Their mortal acts add a touch of brilliance to this city, and Shanghai recognizes 10 heroic models who have shown bravery and righteousness

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 22:04 PM

Facing his trapped neighbor, he bravely rushed into the sea of fire to rescue him; Facing the knife wielding criminal who was committing the crime, he rushed forward without hesitation to stop it; Faced with an elderly person suffering from a sudden illness on the roadside, she took the initiative to take them to the hospital for rescue

Yesterday morning, the Shanghai Municipal Commendation Conference for Heroic Models of Righteousness was held, and 10 brave citizens were awarded the Shanghai Municipal Certificate and Trophy for Heroic Models of Righteousness. Their examples are representative of many heroic acts of righteousness and bravery in Shanghai in recent years. These ordinary acts of kindness have added a touch of brightness to this warm city of Shanghai.

Have courage and skills to save people

The 10 citizens who were commended this time have a significant age difference, ranging from elderly and robust individuals to mature and stable middle-aged individuals, as well as young and energetic individuals. The oldest is 69 years old, while the youngest is only 17 years old. Their identities also vary, including security guards, cabin crew members, doctors, company employees, as well as students and retired workers. But at critical moments and critical moments, they all showed great courage.

Zeng Lingping, who lives in the cultural community of Sanjiaoyang Community in Fengcheng Town, climbed all the way to the fourth floor with the help of anti-theft fences, drainage pipes, and air conditioning external unit brackets on the exterior wall after thick smoke and sparks blocked the road leading to the third floor. The whole process was extremely thrilling.

"We have received training on how to properly rescue drowning victims." Huang Xing Park security guard and "90s generation" Liu Xiaojin have repeatedly rescued people who jumped into the lake and carried out emergency rescue on the shore, successfully saving multiple lives.

After years of promotion, it has become a consensus among more and more Shanghai citizens to act bravely and wisely in the face of righteousness. Cao Gang, a resident of Changxing Town in Chongming District, successfully rescued trapped individuals from the scene of an open fire by using his learned firefighting knowledge to wet himself with water and covering his mouth and nose with a damp down jacket.

Actively promote the positive energy of being brave and righteous

"Some righteous individuals choose to do good deeds without leaving their names and silently leave the scene, which is a spirit worthy of recognition. However, we still need to improve the discovery mechanism, give them the honors and rewards they deserve, and motivate more people." said Hu Shunkang, Chairman of the Municipal Foundation for Righteous and Brave Persons.

Acting bravely in the face of righteousness is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. In order to continue promoting the spirit of acting bravely in the new era, Shanghai has continuously explored the establishment of a system and norms for acting bravely in the face of righteousness. It has gradually formed a good operating mechanism for the linkage and integration of the Party committee, government, and social organizations. One of the most important aspects is to timely discover and confirm the deeds of those who act bravely in the face of righteousness.

At present, Shanghai has opened up two application channels: recommendation by the political and legal departments and personal self recommendation. After the act of bravery and righteousness occurs, the evaluation committee led by the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the District Committee shall promptly organize the evaluation and recognition, organize the materials of the deeds, commend them within the district, and then report outstanding deeds to the Municipal Evaluation Committee; Individuals can submit their self recommendation through a public website email, and the Municipal Foundation will confirm and evaluate it. At the same time, units such as petition and publicity should promptly promote the deeds and personnel of those who have acted bravely, and actively explore their deeds through real-time screening and search.

"A few days ago, a young man jumped into the water on the Zhapu Road Bridge and bravely rescued a drowning person. Even if he didn't want to declare himself, we would contact him to verify his deeds and commend him," Hu Shunkang said.

In recent years, Shanghai has continuously reported on the deeds of civilian heroes who punish evil and promote good deeds, help the needy, and assist in solving cases and cracking down on crime through media such as television, newspapers, bulletin boards, the internet, and subway car videos, guiding and inspiring more people to practice virtue and goodness, and actively participate in the action of "one person acts bravely, and everyone can do it".

Ensuring institutional safeguards to alleviate future concerns

Liu Huaibang, a 56 year old security guard from Jiuliting Huayuan Community in Songjiang, saw a man holding a fruit knife and injuring a female cleaner in the community while on duty. He immediately stepped forward to fight the man and suffered two knife injuries to his left upper arm and back.

After the incident, the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the District Committee, the Foundation for Good Samaritans, the Security Company, and others not only rewarded and commended Liu Huaibang, but also actively provided assistance for his treatment and recovery in response to his injuries during the fight.

In recent years, Shanghai has attached great importance to the protection of the rights and interests of those who act bravely, and has basically eliminated the occurrence of bleeding, sweating, and shedding tears among those who act bravely.

Since the establishment of the Municipal Foundation for Martyrs and Martyrs, continuous measures have been taken to provide assistance and care to the families of injured, disabled, or sacrificed individuals. Every year during the Spring Festival and hot season, visits and condolences are carried out with emotions, and subsidies and assistance are provided to those who face difficulties in life due to their courageous actions; Decorate and improve the living environment for individual individuals who have fallen into poverty due to disability and have acted bravely. In addition, the foundation also cooperates with insurance and banking enterprises to provide protection and services for those who act bravely. Several citizens who sacrificed their lives for righteousness have received insurance claims ranging from 800000 to over 1 million yuan.

It is worth noting that laws and regulations clearly support the basic concept of exemption from liability for legitimate behavior and self acceptance of risks and self responsibility. For some disputes that may arise during the process of acting bravely, the Municipal Foundation of Justice provides legal aid and protection for the rights and interests of those who act bravely, supporting good people and encouraging them to do good deeds voluntarily, making them feel more secure and secure.

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