"It's too painful." A well-known chairman revealed that he has cancer! "Don't go to this step."

Release time:Jun 06, 2024 16:02 PM

In the live broadcast room, he revealed that he has pre-stage gastric cancer.

"Don't let your body get to this point,

On April 3 this year, Yu Donglai, chairman of Fat Donglai, released a video of his speech at the president class of Lianshang Donglai.

Yu Donglai said: "This year we are going to arrange for all employees. Maybe the management will go to Europe, and then the company will pay, and all the employees will go to Japan, and then to places like Singapore. Isn't it his personal money that the company pays? Isn't it enough to just show less? I just want him to see what the world is like, beyond his own scope. He should not always develop his life in the state of being a frog in the well, but should stand on the roof of the world and see the world. , look at yourself.”

Previously, "Pang Donglai added a 10-day unhappiness holiday" also became a hot search topic.

On March 26, at the 2024 China Supermarket Week Forum, Fat Donglai Chairman Yu Donglai said that Fat Donglai would add 10 days of "unhappy leave" this year. No matter what you do, you must keep yourself on the path you like. on the road. If you are unhappy and don’t want to go to work, you can take time off. The management cannot refuse to approve, otherwise it will be a violation of regulations.

Yu Donglai said that the company hopes that employees can freely decide their own rest time so that everyone can fully relax and adjust after work.

Yu Donglai further explained: "Everyone will be unhappy sometimes. This is human nature. But the interesting thing is that when we really have this kind of 'unhappy vacation', many people will feel happy instead. Because this It means they get the understanding and support of the company and feel the balance between work and life. ”

There are five signs that stomach disease can turn into gastric cancer:

Whether it is gastritis or gastric ulcer, the abdominal pain at onset has its own characteristics. Take gastric ulcers as an example. Generally speaking, pain will appear about an hour after a meal. Once the pain becomes persistent and irregular, you should be alert to the occurrence of cancer.

You can pay attention to the condition of your abdomen. If you can feel a hard, painful mass in your heart, you need to pay attention. Otherwise, as the mass increases, it will affect the back, chest and even behind the sternum, causing the discomfort to worsen.

Heartburn usually occurs at the lower part of the sternum, which is what we often call the "pit of the heart." It feels like a fire is burning and there is a burning sensation.

The stomach secretes gastric acid, and the esophagus is alkaline. When acidic substances "run" into the esophagus, they will corrode the esophageal mucosa. In severe cases, reflux esophagitis, esophageal ulcers, esophageal stenosis, and even cancer may occur.

Patients with stomach problems have weakened digestive abilities and are prone to symptoms such as loss of appetite, diarrhea, and fatigue. This is normal. However, if the body undergoes rapid malignant transformation in a short period of time, the body has difficulty absorbing nutrients in food, the body loses weight rapidly, and there is obvious weight loss, and medicine cannot alleviate the condition at all, it may be a sign of cancer.

Certain foods, drugs or constipation can cause changes in the color of the stool. These are all traceable. If it is unexplained black stool, it indicates that the gastric ulcer is becoming cancerous, and you need to go to the hospital for examination for further diagnosis.

Many people don't pay much attention to stomach pain, bloating and other conditions. They tolerate it as long as they can and put it off as long as they can. They really can't take painkillers or stomach medicine for emergency treatment. Any stomach discomfort may be your body's alarm. You must seek medical advice promptly to avoid turning a minor illness into a serious one.

Chao News·Qianjiang Evening News is integrated from Red Star News, Elephant News, Health Times, Popular Science China, etc.

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