The 4000 yuan plan doesn't work? Is the software modified by the "P Diagram God"? The "runaway" filling market urgently needs to standardize schools | voluntary | P-chart deity

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:14 AM

"If we had known it wouldn't be reliable, we would have prepared it ourselves earlier and wouldn't have crammed for it." On the evening of June 28th, Ms. Wang and her husband lit the lights and searched for professional information from various universities until late at night. The next morning, her daughter, who had taken the Zhejiang college entrance examination, was about to fill out her college entrance examination application, taking an important step in her life.

For the sake of volunteering, as early as half a year ago, while her daughter was still busy preparing for the college entrance examination, Ms. Wang had already found a "college entrance examination volunteer planning organization" in Qingpu, Shanghai, and paid nearly 4000 yuan to purchase the "Great Future College Entrance Examination Planning Navigation Team Service". After the daughter's college entrance examination ended, she repeatedly urged her to submit her application plan until the afternoon before filling out her application. However, it did not match the application intention proposed by Ms. Wang in advance.

Faced with their children's voluntary application, many parents are willing to spend high costs. Is the service that can be exchanged for money of considerable value? The reporter conducted an investigation.

The plan was only sent the night before filling out the form

The 4000 yuan plan doesn't work? Is the software modified by the "P Diagram God"? The "runaway" filling market urgently needs to standardize schools | voluntary | P-chart deity

When it comes to the reason for spending nearly 4000 yuan on services, Ms. Wang is very saddened. "Around December last year, my daughter's teacher shared a QR code that was related to filling out voluntary applications and suggested that parents with needs scan the code. After scanning the QR code, she entered a WeChat group, where the group owner claimed to be a teacher from the" Big Future "organization.". In group chat, every few days, the staff will share course video links, which are related to the skills of filling out college entrance examination preferences. In the previous courses, the lecturers of "Big Future" analyzed the new college entrance examination model, admission rules, and so on. Ms. Wang listened carefully to the course and felt that she spoke very well.

△ Course videos in WeChat groups.

Gradually, the course content shifted to introducing the college entrance examination volunteer filling service provided by "Da Future", providing a total of 4 volunteer filling plans, each of which can be modified according to the opinions of parents, adding up to a total of 8 times.

Under the influence of the course video, Ms. Wang felt it was necessary to prepare her daughter's volunteer application in advance. Once again, the group leader released a message stating that they were offering a discount of over 500 yuan, but now they only need less than 4000 yuan. Inspired by this, on the evening of January 5, 2023, Ms. Wang paid 3980 yuan to "Big Future" Education through WeChat.

The 4000 yuan plan doesn't work? Is the software modified by the "P Diagram God"? The "runaway" filling market urgently needs to standardize schools | voluntary | P-chart deity

Ms. Wang paid 3980 yuan to "Big Future" Education.

After purchasing the service, an assistant from "Big Future" added Ms. Wang for communication. At the time nodes of "Simulation 1", "Simulation 2" and three times before the college entrance examination, he provided Ms. Wang with three volunteer filling schemes. "The first time was okay, but the second time I didn't think it was very reliable." Ms. Wang told the assistant about her intended professional scope and the expected city range of the school during the communication, but the plan provided by the assistant was "filled in all of China, southeast, northwest, northwest, and not specifically designed for her daughter.".

On June 25th, as soon as she received her daughter's college entrance examination results, Ms. Wang immediately sent them to her assistant, fearing that it would delay the final and most important filling out of her volunteer plan. Until the day before filling out the application on June 28th, the assistant still had no news, and according to Ms. Wang's local requirements, the deadline for filling out the application was on the afternoon of June 30th. Ms. Wang was a little worried. She sent a message at 9 am to urge him to ask when he could give the volunteer program. The reply she received was "this afternoon". At 5 pm, Ms. Wang received a notification and logged into her account on the computer side webpage of Da Future, receiving the plan. The assistant reminded her, "After reviewing the plan, if there are any areas of dissatisfaction, they can be organized into text and sent over at once, with only one opportunity for modification."

"I will start filling out my preferences tomorrow morning, and you have only given me the plan now. You said I am not satisfied with anything!" Ms. Wang expressed her dissatisfaction directly on WeChat. Regarding Ms. Wang's questioning of providing the plan time too late, the assistant replied that the plan was provided the day before filling out the application, and parents had ample time to provide further modification suggestions based on the plan. The reason for the delay in providing the plan was that it needed to be based on the June 26th stage by stage table and expert review.

The 4000 yuan plan doesn't work? Is the software modified by the "P Diagram God"? The "runaway" filling market urgently needs to standardize schools | voluntary | P-chart deity

On July 5th, the reporter learned from Ms. Wang that after mediation by the Shanghai market supervision department, the other party agreed to provide a full refund to Ms. Wang after reviewing the materials.

The predecessor of the software was the P-graph god?

Many parents, like Ms. Wang, are concerned about their children's volunteer application. In addition to seeking help from volunteer organizations, some parents also turn to volunteer application software.

The reporter learned that there are many complaints from citizens about software for filling out volunteer services. Ms. Wu called the 12345 Shanghai Citizen Service Hotline to report that she downloaded the "Expert App for College Entrance Examination Volunteer Application". In order to find information about the school's admission scores, she paid 199 yuan according to the software guidelines to open a membership. However, after paying, she found that many school information could not be found, which was not much different from what she had learned through public channels. She also did not receive a response when applying for a refund. Another citizen also paid 199 yuan to become a member of the software, but after comparing and verifying with historical information, he found that there were many errors in the information for 2021 and 2022.

The 4000 yuan plan doesn't work? Is the software modified by the "P Diagram God"? The "runaway" filling market urgently needs to standardize schools | voluntary | P-chart deity

Mr. Chen, a citizen, purchased two different volunteer application software for his child, paying 78 yuan and 388 yuan respectively. However, after using the payment, he realized that "the data information is not very new and cannot be referenced." He applied for a refund through Apple customer service, but failed twice due to "not meeting the refund conditions," and nearly 500 yuan was lost.

The reporter searched the App Store using the keyword "voluntary application" and found that there are many related software, mostly using words similar to the keyword as the software name, which has attracted many parents and candidates to download.

The reporter selected several software with high download volume to try downloading, and found that these software generally charge high fees, often hundreds of yuan. The first software displayed in the search bar is "Yili College Entrance Examination Volunteer", which will be charged at an annual price of 298 yuan after a free trial of 3 days. However, the reporter attempted to find that the most basic function of querying university admission score lines cannot be used, for example, after entering Fudan University and Peking University, the displayed content is a blank interface.

In the "Youxuan" app, you can submit your college entrance examination region, score, subject category, and score ranking with just one click to fill out your application. For the first free attempt, the software recommended 24 preferences based on the data submitted by the reporter, with "Chong" and "Bao" accounting for half and "Stable" accounting for half. The volunteer information includes basic information such as the address of the school's educational center, codes, planned enrollment numbers, and historical information of admissions in the past three years. Afterwards, you need to purchase a "volunteer card" for a minimum of 388 yuan to use this feature.

The 4000 yuan plan doesn't work? Is the software modified by the "P Diagram God"? The "runaway" filling market urgently needs to standardize schools | voluntary | P-chart deity

The recommended preferences do not match the information provided.

The other version of "College Entrance Examination Volunteer Guidance" requires payment upon opening the homepage, divided into two categories: an annual VIP of 98 yuan and a 7-day experience membership of 28 yuan. Without payment, the button to access the software's functions cannot be found. After entering the software and inputting scores and other information, the recommended choices were illogical. Even though the journalist simulated inputting high scores from around 1000 students in Shanghai, all the recommended choices were from vocational colleges across the country with admission scores of over 200, making it impossible to provide any assistance in filling out the choices. Upon careful examination of the software, the reporter also noticed that in the privacy policy information of the software, it was written that "in order to facilitate your better use of P Image God," it is likely that this software was hastily modified based on an entertainment software, and whether it has professionalism is self-evident.

In the privacy policy information of the software, it is written "For the convenience of better use of P Image God".

Causing a large number of complaints is closely related to price chaos, uneven service quality, and lack of standardized supervision. We hope that the market for filling out college entrance examination preferences can receive attention from regulatory authorities and regulate prices and service standards.

The 4000 yuan plan doesn't work? Is the software modified by the "P Diagram God"? The "runaway" filling market urgently needs to standardize schools | voluntary | P-chart deity

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