
Interview with Chen Fujun, Chief Screenwriter of "Public Prosecution": Cybercrime is Not Far Away from Us TV Drama | Prosecutor | Internet
Interview with Chen Fujun, Chief Screenwriter of "Public Prosecution": Cybercrime is Not Far Away from Us TV Drama | Prosecutor | Internet

The prosecution themed TV drama "Public Prosecution", directed by Yu Ding and starring Dilraba and Tong Dawei, is currently popular. This is the first TV drama in China with the theme of prosecuting authorities cracking down on new types of cybercrime. From the perspective of prosecutors, it involves eight types of real cases of cybercrime, including online trust fraud, online gambling, pornographic live streaming, campus online lending, online violence, cross-border telecommunications network fraud, infringement of personal information of citizens, and damage to the reputation and honor of martyrs. Chen Fujun, the chief screenwriter of "Public Prosecution", has been working in the procuratorial system for many years and has achieved remarkable results in the creation of procuratorial themed film and television dramas. He has served as the producer, chief producer, and chief director of multiple procuratorial themed dramas such as "The People's Procurator", "The Court of Judgment", and "Hello Prosecutor". In his view, prosecutors are a sacred and noble profession, and the entire drama focuses on prosecutors in the new era

Supporting the stable growth of the cultural and creative industry, Pudong New Area has launched the "Five Ones" refined service industry | Enterprises | Cultural and Creative
Supporting the stable growth of the cultural and creative industry, Pudong New Area has launched the "Five Ones" refined service industry | Enterprises | Cultural and Creative

The 2023 Key Cultural and Creative Enterprises Stable Growth Service Season in Pudong New Area was launched on June 16th. The event is hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Pudong New Area Committee, aiming to integrate comprehensive resources such as government departments, industry experts, entrepreneur representatives, and social institutions, optimize the development ecology of cultural and creative enterprises, and promote higher quality development of the cultural and creative industry. During the activity season, a group of cultural and creative industry stable growth service leading mentors were hired, and at the same time, the "Yiqi Tongxin" service specialist team officially made its debut. In the future, it will create "Five Ones" heartwarming services, namely "one dedicated line", "one email", "one information exchange platform", "one park enterprise interactive WeChat matrix", and "one special coordination specialist team". The team will focus on serving as policy communicators, problem coordinators, and development escorts, continuously optimizing the business environment with down-to-earth and thoughtful services, and enabling enterprises to

To add something new, animation directors Chen Liaoyu and Yang Mu from "Chinese Fantasy Tales": It's not just about people taking stories from the past | China | Chen Liaoyu
To add something new, animation directors Chen Liaoyu and Yang Mu from "Chinese Fantasy Tales": It's not just about people taking stories from the past | China | Chen Liaoyu

The Collection of Chinese Strange Tales is a comic book series derived from the animated short story collection "Chinese Strange Tales". It consists of eight independent stories rooted in traditional Chinese culture: "Summer of Little Monsters," "Goose, Goose, Goose, Goose, Goose," "Lin Lin," "The Country Bus takes away Wang Hai'er and the Immortal," "Xiaoman," "Jade Rabbit," "Snack Shop," and "Birds and Fish.". From the scenery of the northern country to the alleys and alleys, from the future universe to the rural world, the story covers nostalgia for the countryside, technological fantasies, life themes, and human reflections, "seeing" Chinese culture and philosophy through Chinese imagination. "Future generations cannot be framed by this." On News: Each episode of "Chinese Tales" is a small film with its own independent and unique style. As the chief director, how do you grasp the overall tone? For example, what kind of story is "Chinese fantasy", what kind of creativity or story listening

Huai Xie Jin from the Shanghai Film Festival: His films are the best textbook works for understanding China | Director | Film
Huai Xie Jin from the Shanghai Film Festival: His films are the best textbook works for understanding China | Director | Film

Director Xie Jin is a generation of masters in the history of Chinese cinema, and also one of the film directors who have achieved outstanding artistic achievements and revitalized their artistic vitality since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Director Xie Jin became famous in Shanghai. During his 75 years in the film industry, he always held a belief that he would lead Chinese films to the world stage. Therefore, he spared no effort in proposing to hold an international film festival in China and served as the chairman of the judging committee for the first Shanghai International Film Festival Golden Earl Awards. 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of Xie Jin's birth and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai International Film Festival. The Forum on Commemorating Xie Jin's Birthday and Centenary was held on June 16th at Shanghai Cinema. Famous filmmakers and film critics, starting from Xie Jin's classic works and artistic life, shared the cross generational artistic concepts and films of this film master

Online intellectual property is gradually expanding overseas, and Disney is pre purchasing exclusive overseas distribution rights for the second season of "Celebrating the Year". Industry | Development | Distribution Rights
Online intellectual property is gradually expanding overseas, and Disney is pre purchasing exclusive overseas distribution rights for the second season of "Celebrating the Year". Industry | Development | Distribution Rights

On the morning of June 16th, the "Internet Publishing Development Forum" made its debut at the 29th Beijing International Book Expo. For the first time, this year's Art Expo has established an "Online Publishing House", focusing on the achievements made in the internationalization of online literature and games, committed to promoting industrial integration and global cooperation, and promoting cultural "going global" in a three-dimensional manner. In recent years, the online publishing industry represented by Yuewen Group has developed rapidly, showing a positive trend in prospering the cultural industry and enhancing cultural exchanges. "The integration and development of traditional and digital publishing has become an innovative trend in global cultural exchange." Hou Xiaonan, CEO of Yuewen Group and Vice President of Tencent Platform and Content Business Group, believes that online literature is one of the most dynamic carriers of cross-cultural communication. Hou Xiaonan, CEO of Yuewen Group and Vice President of Tencent Platform and Content Business Group

Looking at the global leap, stand on the 30-year-old Shanghai International Film Festival: Rooted in Taiwan, China, China | Film | Global
Looking at the global leap, stand on the 30-year-old Shanghai International Film Festival: Rooted in Taiwan, China, China | Film | Global

"The Shanghai International Film Festival has come to a successful end, looking forward to the next time." Netizens named "Jie Mingjun jmj" who arrived from Guangdong specifically in Shanghai recorded their first trip to the Shanghai International Film Festival on Xiaohongshu: checking in at the Bund and the Wukang Building, fascinated by the bronze artifacts in the Shanghai Museum, purchasing red cultural and creative works from the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China Memorial Hall, and bringing South Milk Peanuts to the Longhua Martyrs Cemetery for Martyrs Chen Yannian... Of course, there are also four movies. After watching "Ryunoichi Sakamoto: The Finale," she escorted a flower dedicated by an audience member to the musician in front of the poster of the movie at the Takahiro Cinema. Just now, these 9 days have passed, and countless filmmakers and fans, like this netizen, are walking in a hurry and their minds are stirring: 53 movies in five units have been nominated, nearly 450 movies have been screened worldwide, various forum activities, and multiple post screening exchanges... The history of Shanghai

Take You Around the Earth for 80 Days, Shanghai Library Holds Its First Paid Exhibition! Authorized Library of the British Library | Exhibition | British
Take You Around the Earth for 80 Days, Shanghai Library Holds Its First Paid Exhibition! Authorized Library of the British Library | Exhibition | British

Farewell to the Shanghai Museum Phenomenon Exhibition "From Botticelli to Van Gogh - National Gallery Collection Exhibition", the Shanghai Library is about to hold its first paid exhibition. In the more than 1400 square meters of space opened up in exhibition halls 1 and 2 of the East Hall in the above picture, the "80 Days Around the Earth - A 150 Year World Fantasy Journey" exhibition, authorized by the British Library, organized by the Shanghai Library and MUSEUM BOX Bokrypton Ball, will be held from June 17th to September 19th. On the afternoon of June 16th, a journalist from Liberation Daily's Shangguan News first visited the scene of the exhibition's sprint phase. French writer Jules Verne's "Around the Earth for 80 Days" is a well-known science fiction novel, and this exhibition will lead readers back to the world in the footsteps of the protagonist Fogg: from London, England to France

The "Centennial Commemorative Exhibition of Xie Jin's Birthday" Electronic Museum opened, with Niu Ben, Shi Xiaohua, Wu Zhennian, and Bao Zhifang all visiting the museum | Cultural Relics | Xie Jin
The "Centennial Commemorative Exhibition of Xie Jin's Birthday" Electronic Museum opened, with Niu Ben, Shi Xiaohua, Wu Zhennian, and Bao Zhifang all visiting the museum | Cultural Relics | Xie Jin

On June 16th, the Shanghai Film Museum celebrated its tenth birthday. Ten years ago today, at No. 595 Caoxi North Road, there were crowds of people. A group of filmmakers, including Qin Yi, Wu Yigong, Xu Ke, and Jia Zhangke, unveiled the red curtain of the Shanghai Film Studio logo sculpture at the Shanghai Film Square, announcing the official opening of the museum, which has been cherished by generations of filmmakers. At the original site of the Shanghai Film Studio, near the bustling Xujiahui area, there were no shopping malls or shopping centers built. Instead, a museum that tells the century old history of Shanghai cinema has accompanied everyone for a full ten years. On that day, under the guidance of Shanghai Film Group and hosted by the Shanghai Film Museum, the "Red Heart: Xie Jin's Centenary Birthday Commemorative Special Exhibition" opened. This is also following the visit of Shanghai Film Festival on May 10th to Xie Jin's hometown of Shangyu, and the unveiling of the Shanghai Film Museum's Xie Tang in Shangyu

Listening to the melody of Vivaldi in front of the authentic Botticelli, the "Evening Peak Concert" made its debut at the Botticelli | Vivaldi | Concert Hall
Listening to the melody of Vivaldi in front of the authentic Botticelli, the "Evening Peak Concert" made its debut at the Botticelli | Vivaldi | Concert Hall

At 18:30 on June 16th, Yang Li, who had just finished work, walked towards the Dongyi Art Museum located on the Bund with an umbrella. As soon as he sat down, the melody of "Spring" in Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" sounded on the strings, and the performers were surrounded by Porticilli's paintings from the Uffizi Art Museum in Italy. On a Friday evening with light rain, avoiding the evening rush hour, listening to the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra's musicians perform a unique concert, and then strolling through the popular exhibition "Botticelli and the Renaissance" became Yang Li's "super value" choice: "It's really a unique experience, Vivaldi's music and Botticelli's paintings complement each other." No wonder, 120 tickets quickly sold out after opening. For this collaboration, the closing time of Dongyi Art Museum has been extended from 18:00 to 21:30. The Shanghai Symphony Orchestra is the first in China

The Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe sows the seeds of traditional culture and plays at the alma mater of Macau Chief Executive He Yicheng | Macau | Culture
The Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe sows the seeds of traditional culture and plays at the alma mater of Macau Chief Executive He Yicheng | Macau | Culture

The third "Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Chinese Theatre Culture Festival" was jointly organized by the Chinese Theatre Association, the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Chinese Theatre Association, and the Hong Kong Dagong Wen Hui Media Group in Macau. From June 15th to 17th, Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe was invited to participate in Macau. This is the second time that Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe has been invited to participate in the first "Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Chinese Opera Culture Festival" since 2020. The Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Chinese Drama Culture Festival has gathered numerous winners of the Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Award, Hong Kong opera masters, and outstanding young theatrical actors. The Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe has dispatched a team represented by Gu Hao, Li An, and Luo Chenxue, bringing fascinating and ingenious performances to Macau audiences. On June 16th, the opening ceremony and large-scale drama evening of the 3rd Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Chinese Drama Culture Festival was held at the

When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road
When Lane 2767 of Pingliang Road becomes a news course, Dinghai Road Street | Dashide | Pingliang Road

Lane 2767, Pingliang Road, is located in the northeast corner of Shanghai, on Dinghai Road Street in Yangpu District, commonly known as "Xiajiaojiao". In 1921, the First Cotton Mill of the Japanese Commercial University was established here. In 1922, its supporting staff and worker dormitories were completed and named "Gongda North South Workshop". After the victory of the Anti Japanese War in 1945, it was renamed as Shanghai 19th Textile Factory of China Textile Construction Corporation the following year. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, it was renamed as the state-owned Shanghai 19th Cotton Textile Factory on July 1, 1950, and the community was subsequently renamed as the Shangmian 19th Factory Workshop. 2021 is the 100th year of Lane 2767, Pingliang Road. In September, Professor Zhang Lifen from the School of Journalism at Fudan University walked into this area with 12 undergraduate students and 2 teaching assistants. A new course - "Urban, Field Investigation and Recording" has begun. Lane 2767, Pingliang Road

77 year old Yu Qiuyu returns to Shanghai Theatre Academy for "class" online | Student | Shanghai Theatre Academy
77 year old Yu Qiuyu returns to Shanghai Theatre Academy for "class" online | Student | Shanghai Theatre Academy

"33 years ago, I resigned from the position of Dean of Shanghai Theatre Academy, and most of the people present here have not yet been born. Time creates mysterious gatherings between people, such as today when we have conversations like friends." On June 15th, at the age of 77, Yu Qiuyu returned to Shanghai Theatre Academy and engaged in a dialogue with Xie Wei, the secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Theatre Academy, about "New Era and New Cultural Mission". "Watch less computers, walk more, imitate less, practice more basic skills, and innovate more." Yu Qiuyu sent a message to the students, "From enlightenment and love to great beauty." Grasping a stone on the road. "For art, any abstract concept must become a concrete plot, any group must become an individual, and any thinking must become an emotion." Many years ago, Yu Qiuyu embarked on a journey of cultural roots. "I am wearing a gray cotton jacket, old sneakers, and carrying a thin backpack walking on the northwest plateau, searching for the AD."

The establishment of the Cultural and Creative Industry Promotion Association Park in the northern part of Shanghai | Industry | Culture
The establishment of the Cultural and Creative Industry Promotion Association Park in the northern part of Shanghai | Industry | Culture

On June 16th, the Baoshan District Cultural and Creative Industry Promotion Association unveiled its plaque at the China 3D Printing Museum and issued appointment letters to the first president and vice president units. The first session of Baoshan District Cultural Promotion Association has a total of 64 member units, mainly representing enterprises in Baoshan District's cultural and creative industry and operating units in cultural and creative industry parks; Financial institution branches, legal, financial and tax, and archive management service institutions responsible for promoting association services. In recent years, the scale of cultural and related industries in Baoshan District has maintained steady growth, and the number of enterprises above designated size has been increasing year by year. At the same time, relying on the remnants of old industrial bases and other spaces, a number of cultural and creative parks with strong industrial characteristics have been created. From 2023 to 2025, 14 cultural and creative parks have been recognized by the city for cultural and creative development, including 1 municipal demonstration park, 12 municipal parks, and

Why is this Hong Kong director casting like this?, Zhang Songwen Becomes a Police Officer, Dapeng Becomes a Robber Dapeng | Li Zijun | Zhang Songwen
Why is this Hong Kong director casting like this?, Zhang Songwen Becomes a Police Officer, Dapeng Becomes a Robber Dapeng | Li Zijun | Zhang Songwen

"The Eighth Suspect" is the second film directed by Hong Kong director Li Zijun. At that time, Dapeng was a comedian. Zhang Songwen had just finished "Clouds Made by a Drizzle in the Wind", and Li Zijun unexpectedly chose Dapeng to play the mastermind of the robbery. Zhang Songwen became a diligent police officer, "a very powerful performance, which is my casting standard." On June 16, at the audition for the film "The Eighth Suspect" at the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival, Li Zijun and screenwriter Zhou Wenru, as well as Dapeng, Lin Jiadong, Sun Yang, and other leading actors, said. This is a different police and bandit film. The Eighth Suspect is created based on the largest money robbery case since the founding of New China. A group of bandits shot and killed three people in just 2 minutes, and stole a huge sum of 15 million yuan from the savings office. Led by Wang Shouyue and He Lan

Hengfu Historical and Cultural Landscape Area has added an esports amusement park | esports | culture
Hengfu Historical and Cultural Landscape Area has added an esports amusement park | esports | culture

On the evening of June 16th, the INS Renaissance International Esports Music Park located at 109 Yandang Road in Huangpu District officially opened. This is an international esports music commercial complex with a construction area of 20000 square meters, located in the Fuxing Park of the Hengfu Historical and Cultural District, adjacent to the Sinan Mansion. The park will start construction in 2021, with electronic sports as its theme business. Through a series of "cultural tourism+esports", "cultural tourism+music", "cultural tourism+night economy", "cultural tourism+themed activities" and other "cultural tourism+" models, it aims to create a new hot spot for esports consumption. Previously, our team successfully built esports commercial complexes such as Chengdu Taikoo Li Quantum Light and Xi'an Xiying Road Quantum Morning. At the same time, we have also invested in the construction of these esports commercial complexes in South Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore. According to statistics

Who did you meet again after a long separation?, This Shanghai International Film Festival has 420000 audience members and 80 face-to-face meetings
Who did you meet again after a long separation?, This Shanghai International Film Festival has 420000 audience members and 80 face-to-face meetings

On June 17th, as the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival approached its end, there was light rain outside, and the Da Guang Guang Cinema on Nanjing West Road was still bustling with people. Just finished a meeting for the premiere of the film, and the audience left the thousand person hall in an orderly manner. The door was filled with the next audience waiting to enter. In front of the poster display board of the Shanghai Film Festival, a pair of best friends took selfies with movie tickets. Someone raised their phone to shoot the crowd around them, and the camera scanned faces full of anticipation and sense of achievement. Movie tickets and photos posted on social media witness the long separation and reunion of the Shanghai International Film Festival with movies, fans, and filmmakers. The 25th Shanghai International Film Festival concluded on June 18th. According to statistics, a total of 1490 films were screened at the Shanghai International Film Festival, of which 80 were held

Shanghai adds a new cultural landmark, Baoshan Only Garden Opening Art | Innovation | Baoshan Only Garden Opening
Shanghai adds a new cultural landmark, Baoshan Only Garden Opening Art | Innovation | Baoshan Only Garden Opening

The opening ceremony of the "Baoshan Zhonghui" Garden and the Garden Elegant Collection was recently held, with lush greenery and blooming summer flowers. In 2011, the Baoshan District government created nearly 40 acres of land on the east side of Baoshan Temple as a garden site. Only Garden, taken from "Only Tree for Lonely Garden", symbolizes a garden of moral education and a lecture hall for upward and good. The park is equipped with buildings such as the Golden Pagoda, Buddha Fragrance Pavilion, Songtao Pavilion, Water Heart Pavilion, Corridor Bridge, and Flower Rain Pavilion, showcasing the Tang style garden style with changing scenery. In recent years, Baoshan has constructed and renovated a number of high-quality cultural landmarks, and has basically built a 15 minute public cultural life circle. Luodian is also optimizing and enhancing the new spatial pattern of "Meilan Lake, innovative medicine, ancient town charm, and rural style", moving towards building a more environmentally friendly and livable place. By creating a collection of cultural popularization, intangible cultural heritage inheritance, and healthy rest in the park

The Golden Jubilee Award at the Shanghai International Film Festival has been unveiled, and the Best Actor is "Double Eggs"! Hu Ge Dapeng Wins "Best Actor" Dapeng | Actor | Hu Ge
The Golden Jubilee Award at the Shanghai International Film Festival has been unveiled, and the Best Actor is "Double Eggs"! Hu Ge Dapeng Wins "Best Actor" Dapeng | Actor | Hu Ge

On the evening of June 17th, the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival Golden Earl Awards ceremony was held at the Shanghai Grand Theatre. Under the careful evaluation of the jury led by Polish director, screenwriter, producer, and actor Jazz Skolimovski, each award was announced at the award ceremony. Among them, "Best Actor" has revealed "Double Eggs", and Chinese actors Hu Ge and Da Peng won the award respectively for their performances in "This Journey is Not Worth" and "The Eighth Suspect". The Japanese film "658 kilometers, Yoko's Journey" won three awards simultaneously, including "Best Picture", "Best Actress", and "Best Screenplay". The 25th Shanghai International Film Festival Golden Earl Awards consist of five units: main competition, Asian newcomers, documentary, animated, and short films. Nearly 8800 works from 128 countries and regions within two registration cycles

It's the "fruit flower Tomatoes on sticks" carved by my father! Looking at the creativity and warmth of handicraft experts in the Yangtze River Delta, the theme of happiness | handicrafts | Yangtze River Delta
It's the "fruit flower Tomatoes on sticks" carved by my father! Looking at the creativity and warmth of handicraft experts in the Yangtze River Delta, the theme of happiness | handicrafts | Yangtze River Delta

Handmade art is the art of showcasing the charm of fingertips and a way to create a better life. On June 17th, under the guidance of the Shanghai Citizen Culture Festival Guidance Committee, jointly organized by the Baoshan District Cultural and Tourism Bureau and the Shanghai Mass Art Museum, and jointly organized by the Baoshan District Cultural Museum, Shanghai Baoshan International Folk Art Expo, Xinhua Culture and Creativity · Urban Animation, and Shanghai Public Art Collaborative Innovation Center, the "Fingering Everything to Beauty" Yangtze River Delta Citizen Handicraft Competition was held at the Baoshan International Folk Art Expo in Shanghai. Since the launch of this competition in April 2023, nearly a thousand participants from the Yangtze River Delta have submitted more than 2000 works to the competition. After expert evaluation and public voting, 100 "most beautiful craftsmen" were finally selected

How to be a "non anxious parent" and face parenting problems that are not big or small, in the first 1000 days of life, parents | beginners | life
How to be a "non anxious parent" and face parenting problems that are not big or small, in the first 1000 days of life, parents | beginners | life

The first 1000 days of life - from the mother's pregnancy to the baby's 2-year-old stage - can be said to be a crucial period in determining a person's lifelong health, and at the same time, it is also the most anxious stage for novice parents. On June 17th, the first release of the new book "Baby Care Handbook" titled "Good Pregnancy and Childbearing for 1000 Days" was held at the East Hall of Shanghai Library. The new book authors Xu Haijun and Ma Simin, along with event guests Wang Jian, the director of the Jing'an Maternal and Child Health Center, and Zhang Lei, the director of the Health Education Department of the Jing'an Maternal and Child Health Center, talked about maternal and child health and scientific child rearing, presenting a parenting class full of work and laughter. The Baby Care Handbook: The First Lesson for Novice Parents is a mother and baby health knowledge book that directly addresses the 108 most frequently asked questions by novice parents, making it a comprehensive guide from pregnancy and childbirth to parenting. In the first half, from the perspective of professional obstetricians and gynecologists, we will educate about pregnancy science

The centennial landmark of Shanghai city center is bustling with people and pouring rain. Shanghai World | Performing Arts | Shanghai city center
The centennial landmark of Shanghai city center is bustling with people and pouring rain. Shanghai World | Performing Arts | Shanghai city center

No matter the intermittent light rain or the sudden rainstorm, the audience's enthusiasm for the Shanghai World cannot be stopped. The first performance themed night market brand in Shanghai, the "Big World Performance Night Market", has recently returned. With the theme of "China-Chic New Youth", the show, super IP joint exhibition, and romantic China-Chic activities have lit up a century old landmark new fashion. Using the core of drama to decorate new scenes of youthful consumption. The staff introduced that during the performance night market, the Shanghai World Performance Consumption Cluster has been upgraded again, and all four performance themed restaurants have officially made their debut. The audience listens to "Big World Open Wheat" in the courtyard drama kitchen and enjoys romantic music and live food on site; Appreciate exciting performances at the WaKaWaKa Restaurant and Wine Show, where you can eat and drink without changing scenes; In the drama bar, the musical "Before Drunk" is about to start; T

Embracing the "People's Festivals" at Home, the 28th Shanghai Television Festival opened on the 19th, China | Television Festival | Festivals
Embracing the "People's Festivals" at Home, the 28th Shanghai Television Festival opened on the 19th, China | Television Festival | Festivals

The 25th Shanghai International Film Festival has just won the Golden Jubilee Award, and the magnolia is also fragrant. On June 19th, the 28th Shanghai Television Festival will kick off. The two-year film solicitation has attracted nearly 1900 television works from 49 countries and regions across five continents for this year's TV Festival; The list of "Best Chinese TV Drama" has reached an unprecedented 22, doubling compared to the past. The change in quantity reflects the excellent quality of TV dramas in the past two years. Shanghai TV Festival shortlisted TV drama poster: "I am very honored, very grateful, and very looking forward to it." Hu Zhifeng, Chairman of the White Magnolia Award TV drama category judging committee and film and television scholar, described the upcoming TV festival journey with three "very" words. This is not only the expectation of the judges, but also the expectation of actors, television professionals, and audiences. The vigorous vitality of traditional culture

The most complete research results on the history of Ta Kung Pao published so far | Research Results
The most complete research results on the history of Ta Kung Pao published so far | Research Results

On June 17th, which marks the 121st anniversary of the founding of Ta Kung Pao, "The Complete History", led by Wu Tingjun, former dean of the School of Journalism and Information at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and published by Fudan University Press, held a new book launch ceremony and an academic seminar on news history research and teaching at Tianjin Normal University. The Complete History is one of the most comprehensive and systematic research achievements on the history of the Ta Kung Pao, consisting of three volumes: "Bao Shi", "Nian Biao", and "Bao Ren". The "History Report" volume is written with the spirit of "Dagong" as its internal logic. The history of Ta Kung Pao from 1902 to 1949 can be divided into three periods, namely the Yingji period, the Wangji period, and the Xinji period. The history of newspapers in different periods presents different appearances due to the varying degrees of implementation of the spirit of "Da Gong" by the hosts: Ying Lian's first advocacy of "Da Gong" laid the foundation for its future development

Chinese reportage leader He Jianming wrote the story of Shanghai again, with a spirit called "Huahong 520" chip | China | Leader
Chinese reportage leader He Jianming wrote the story of Shanghai again, with a spirit called "Huahong 520" chip | China | Leader

After "The Epic of Pudong," "The Revolutionary," "The First Time," and "Shanghai Expression," He Jianming, a leading figure in Chinese reportage literature and director of the Reportage Literature Committee of the Chinese Writers Association, wrote another documentary literary masterpiece about Shanghai, "My Heart Flying," which premiered at the flagship store of Duoyun Academy on the afternoon of the 18th. This work focuses on the turbulent development of China's chip technology industry in recent years, using Huahong, the driving force of China's chip manufacturing industry, as a window to reveal the tortuous and difficult development process of China's chips, and to write a breakthrough path for China's chip reverse practitioners to forge ahead and achieve their mission. "My Heart Flies" fills the gap in Chinese chip themed literature with the touch of documentary literature, combining a "big" atmosphere and a "small" warmth. He Jianming's on-site interviews and genuine records provide a panoramic portrayal of Chinese chip developers and pioneers overcoming difficulties

Why did Kate Blanchett mention this Chinese conductor?, Global | Records | Kate Blanchett in the movie "Tall"
Why did Kate Blanchett mention this Chinese conductor?, Global | Records | Kate Blanchett in the movie "Tall"

Recently, the movie "Tal" starring Kate Blanchett, the "Great Demon King," was screened at the Shanghai International Film Festival. In the film, Blanchett plays Lydia Tall, the first female lead conductor in the history of the fictional Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Many viewers have noticed that Tal has a line that even mentions a Chinese conductor - Yu Long, the music director of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. Tal's assistant said, "... they don't understand why they can only make digital records, what the standards are, but I know they just made a set of records for Yu Long." Tal responded, "Of course they did, the Chinese market is amazing." Tal and his assistant were talking about the world-famous DG records, "Mendao" and "Song of the Earth", which were released globally for Yu Long and the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. Both records included Chinese works and also caused a global response.

To have a close relationship with literature, how can one write about the joy of understanding? Mei Zihan: Mastering Chinese Language | Prose | Literature
To have a close relationship with literature, how can one write about the joy of understanding? Mei Zihan: Mastering Chinese Language | Prose | Literature

"Prose is not like a violin, nor is it like a piano. It is most like a cello. Its voice is the voice of life, not high in the clouds, but low, deep, and elegant." On June 17th, writer Mei Zihan brought his collection of humanistic essays "Green Light" to the "Jing'an Lecture Hall" hosted by the Jing'an District Library and the Jing'an District Writers Association, sharing his creative journey and the warmth flowing in life. When it comes to radiance, people's impression is usually warm and yellow, while what Mei Zihan wrote was green radiance. What I write is all about small things in life. How can I compare everyone's life? Do you say a person is a tree? It's not that big. A person is a bit like a leaf on a tree, growing green, then yellowing and withering. In an instant, it falls off and is swept away, never seen again. Just like the lives of many ordinary people, they are also

"So square dance can be so beautiful!" They jumped from the community to the big stage citizens | dance | stage
"So square dance can be so beautiful!" They jumped from the community to the big stage citizens | dance | stage

"So square dance can also be so beautiful!" On the evening of June 18th, the Minhang District Citizen Dance Creation Competition award performance was held at the new theater of Shanghai Theatre Academy, and square dance teams jumped onto the stage from the community. They broke many people's stereotypes about square dancing with refreshing original works and exciting performances. The exhibition, with the theme of "Dancing in Shencheng, Everyone Strikes Excellence", is hosted by the Minhang District Cultural and Tourism Bureau, Pujin Street Office, and Xinhong Street Office. After grassroots selection, training and polishing, and competition between the north and south regions, 9 outstanding teams finally entered the award and performance stage. The square dance "Jin Feng Ya Yun" selected by Pujiang Town won first prize; The square dance "Happy Beat" and "Beauty and Harmony" selected by Hongqiao Town and the square dance "Qingyang Wanxi" selected by Xinhong Street won the second prize; Shen

Zhu Jiejing: My senior sister always has a beam of light, a "gradually frozen person" who writes with her eyes. Ge Min, a patient | Ge Min | senior sister
Zhu Jiejing: My senior sister always has a beam of light, a "gradually frozen person" who writes with her eyes. Ge Min, a patient | Ge Min | senior sister

"Hello everyone, I am Ge Min, a former dancer and now a gradually frozen person. Shanghai can be said to be my second hometown. I was admitted to the Shanghai Dance School at the age of 12 and was assigned to work in the Shanghai Song and Dance Troupe for 5 years after graduation. During my teenage years, I lived in Shanghai for a full 11 years. In 2019, my first book," Because of Love, I Persist, "was released at the Shanghai Bookstore. After 4 years, I had the opportunity to return to Shanghai with my second and third books, and my mood was extremely excited. On the evening of June 17th, a special Sinan Reading Club" added "event made the audience laugh and cry, and then laugh.". The protagonist of the book club, Ge Min, was once an excellent dancer, but now he is a severe "gradually frozen person" who can only move his eyes. She was pushed onto the stage in a wheelchair and relied on an eye tracking device to type out what she wanted to say on the computer. new

More Shanghai literary masterpieces await exploration, with the first TV drama poster salon revealed in "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" | Shanghai | Literature
More Shanghai literary masterpieces await exploration, with the first TV drama poster salon revealed in "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" | Shanghai | Literature

On the first day of the opening of the Shanghai Television Festival, the first poster of the TV series "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" adapted from Sun Ganlu's novel of the same name was released. The series was produced by Tencent Video, Xinli TV, and SMG Shangshi Film, with Wang Qu and Jin Haishu as screenwriters, and will create a new type of spy warfare masterpiece. Can more Shanghai literary masterpieces be brought to the screen and become the source of high-quality film and television dramas? On the morning of June 19, 2023, the Shanghai Literature and Film Venture Capital Salon Literary Works Promotion Conference was held at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. Several Shanghai writers took the stage to promote their works to representatives of film and television production companies. The Shanghai Literature and Film Venture Capital Salon was founded in 2017. In 2021, the Shanghai Writers Association teamed up with the Shanghai International Film and Television Festival Center to share resources and carry out literary works promotion activities at the Shanghai International Film Festival. To ensure the quality of the Municipal Writers Association

When Camel Xiangzi uses mechanical camels... Anfu Road | Works | Camel Xiangzi
When Camel Xiangzi uses mechanical camels... Anfu Road | Works | Camel Xiangzi

From July 8th to 23rd, the stage play "Camel Xiangzi" produced by the Shanghai Theatre Art Center will premiere at the Art Theatre of the Theatre Building at 288 Anfu Road. The drama is adapted from the original work of the same name by Lao She and is currently in hot production. In addition to young creators, the mechanical camel that debuted for the first time has also received much attention. As a representative work of Lao She, "Camel Xiangzi" is set in Old Beijing in the 1920s. The novel was published in 1937 and has been adapted into various forms of art. Shu Yi, the son of Lao She, said, "No matter whose works, they cannot escape the historical laws of the waves washing away sand. Whether the works themselves contain extremely high literary aesthetic value is the key, and the works that can truly leave a lasting impression on future generations are good works." The stage play "Camel Xiangzi" tells the life experience of the human powered carriage driver Xiangzi, who rose and fell three times. Continuing with He Niandou