Learning·Story|Xi Jinping, the “No. 1 Village with Carbon Tickets” whose air can be sold for money|Changkou Village|Carbon Tickets

Release time:Jun 06, 2024 09:21 AM

On the eve of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, villagers in Changkou Village, Jiangle County, Sanming City, Fujian Province received a special red envelope-the village divided the 140,000 yuan earned through forestry carbon votes in 2021 as dividends, and each person received a special red envelope. 150 yuan in cash.

Sanming Forestry Carbon Invoice Sample. Photo by Ouyang Yijia, People's Daily Online

Forestry carbon tickets are certificates of the income rights of forest carbon emission reductions, which are equivalent to the carbon sequestration functions of each forest and can be used as assets and "ID cards" for transactions. On May 18, 2021, Changkou Village received a forestry carbon ticket numbered "0000001", becoming China's "No. 1 Carbon Ticket Village".

"My ancestors used to cut down trees and sell them to make money. Now the air can be sold and we can make money without cutting down the trees. Things that I never dreamed of before have come true." Aunt Sun, a villager, was excited after receiving the dividends from her family of five. Incessantly.

This bill turned the air in Changkou Village into real gold and silver, opening up a new road in which green waters and green mountains can become gold and silver mountains.

Speaking of this road, we have to go back to 1997.

Xi Jinping, then deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, emphasized a concept during his investigation in Sanming: we must firmly establish the awareness that protecting the ecological environment is protecting productivity, and improving the ecological environment is developing productivity.

On April 11 of this year, Xi Jinping came to Changkou Village for investigation and inspection. "What are some good ways to get rich? What are your plans for the future?" He asked carefully at the villagers' homes and listened carefully.

Later, Xi Jinping stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the clear Jinxi River and the green mountains and dense forests on the other side, thinking for a long time. He said earnestly to the village cadres: "Green mountains and clear waters are priceless treasures. You must paint landscape paintings well, develop mountainous areas in a down-to-earth manner, and write about landscapes and fields."

Xi Jinping also warned that ecological forestry is also the forestry of the future. We must unify the forestry industry and forestry ecology, and put water and soil conservation in an important position. Otherwise, we will be full of barren mountains and empty hands in the future.

The stone tablet in Changkou Village is engraved with General Secretary Xi Jinping’s earnest instructions. The general secretary’s instructions are still remembered by the villagers of Changkou Village.

"General Secretary Chang Si's instructions from the green mountains and green waters praise the Communist Party's dedication to the people." The villagers wrote their inner words into couplets and posted them on the entrance of the new village department, determined to continue to stabilize the "green rice bowl" and eat "ecological rice". Find more new ways to “carbon”.

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