", praising and blessing their hometown, as well as expressing their deep longing for their hometown with the audience.

The dialect Maiba concert is guided by the Propaganda Department of the Haidian District Committee of the Communist Party of China, supported by the Haidian District Yuanmingyuan Management Office, Haidian District Cultural Development Promotion Center, supported by the special media of, hosted by Kwai, and exclusively named as Hongqi HS3. This event is the first performance of the 2023 Zhongguancun Music Season.

100 million viewers watched live streaming

As the saying goes, one land nurtures another people. Local language is a specific communication medium, and folk songs and ballads are expressions and sustenance of life and emotions. Singing in dialect is a form of psychological identification and a cohesion of strength. Since the launch of the "My hometown sounds good, Kwai Dialect Macba Competition", every song in every chapter, whether it is a folk tune that has been sung for a hundred years or a new song that musicians have created based on the culture of their hometown, is full of strong flavor of hometown.

At the concert venue, the audience interacted enthusiastically.

This time, the Dialect Maiba Music Concert is divided into three chapters: "Hometown · Yao", "Hometown · Emotion", and "Hometown · Song". It brings together four initiators from the east, west, north, and south, including Gem Gem, Hammer Narissa, Song Muzi, and Zhang Gacheng. Ajian is also known as the "Songman", Zheng Xiangdong, Runxia - also known as Dudu and Nadahan, as well as dialect music experts from various regions. Over ten exciting performances are presented, showcasing the charm of dialects through classic choirs, popular cross-talk, and folk song adaptations. The online Kwai live broadcast room was broadcast synchronously, attracting more than 100 million viewers.

The song "Clouds of Hometown" kicked off the concert. "The clouds drifting over my hometown in the sky are constantly calling to me..." The unintentional "clouds" that come one after another are greetings from my hometown relatives, a call to return home as soon as possible, and also a nostalgic expression for my hometown by wanderers. The heartfelt singing of Wuhan folk song creator Feng Xiang and four famous singers and dialect music experts instantly moved everyone on site and ignited the enthusiasm of the whole audience.

The concert sang in the Old Summer Palace. "My hometown is very pleasant. Kwai dialect Macintosh contest" attracted 2 billion people to watch music | dialect | Macintosh

In the performance of the popular song "Zhou Zhou".

Subsequently, dialect music enthusiasts presented the hot songs of the competition. Zheng Xiangdong from Chengdu, Sichuan and Jiangnan Rhyme from Nantong, Jiangsu combine the collision of trendy Bbox and tender Pingtan to creatively perform the hot song "Zhou Zhou" in the competition. Liu Xuekun from Anshan, Liaoning, Xin'er Babe, a summer flower girl from Tangshan, Hebei, Bai Zihang from Changji, Xinjiang, Li Aixiao from Changchun, Jilin, and Fu Boyuan from Tianjin, with their unique northern style, brought the audience into the unrestrained Northeast style of the main street in their song "Life's Collisions and Collisions". The Potato Kingdom band brought the popular original song "Brave Burst" to the audience, planting a seed in their hearts.

The outbreak of Mandarin in various regions

In the enthusiastic atmosphere of the concert, four music initiators worked together with dialect music experts to bring back memories of local folk songs.

Zhang Gacheng, a western initiator from Baiyin, Gansu, and his music partners Lei Puyuan and Gao Zilun brought new folk rhymes such as "Falling in Love" and "Afraid of Granny", which brought laughter. Ren Laohan from Yulin, Shaanxi sang "99 bends of the Yellow River in the Central Plains Mandarin", using a unique tone to lead the audience to experience the grandeur and boldness of the northwest.

The northern initiator of Changchun, Jilin, Gem Gem, teamed up with fellow villager Nadahan to showcase the charm of Northeastern Mandarin through the combination of Northeastern rap and folk songs in "Little Treasure" and "Moonlight, Bright, and Quiet Wind".

Hot songs and vigorous dances sing praises to hometown.

The concert sang in the Old Summer Palace. "My hometown is very pleasant. Kwai dialect Macintosh contest" attracted 2 billion people to watch music | dialect | Macintosh

Song Muzi, the southern initiator of Liuzhou, Guangxi, together with Xiner Babe and Li Aixiao, the summer flower girls of the "husband and wife show", presented the audience with "Rose, Rose, I Love You" and the poem "Queqiao Immortal, the Clever Cloud" on the eve of Qixi Festival.

The eastern initiator of Yancheng, Jiangsu, Hammer Na Lisa, collaborated with Zheng Xiangdong and Bai Zihang to sing classic folk songs such as "Jasmine Flower", "Chengdu Longmen Formation", and "Youth Dance" in Jianghuai Mandarin, Southwest Mandarin, and Lanyin Mandarin, harmoniously and with a touch of fantasy.

Traditional tunes and trendy singing

At the concert, musicians from all over the country also joined forces to sing the unique local culture of their hometown.

Beijing independent musician Lin Xuan, along with actors from Zhongguancun International Dance Center and Asia Beauty Youth Art Troupe, brought a stunning song and dance show called "Three Mountains and Five Gardens". This selected dance segment from the original dance drama "Cao Xueqin" combined with the song "Three Mountains and Five Gardens" cleverly tells the inheritance of Beijing style culture.

A floating duckweed from Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, brings a song called "Bao Shan Ming: Playing Suona", which uses modern fashion to make traditional folk music more visible to more people.

Chen Yipeng, a promoter of Cantonese opera culture in Maoming, Guangxi, collaborated with the Jiangnan Rhyme Group to perform traditional Chinese opera ballads such as "The Full Moon and the Beautiful Flowers" and "Slow Voice", allowing the audience to appreciate the gentle and dynamic Jiangnan culture through gentle language.

The concert sang in the Old Summer Palace. "My hometown is very pleasant. Kwai dialect Macintosh contest" attracted 2 billion people to watch music | dialect | Macintosh

Feng Xiang, Bee Play Music, and Sisi and Sail Band from the "Two Lakes Region" express a strong sense of hometown sentiment in their hometown ballads "Horse Riding Dudu" and "Hanyangmen Garden".

At the end of the concert, four dialect music experts led the singing of "Eternal Friendship", blending the local dialect culture from all over the world into one song, sparking enthusiastic choir performances from the audience.

It is understood that "My hometown is very pleasant to listen to. The Kwai Dialect Macintosh Competition" was launched on July 21. Since its launch, it has received more than 500000 works from all over the country, with an accumulated online audience of more than 2 billion people. The competition went through three topic challenge competitions and four live PK performances, and finally ended with a brilliant "Dialect Maiba Concert". Ajian, Zheng Xiangdong, Runxia - also known as Dudu, and Nadahan ultimately won four spots in the dialect music championship, becoming the best dialect music promoter in this competition.

The opening of this new track of "dialect+music" music has aroused people's deep emotions towards their hometown and demonstrated unique regional cultural charm.

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