
Tan Weiwei and Zhou Shen have all participated in this public welfare project, and the 12th Love Chorus Volunteer was formed by the "East Wind and Cloud Chart" | Music | Zhou Shen
Tan Weiwei and Zhou Shen have all participated in this public welfare project, and the 12th Love Chorus Volunteer was formed by the "East Wind and Cloud Chart" | Music | Zhou Shen

The 30th Oriental Billboard Music Festival is about to be held. On June 13th, Shanghai People's Broadcasting Station's popular music frequency dynamic 101 joined forces with public welfare partners such as Geleliya Art Center and the public welfare organization "One Window Plan" to go to Xingye Primary School in Tianquan County, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province to carry out music teaching activities. Musician Zhang Yanqi is giving a lecture. Musician Zhang Yanqi has been appointed as the music public welfare initiator of the "East Wind and Cloud Chart", and together with volunteers, they have formed the 12th "East Wind and Cloud Chart" Love Chorus here. Xingye Primary School has two campuses, and the Xiakou campus where the choir is visiting currently has 131 students and 19 faculty and staff members. The school offers courses such as Chinese, mathematics, and English, but the teaching resources for music courses are relatively scarce, and teachers from other subjects are also responsible for teaching. In order to make

Remembering Huang Yongyu: Life is like a painting, a hundred years old | Huang Yongyu | Life
Remembering Huang Yongyu: Life is like a painting, a hundred years old | Huang Yongyu | Life

Mr. Huang Yongyu, an artist with significant influence in the contemporary Chinese cultural community, passed away on June 13, 2023 due to illness. Chaohua Weekly published an essay titled "Life is Like a Picture" on February 21, 2021, which tells the story of Mr. Huang Yongyu. This article is launched today to commemorate Mr. Huang Yongyu. The most capable right for the elderly to exercise is the right to recall past events. Huang Yongyu is almost a hundred years old. One day, he remembered drawing an oil painting of fermented soybeans in Hong Kong more than seventy years ago. He arrived in Hong Kong at the age of 24 and lived on Kowloon Road in the New Territories. That is a bay. Jiuhua Path is a catchy name that originated later, originally called Dog Climbing Path. There is a small path that is winding and rugged, and people walk in like dogs crawling. However, later on, this place was very honored. Guo Moruo, Mao Dun, and a large number of exciting people have all lived here. later

Leave behind the last "Blue Rabbit" zodiac stamp, which was once a "Shanghai float". Huang Yongyu passed away at the age of 99 and received it | Magazine | Huang Yongyu
Leave behind the last "Blue Rabbit" zodiac stamp, which was once a "Shanghai float". Huang Yongyu passed away at the age of 99 and received it | Magazine | Huang Yongyu

"Our father Huang Yongyu separated due to illness at 3:43 am on June 13, 2023. We respect his wishes: no farewell or mourning ceremony will be held." On June 14, Huang Yongyu's children Huang Heiman, Huang Heini, and Li Jieqin revealed to the outside world. Huang Yongyu, pen name Huang Xingbing, Huang Niu, Niu Fuzi, was born on July 9, 1924 in Changde County, Hunan Province. Her ancestral home was Fenghuang County, Hunan Province. She is a Tujia ethnic group, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Painting, a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and former director of the Printmaking Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and vice chairman of the Chinese Artists Association. She is an influential artist in contemporary China. Famous writer Shen Congwen is Huang Yongyu's uncle and aunt. In the 1930s and 1940s, Huang Yongyu began creating woodcuts, which later expanded to include oil painting, traditional Chinese painting, sculpture, and craftsmanship

"Snow Cloud" and "Security Field" won "Media Focused Films", and the closing film of "the Belt and Road" Film Week | Media | Snow Cloud
"Snow Cloud" and "Security Field" won "Media Focused Films", and the closing film of "the Belt and Road" Film Week | Media | Snow Cloud

On the evening of June 13, the closing ceremony of the "the Belt and Road" Film Week of the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival was held in Shanghai Pudong Art Museum. A number of honors were announced, including "Media Concerned Filmmakers", "Media Concerned Films", "Most Popular Films", and well-known filmmakers from countries along the "the Belt and Road" gathered. Jin Mei, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Pudong New Area Committee, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and executive deputy director of the Resort Management Committee, Huang Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Pudong New Area Committee and head of the Publicity Department, He Wenquan, director of the Shanghai International Film Festival Center, and Zhao Tao, promotion ambassadors of this year's "the Belt and Road" Film Week, and Lei Jiayin jointly launched a new round of "the Belt and Road" film tour. The closing ceremony of the "the Belt and Road" Film Week brought together a large number of domestic and foreign filmmakers: judges of the 2018 Shanghai Film Festival Grand Prix Award, winners of the 67th Berlin Film Festival Golden Bear Award, Hungary

Do gongs and drums belong to noise? Does live streaming revenue exceed on-site box office? Cross Strait practitioners discussing the inheritance of traditional Chinese opera | education | income
Do gongs and drums belong to noise? Does live streaming revenue exceed on-site box office? Cross Strait practitioners discussing the inheritance of traditional Chinese opera | education | income

In order to better inherit and promote the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, deepen cooperation and exchange, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Forum on "Integration of Education and Art, Empowerment of Intangible Cultural Heritage - Cross Strait Art Education Jointly Promoting Integrated Development" was recently held at the Affiliated School of Drama at Shanghai Theatre Academy. More than a hundred guests from art schools across the Taiwan Strait, renowned theater troupe artists, and others gathered at the White House Theater of the Chinese Opera School to brainstorm around traditional Chinese opera education, new era performance, and more. The challenges faced by practitioners on both sides of the Taiwan Strait for the inheritance and protection of traditional Chinese opera are similar but different. "Most of the theatrical performances in Taiwan are held at temple fairs, and now emphasis is placed on environmental protection. The sound of drums and gongs is considered noise pollution, and there will be reports." Scholar Lin Maoxian admitted, "Many theatrical troupes are family theater troupes, responsible for their own profits and losses. Due to the lack of good scripts, audience loss, parents cannot bear their children's suffering, and inheritance is facing a lack of successors."

Why is Chongming Island known as the "hometown of copper pipes" by the islanders | Life | Memory
Why is Chongming Island known as the "hometown of copper pipes" by the islanders | Life | Memory

Copper pipe music has been introduced to Chongming for over a hundred years, and brass bands have become a traditional form of art closely linked to the daily customs of the islanders. During important events such as festivals, temple fairs, weddings, or sacrifices, one can always see the active figures of the band. At the 6th National Art Exhibition in 1985, an oil painting titled "On the Field of Hope - A Record of the Farmer's Wind Band" won a gold medal in one fell swoop. This oil painting depicts copper pipe bands that have emerged in rural areas since the reform and opening up. The simple looking farmer picked up a shining Western instrument and focused on playing his own music. In fact, copper pipe music is not a new foreign thing for the people of Chongming. The title of "hometown of copper pipes" on Chongming Island has long been well-known. These Western instruments, how could they be on this island with relatively limited information

Let's listen to an AI confession, when everyone is discussing AI, humans | machines | confessions
Let's listen to an AI confession, when everyone is discussing AI, humans | machines | confessions

"Silicon based Monogatari. The Big Bang of AI: ChatGPT → AIGC → GPT-X → AGI Evolution → The Magic Age → The Future of Humanity" is a super long book title. This AI science popularization book, edited by the President of the Quantum School, one of the top ten science popularization education platforms in China, and the winner of the Wenjin Book Award, vividly expresses the technical principles of AI from a first person perspective in a simple and easy to understand way. From history to the future, spanning a hundred years of time and space; From theory to practice, describe case operations; From technology to philosophy, crossing multiple dimensions; From language to painting, to practical exercises, the book provides a series of cutting-edge concepts related to AI, including large models, deep neural networks, Transformers, AIGC, and emergence effects, in a simple and concise manner. Summary of the following content

Talking about "Harmony but Differences", Chinese and foreign judges conduct the final evaluation unit of their works face-to-face at the Shanghai Film Festival | Judges | Chinese and foreign judges
Talking about "Harmony but Differences", Chinese and foreign judges conduct the final evaluation unit of their works face-to-face at the Shanghai Film Festival | Judges | Chinese and foreign judges

While waiting for the elevator at the main venue of the Shanghai International Film Festival, Polish director Jez Skolimovski, who was also a judge for the Golden Earl competition unit, and Indian director and actor Randita Dass happily communicated in English, like old friends they had not met in a long time. The Chairman of the Jury Committee for the Golden Jubilee Animation Unit and Japanese animation producer, Taro Maki, walked into the media conference room. The first thing he did when he sat down was to take out his phone and take photos of himself on stage, as a souvenir for his trip to Shanghai. The 25th Shanghai International Film Festival welcomed the offline return of all sectors, with judges from 12 countries and regions conducting face-to-face final evaluations of 53 shortlisted works, many of whom were first-time visitors to Shanghai. This year's Golden Earl Awards are full of quality, but compared to the intense competition and evaluation results, what is even more touching is that in Shanghai International Film

Multiple international, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan dance works will soon be released in Shanghai. The Swiss Joshua Monden Dance Troupe has beautiful and fun dance dramas | theaters | dance troupes
Multiple international, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan dance works will soon be released in Shanghai. The Swiss Joshua Monden Dance Troupe has beautiful and fun dance dramas | theaters | dance troupes

On June 13th and 14th, the interactive dance theater "Happy Parachute" performed by the Swiss Joshua Monden Dance Troupe was performed at the Shanghai International Dance Center Theater. This is a unique theater experience where the audience is not sitting in the audience, but is invited to the stage. The red transparent plastic curtain divides the audience into different groups and blurs the boundary between the stage and the audience, with dancers dancing around. Audiences don't have to sit up straight, they can buy a drink from Switzerland, easily and freely participate in interaction, and explore with the actors: Where is happiness? What exactly makes us happy? As the first international project of this year at the National Dance Theatre, "The Happy Parachute" will kick off multiple exciting international, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan performances in the second half of the year. The Hong Kong City Contemporary Dance Troupe《

Chinese pianist Kong Xiangdong was invited to serve as a judge for the 19th Haqiatuliang International Music Competition (Piano) Music | Competition | International
Chinese pianist Kong Xiangdong was invited to serve as a judge for the 19th Haqiatuliang International Music Competition (Piano) Music | Competition | International

The 19th Hachaturian International Music Competition was held in the Armenian capital Yerevan from June 6th to 13th, and Chinese pianist Kong Xiangdong was invited to serve as a judge for the competition. The judges include Sergey Sarajyan, Pavel Gililov, Vag Papian, Stephane Lemelin, and Oxana Yablonskaya. The Hachaturian International Music Competition was founded on June 6, 2003, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Armenian composer Aram Hachaturian, who is a world-renowned classical music giant of the 20th century. The Hachaturian International Music Competition has been held annually since 2003, covering four music disciplines: cello, piano, violin, and conductor

What do we rely on to persist in creating?, Gold medal in choreographer and director who wants to switch careers and become a yoga coach | Tang Chen | Coach
What do we rely on to persist in creating?, Gold medal in choreographer and director who wants to switch careers and become a yoga coach | Tang Chen | Coach

Through the use of media such as light and shadow, long ropes, images, bodies, and sounds, dancers constantly cut through space in time... Director Tang Chen won the gold medal in the 2021 Foreshore 31 Youth Creativity Program with "Scenery". Little known is that Tang Chen once wanted to give up his profession and switch to becoming a yoga instructor. At the recent Creative Plan Sharing Conference, the initiator and artistic director Crystal encouraged young creators to enhance their self motivation, "Don't wait for others to feed you, open your mind; don't entertain yourself, we have a responsibility to make the audience happy and satisfied." From 2021 to 2022, the performance industry was deeply affected, and the Foreshore 31 and Edinburgh Frontier Theatre Exhibition started with the "Foreshore 31 Youth Creative Plan" to provide phased creative funding support for excellent creative schemes, and to provide young artists with "creativity, tolerance, connection,"

"It's best to face south," they said, "Women must have their own room." Woolf said it's best to face south | sandwich | Woolf
"It's best to face south," they said, "Women must have their own room." Woolf said it's best to face south | sandwich | Woolf

Virginia Woolf said in "A Room of Her Own": "If a woman intends to write a novel, she must have money and also have a room of her own." What if a condition is added? "Best Facing South." In the original documentary work "Best Facing South" published by Sandwich Editor in Chief and Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 22 women write 24 life stories. Through writing, they ask themselves about the situation they are in: "What have I experienced?"? Why did I go through all of this? What do these experiences mean to me? How do they form a part of "me"? Recently, at the Shangsheng Xinsuo Niaoya Bookstore, sandwich founder Li Zixin, writer Guo Shuang, one of the authors of "The Best Facing South" Shen Pinglin, and sandwich editor Li Yiman jointly discussed women's "facing south rooms" and life writing. We are

Dialogue between the Dragon and the Lion: How to "mess up" the first official diplomatic contact between China and the UK? | Event | China and the UK
Dialogue between the Dragon and the Lion: How to "mess up" the first official diplomatic contact between China and the UK? | Event | China and the UK

In 1793, the Macartney Mission's visit to China was the first formal diplomatic contact between China and Britain. For a considerable period of time, people's understanding of this event was generally: "The political and economic structures of China and Britain are completely different, and the governments of both countries have adopted a tenacious and uncompromising attitude of resistance in order to maintain their social systems and historical traditions." The occurrence and development of diplomatic events have an unavoidable factor - translation. When British people send missions to China, there will inevitably be language barriers. In order for the mission to effectively communicate with the Qing court, it must rely on translation, which means that translation is an important element of the mission's activities in China. What role did translation play in the Marco Polo delegation's visit to China? What is the significance of understanding this event for us? Professor Wang Hongzhi, Emeritus of the Department of Translation at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, has written a new book titled "Dialogue between Dragons and Lions"

Even Starbucks is rolling up?, The speed of new coffee shops in Shanghai is getting faster and faster. China | Coffee | Shanghai
Even Starbucks is rolling up?, The speed of new coffee shops in Shanghai is getting faster and faster. China | Coffee | Shanghai

"Starbucks has teamed up with 'Xiao Po Station', and in the trendy city, Starbucks has also become more fashionable." The 2023 Shanghai Coffee Culture Week has just come to an end, and new things in the coffee industry are still emerging one after another. During the college entrance examination season, Starbucks collaborated for the first time with Bilibili, headquartered in Shanghai, to launch the concept of "fresh coffee throwing tiles", defining the five types of tiles that young people collectively possess, and designing corresponding tile throwing bracelets, hoping to give strength to boys and girls who have taken the college entrance examination this year and in the past. Throwing tiles is a popular internet term, homophonic English word for power. Starbucks Milo City store has landed a joint pop-up store called "Fresh Coffee Throwing Tile Base Station", with Starbucks green converted to pink and the support of the bear store manager. During this year's Shanghai Coffee Culture Week, Starbucks launched a new series of fresh coffee drinks, becoming the first coffee chain brand to bring the original extract of coffee beans to China

A Good Magnolia - Xu Jinping's Traditional Chinese Painting Works Exhibition Appears at the Magnolia | Xu Jinping | Works Exhibition
A Good Magnolia - Xu Jinping's Traditional Chinese Painting Works Exhibition Appears at the Magnolia | Xu Jinping | Works Exhibition

The solo exhibition "A Good Magnolia - Xu Jinping's Traditional Chinese Painting Works Exhibition" by Xu Jinping, a Chinese painter and vice chairman of the Shanxi Artists Association, was held at the Shanghai Xinjinjie Art Space from June 3 to July 10. This exhibition showcases nearly 20 works created by Xu Jinping in recent years with the theme of magnolias. Xu Jinping's flower and bird paintings combine the overall poetic beauty and fresh charm, showing the special charm of the blending of form and spirit. The thousand branches and ten thousand stamens of magnolia flowers in his pen rise up, as if soaking in snow, showcasing a noble temperament against the backdrop of ancient architecture. Xu Jinping uses clever blank space and exquisite techniques to convey the essence and aesthetic taste of traditional Chinese art in his light and natural brushstrokes. The exhibition is under the academic guidance of Mao Shi'an, Vice Chairman of the China Association of Literary Critics. He stated, "Mr. Xu's works..."

Online popularity, traffic, and the thousands of years old pipa...... The first performance of China-Chic musical "Autumn Mountain Singing" | Autumn Mountain Singing | traffic
Online popularity, traffic, and the thousands of years old pipa...... The first performance of China-Chic musical "Autumn Mountain Singing" | Autumn Mountain Singing | traffic

Focusing on the dilemma of artistic creation, through a series of hot topics such as "flow", it reflects the sad and happy life of musicians in different times and positions. From June 14 to June 16, the major literary and artistic creation funded project of the Shanghai Cultural Development Foundation and the China-Chic musical "Autumn Mountain Singing" premiered in the new box small theater of Shanghai Grand Theater. "Autumn Mountain Song" tells the story of Tang Qian, a popular online pipa player, who is about to realize her artistic dream. When doubts arise about her performance experience, Tang Qian desperately wants to pop up "Autumn Mountain Song" to prove herself. Li Ke, who claimed to be the founder of the Liupai pipa, suddenly appeared and taught her to play "Autumn Mountain Song" hand in hand. However, when faced with only half finished "Autumn Mountain Song", Li Ke dodged left and right. Director Wang Qizheng stated that "Autumn Mountain Song" tells a story about love and reconciliation. "Autumn Mountain Song" is praised as the willow school

Shanghai filmmakers are the first to witness "The Treasure Land in front of the Door", at Xu Haofeng, the "Treasure Land in front of the Door" of the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles | National | Cinematographers
Shanghai filmmakers are the first to witness "The Treasure Land in front of the Door", at Xu Haofeng, the "Treasure Land in front of the Door" of the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles | National | Cinematographers

A well-known filmmaker once said that it is difficult to truly establish a foothold in the national market without bringing works to Shanghai as a "dock". Director Xu Haofeng premiered his highly anticipated new film "Gate Treasure Land" at the Shanghai International Film Festival. On June 12th, he brought a group of creators to the "Gate Treasure Land" of the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles to participate in the "Maritime Film Forum" event of the Shanghai Film Association at the Shanghai Art Hall. Like Xu Haofeng's previous work "Master", "The Treasure Land in front of the Door" emphasizes the etiquette and rules of traditional walking. This gentle and well mannered director pays tribute to Shanghai, the origin and original intention of Chinese cinema, through more than an hour of in-depth communication with Shanghai filmmakers and audiences. The martial arts film "Treasure Land in Front of the Gate" tells the story of the "martial arts" that took place in Tianjin in the 1920s. The old martial arts school

2023 Shanghai Shanghai Opera Art Festival opens, with voices | culture | Shanghai Opera in rural farmhouses in Pudong New Area
2023 Shanghai Shanghai Opera Art Festival opens, with voices | culture | Shanghai Opera in rural farmhouses in Pudong New Area

On June 11th, 2023, the Shanghai Shanghai Opera Art Festival kicked off in Haishen Village, Huinan Town, Pudong New Area, singing the "voice of Shanghai" and providing a colorful and enjoyable cultural life for theater fans. The opening ceremony is divided into eight chapters: "Red Classics", "Traditional Novels", "Modern Novels", "Suit Qipao", "Innovative Theme", "Fuzi Xinsheng", "New Era", and "Setting Sail". Through classic singing segments such as "Shanghai Sound Shines Over the Pujiang River", "Reed Fire Seed", "Starry Fire", "Jiang Jie", "Difficult Journey", "Tao Xingzhi", "Under the Pomegranate Skirt", "Thunderstorm", "Moss Flower", "Number One Secret", "Alley Premier", and "Chen Yi in Shanghai", the creative achievements and national influence of Shanghai opera in the field of red culture are showcased. The main stage is decorated with three irregular large screens in the shape of Shanghai style rural buildings, echoing the surrounding rural farmhouses.

Watching Chen Danyan's "vastness in front of her desk", "The Direction of Savoy Flows" appears at the Shanghai Film Festival. Chen Danyan | Movie | The Direction of Savoy Flows
Watching Chen Danyan's "vastness in front of her desk", "The Direction of Savoy Flows" appears at the Shanghai Film Festival. Chen Danyan | Movie | The Direction of Savoy Flows

"I'm going to the Shanghai Film Festival to show a movie! It's like a dream. Duras said that the audience for a film by the author is 6000 people, and 6000 people don't want to escape two hours of life in the dimness of the cinema. Which of the 6000 people will I encounter in the cinema in June? They should be like the readers in my mind, right? I'm looking forward to seeing their faces." In May, the Shanghai International Film Festival announced the screening list, and writer Chen Danyan wrote excitedly. On the evening of June 11th, Chen Danyan's first documentary feature film "The Direction of Sava Flowing" was screened for the first time at the Shanghai Film Festival, and the new director finally met his audience. "The Direction of Sava's Flow" is not only Chen Danyan's debut feature film, but also the first co production film between China and Serbia. In 2014, holding onto the nostalgia for "Hazare"

Shanghai Film and Television Park has launched the "New National Style" musicals, from "Yang Jian" and "Wukong" to "Ao Guang" in various forms | musicals | Shanghai
Shanghai Film and Television Park has launched the "New National Style" musicals, from "Yang Jian" and "Wukong" to "Ao Guang" in various forms | musicals | Shanghai

"Yang Jian," "Wukong," "Ao Guang," and other popular musical songs have recently been released at the Shanghai Film and Television Park. Shanghai Juhuo Music Culture Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Shangxi Culture Communication Co., Ltd. were invited to participate in the "First Night Shanghai Film and Music Festival" and jointly create the "Park Magic Day" with Shanghai Film and Television Park. The concert showcases the "New National Style" series of musicals, linking multiple classic domestic animated movie theme songs to refresh the audience's audio-visual experience. In recent years, the "national style" that integrates traditional music culture and strong Eastern aesthetics has been increasingly favored by young people. The popularity of Chinese style themed musicals is increasing day by day, becoming one of the most marketable types of works. Starting from 2019, Juhuo Music and Shangxi Culture have planned to produce the "New · National Style" musical series, covering ancient Chinese history, myths and legends, and national culture

Peking University and ten other universities have launched a national competition for emerging writers in universities, exploring the "post wave" of online literature creation | Writers | Peking University
Peking University and ten other universities have launched a national competition for emerging writers in universities, exploring the "post wave" of online literature creation | Writers | Peking University

On June 11, Yuewen Group's starting point reading "word in youth" national college new writer selection competition was launched in Peking University. Du Xiaoqin, director of the Chinese Department of Peking University, said that the Chinese Department of Peking University has always been concerned about the development of online literature. "The young generation of contemporary China is participating in the creation and reading of online literature with unprecedented enthusiasm and vitality. As an emerging literary style, online literature has created a way of writing, reading and disseminating that is different from traditional literature ...... I hope we will work together to provide a better environment and more support for the originality of online literature." Stimulating the interest and potential of campus network literature creation The Research Report on the Development of Chinese Network Literature in 2022 by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences shows that the creation of network literature in my country presents obvious characteristics of intergenerational replacement,

The Bona Film Festival has released a new film list, featuring new dramas by Chow Yun fat, Chen Kai ge, Lin Chao xian, Liu Wei qiang, and Cheng Er | Movies | Cheng Er
The Bona Film Festival has released a new film list, featuring new dramas by Chow Yun fat, Chen Kai ge, Lin Chao xian, Liu Wei qiang, and Cheng Er | Movies | Cheng Er

On June 11th, Bona Film Group held the "Celebrating the Great Era and Describing a Better Life -2023 Bona Film New Film Release Conference" during the Shanghai International Film Festival, announcing the "Super Luxury Film List" of 20 films and 5 series on site. Directors Chen Kaige, Lin Chaoxian, Hu Mei, Gao Qunshu, Cheng Er, Han Han, Tang Jili, Liu Weiqiang, Chen Guohui, Pan Yaoming, and Zhuang Wenqiang attended with their new works. The movie "Don't Call Me the God of Gamblers", which is about to be released on June 21st, also features leading actors Chow Yun fat and Yuan Yong yi, along with the entire cast, at the end of the press conference. On the same day, new trailers and trailers for the films "Youth", "Burst Point", "Dream of the Red Chamber: Golden and Jade Marriage", "Blade", and "Legend" were released on site. The films "Operation Red Sea 2: Operation Tiger Whale" and "Princess Kashmir" were also released

Posture is not important, Chen Kexin: The result is the most important box office | Chen Kexin | Posture
Posture is not important, Chen Kexin: The result is the most important box office | Chen Kexin | Posture

"Success is not easy, we must compromise and persevere." "I am a warm realist with a warm sense of faith, believing that tomorrow will be better." "You must be honest with yourself to make good movies." "I have never violated my conscience and made works that I don't believe in." "To 'calculate' what the audience likes to see, not only for box office, but also for resonance." On June 11th, director and producer Chen Kexin visited the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival Film Academy. The Master Chen Kexin class lasted until 12 noon. After the performance, in the elevator and restaurant, the audience who were still unsatisfied were still discussing Chen Kexin's golden lines. The only movie that made me "drift" was from working as an assistant, producer, and producer in a film company during summer vacation, from directing his debut film "Twin Cities Story" to filming a "Chinese drama that the world watches". In the past 40 years, Chen Kexin

Shanghai promotes high-quality development of the film industry, focusing on the deep integration of "film and television+technology" industry | copyright | film
Shanghai promotes high-quality development of the film industry, focusing on the deep integration of "film and television+technology" industry | copyright | film

Focusing on the deep integration of "film and television+science and technology" and promoting the high-quality development of the film industry, on the morning of June 11, the theme forum of the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival "Science Fiction Film Week" and the Shanghai Science and Technology Movie Metropolis Press Conference was held in Songjiang District, where the "Several Provisions of Songjiang District on Promoting the High quality Development of the Film and Television Industry in Shanghai Science and Technology Movie Metropolis" were released and signed on site. The Several Provisions of Songjiang District on Promoting the High quality Development of the Film and Television Industry in Shanghai's Science and Technology Film Capital have been upgraded again based on the 2020 Songjiang District Film and Television Industry Support Policy 2.0 version, expanding from the original 16 support measures to 18, and adding specific support for key links in the film and television industry such as "supporting film and television enterprises to go public", "supporting emerging film and television formats", "encouraging the introduction and training of film and television talents"

Chinese science fiction filmmakers engage in the first "Huashan Debate" at the Shanghai Film Festival | Guo Fan | Huashan Debate
Chinese science fiction filmmakers engage in the first "Huashan Debate" at the Shanghai Film Festival | Guo Fan | Huashan Debate

Perhaps a few years ago, Chinese science fiction filmmakers could only look up to Christopher Nolan's blockbusters such as "Inception" and "Star Trek". However, at this year's Shanghai International Film Festival, Chinese science fiction filmmakers Guo Fan, Wang Hongwei, Dong Runnian, Lu Chuan, Zhang Shiyu, along with their long-term collaboration with Nolan's visual effects director Peter Babu, sat on the same white sofa to participate in the Golden Jubilee Film Forum Science Fiction Film Week keynote forum held in Songjiang, Shanghai on June 11th. When talking about the international perspective and contemporary context of science fiction movies, they are full of confidence. Today, for the first time, we are sitting down to talk about the industry. Wang Hongwei, Vice President of the China Film Directors Association and Chairman of Blue Planet Science Fiction Film Week, believes that this high-level forum proves that people are paying more attention to science fiction movies and also shows confidence in the industry. 5 Chinese science fiction filmmakers present at the scene

Explore the "patterns" of Suzhou River and become a detective to understand | heritage | Suzhou River
Explore the "patterns" of Suzhou River and become a detective to understand | heritage | Suzhou River

The Suzhou River meanders through the jurisdiction of Shanghai, carving a unique "pattern". When people face Suzhou River, they can always feel emotions that are far more complex than a street or an area. On June 10th, Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, the Reading and Sharing Conference on "Suzhou River" was held at the Tianshan Hall of the Changning District Library. Guests such as Wang Cheng, the editor in chief of the "Urban Landscape · Hiking in Shanghai" series and a national first-class registered architect, Xu Yongli, the vice president of the Suzhou National Historical and Cultural City Protection Research Institute at Suzhou University of Science and Technology, and Lv Feng, the chief architect of Shanghai Jiapin Architectural Design Co., Ltd., shared the history and stories of buildings on both sides of the Suzhou River with readers, and explored how to experience and perceive architectural heritage from the perspective of architectural style and details. The changes in architecture on both sides of Suzhou River

Why is there a Chinese actor on stage?, The original French musical "Romeo and Juliet" has performed 13 consecutive French shows in Shanghai | China | Romeo and Juliet
Why is there a Chinese actor on stage?, The original French musical "Romeo and Juliet" has performed 13 consecutive French shows in Shanghai | China | Romeo and Juliet

From June 2nd to 11th, the original French musical "Romeo and Juliet" was performed 13 times in a row at the Shanghai Cultural Square. This is the first large-scale overseas original musical to return to Shanghai after three years, and it was sold out on the day of ticket issuance, adding another spark to the Shanghai performing arts market. In the drama, the Capulet family to which Juliet belongs is mainly colored in red, while the Montague family to which Romeo belongs is mainly colored in blue. The stairs of the cultural square hall are decorated with red and blue roses, and the enthusiastic audience is also dressed in red or blue clothing, transforming the theater into a sea of red and blue. The final performance came to an end, and each audience member walked out of the theater with a rose and unique memories. After the hot performance of Romeo and Juliet, more and more overseas masterpieces with international perspectives and diverse aesthetics will return to the Shanghai stage

Expanding National Moments, Film Services Launch "Shanghai Initiative": Spreading the Experience of the Yangtze River Delta Wuxi | Shooting | Experience
Expanding National Moments, Film Services Launch "Shanghai Initiative": Spreading the Experience of the Yangtze River Delta Wuxi | Shooting | Experience

How to continuously improve the level of film and television production services, so that good production teams are willing to come and shoot with peace of mind? The "Yangtze River Delta Film and Television Shooting Base Cooperation Alliance" led by Shanghai Film and Television Production Service Agency has achieved remarkable results at the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival after three years of efficient operation and experience accumulation. At the same time, the alliance also joined forces with some domestic provincial and municipal filming service institutions and centers to jointly launch the "Shanghai Initiative", calling on various regions to build a "set of film and television filming service system", build a "film and television shooting information cloud platform", form a "set of film and television shooting location growth mechanisms", and substantially promote the common prosperity and development of the film and television industry. In August 2020, Shanghai Film and Television Production Service Agency and the first batch of 17 film and television shooting bases in the Yangtze River Delta jointly announced at the 23rd Shanghai International Film Festival

"The Voice of Aid Construction" premieres, providing a panoramic record of Shanghai's counterpart aid construction work. A panoramic view of the Kashgar region and Shanghai
"The Voice of Aid Construction" premieres, providing a panoramic record of Shanghai's counterpart aid construction work. A panoramic view of the Kashgar region and Shanghai

Since 2010, Shanghai has been providing targeted support to the Kashgar region, pairing up with four counties: Bachu, Shache, Yecheng, and Zepu. In addition, the Second People's Hospital, Kashgar University, and Kashgar Sixth Middle School located in the Kashgar region are also supported by Shanghai. To comprehensively reflect the many Shanghai strengths and Shanghai wisdom that have contributed to the economic and social development of the Kashgar region in the past 13 years, Shanghai People's Broadcasting Station and the Shanghai Municipal Government's Cooperation and Exchange Office have launched the first full media program, "The Voice of Aid Construction", which comprehensively records Shanghai's counterpart aid construction work in a panoramic manner since June 11th. It is broadcasted on FM93.4 Shanghai News Broadcast every Sunday from 12:00 to 13:00, and Archimedes and Talk Box apps are launched simultaneously. Currently, the eleventh batch of cadres and talents who have been rigorously selected for aid to Xinjiang have taken over the baton and bid farewell to their families

Lu Chuan's "749 Bureau" showcases the image of a "Ma Shan" intelligent figure, empowering the Chinese film universe with technological innovation | Cooperation | Lu Chuan
Lu Chuan's "749 Bureau" showcases the image of a "Ma Shan" intelligent figure, empowering the Chinese film universe with technological innovation | Cooperation | Lu Chuan

On June 10th, during the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival, China Mobile Migu Company and Ape Power Fanyu Group held a digital technology innovation cooperation press conference, announcing the deep cooperation with director Lu Chuan's new work "749 Bureau" as an opportunity to explore new models of the metaverse film industry and empower the development of Chinese cinema with technological innovation. The protagonist "Ma Shan", specially designed by Migu Company for the movie, also made his debut in the Metaverse Bitspace Interstellar Square, leading the audience to experience a different new experience of watching movies in the Metaverse. Liu Xin, General Manager of China Mobile Migu Company, stated that as a creative platform for excellent traditional Chinese culture, movies are an important carrier for cultural promotion, and cultural digitization is an important lever for building a strong cultural country. The new information service of "connection+computing power+capability" built on China Mobile