After being warned by the organization, he still engaged in power-for-money transactions. A fallen cadre in Sichuan cried and repented: renting a house and buying second-hand cars to pretend to be an "honest person"

Release time:Jun 06, 2024 16:15 PM

On June 6, Integrity Sichuan issued an article "Using the case as a mirror | The "corrupt secretary" who drove a second-hand car", which exposed the corruption details of Luo Xiaoqiang, the former secretary of the Party Committee of Luobu Town, Xuyong County, Luzhou City.

Luo Xiaoqiang, male, Han nationality, born in June 1970, is from Xuyong, Sichuan. He started working in December 1990 and joined the Communist Party of China in December 1998. He served as deputy secretary of the party committee, mayor and party committee secretary of Luobu Town, Xuyong County.

In September 2023, Luo Xiaoqiang was subject to disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Xuyong County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law; in December 2023, Luo Xiaoqiang was dismissed from public office for serious violation of party discipline, constituting a job violation and being suspected of bribery; In January 2024, Luo Xiaoqiang was expelled from the party for seriously violating party discipline, constituting an official violation and being suspected of bribery. In April 2024, Luo Xiaoqiang was sentenced to five years in prison and fined RMB 300,000 for taking bribes. Yuan.

Luo Xiaoqiang, former secretary of the Party Committee of Luobu Town, Xuyong County, Luzhou City, is under review and investigation.

"Luo Xiaoqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Luobu Town, Xuyong County, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Xuyong County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision..." In October last year, an authoritative message released by the Luzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision triggered local There was strong concern, and many cadres and the masses were discussing, "How could a person who usually looks very simple go astray..."

In the eyes of others, Luo Xiaoqiang is hard-working and responsible, often visiting villages and working overtime, and doing his best for the town's economic and social development.

In 2014, Luo Xiao emphasized that he would work in Luobu Town and served successively as the town mayor and the town party committee secretary. During this period, the local area has made many achievements in poverty alleviation, epidemic prevention and control, industrial development, environmental improvement, etc., and some major economic and social development indicators rank among the top in the county. In July 2022, faced with a sudden drought, Luo Xiaoqiang went to the front line to direct drought relief during the day, and convened a team to study drought solutions at night. Due to high-intensity work, he fell ill on the front line of drought relief and was rushed to the hospital for treatment. As soon as the operation was over, he pulled out the needle and went to each village to inspect and guide the work.

"Luo Xiaoqiang works very hard and has very strict requirements on everyone!" This is the first impression his colleagues have of him. Luo Xiaoqiang often talked about integrity and asked everyone to strictly abide by party discipline and state laws. He also led all party members and cadres in the town to review the oath of joining the party many times. "All cadres in the town must strictly abide by party discipline and state laws, and resolutely put an end to corruption and unhealthy tendencies. It starts with me! If I have a problem, start with me."

Not only that, Luo Xiaoqiang also leaves people with the impression that he lives a simple and frugal life. "My clothes are bought online, my house is rented, my car is second-hand, and I rarely eat out." As everyone knows, these are all Luo Xiaoqiang's elaborate disguises. "Ever since I started collecting money, I started to disguise myself. The purpose was to disguise myself as an honest person at the county, town, village and other levels." Luo Xiaoqiang confessed.

One day in 2017, a self-employed businessman took the initiative to give Luo Xiaoqiang 30,000 yuan in cash to thank him for his "care" on the project. After some "rejection but welcome", Luo Xiaoqiang finally pocketed the money.

"I was very nervous and uncomfortable at the time. I felt that after I took it back, I would put it at home for fear of being stolen, and I would take it to the bank for fear of being discovered, so I felt very uneasy. As time went by, I felt less scared." Looking back on the first chapter. Luo Xiaoqiang still vividly remembers the situation of collecting money.

After he first tasted the "sweetness", Luo Xiaoqiang frequently had "profitable contacts" with business bosses, using his position to provide "help" to business bosses in acquiring projects, allocating funds, etc., and the business bosses understood and gave him "thank you fees". ".

After becoming the secretary of the town party committee, Luo Xiaoqiang developed the idea of ​​​​"the boat arrives at the dock and the car arrives at the station". He believed that he was "old and had no hope of promotion. It was time to plan for retirement."

Driven by this abnormal psychology, his view of power became even more distorted, and corruption became more and more unscrupulous. He continued to collect money in the office, in the car, in the teahouse, at home, and even in the streets and alleys in the form of cash, bank transfer, WeChat transfer, etc. The "thank you fee" from the businessman boss is all-encompassing and greedy.

Not only that, Luo Xiaoqiang also took the initiative to ask for money and materials from some business owners on many occasions, citing lack of money. In March 2022, businessman Xiao gave Luo Xiaoqiang 300,000 yuan in cash to thank him for his care on the project. A month later, he asked Xiao for another 200,000 yuan on the grounds of financial difficulties.

"I am the 'number one' and have a strong say in the town. They will listen to my greetings to the subordinates." In his work and life, Luo Xiaoqiang does not pay attention to the study of party rules and disciplines, has a weak awareness of discipline and law, and has unclear bottom lines and boundaries. This makes him run like a wild horse, going further and further down the road of corruption.

After "mingling" with the business owner, Luo Xiaoqiang was afraid that he would be "exposed", so he put on a disguise mask. On the surface, he is doing his best for the economic and social development of the town, providing services and seeking development; behind the scenes, he is colluding with the unscrupulous businessman boss, talking about power and seeking personal gain.

However, nothing can stop the fire, and any violations of regulations and disciplines will eventually be severely punished by party discipline and state laws. In 2023, the organization received reports of problems about Luo Xiaoqiang, promptly talked to him, warned him to be honest, self-disciplined, and diligent in politics, and hoped that he would take the initiative to clarify the problem. But Luo Xiaoqiang was lucky, thinking that his image was upright and his reputation was good, so he patted his chest to show that he had no problems.

After the conversation, Luo Xiaoqiang still refused to restrain or stop, and continued to engage in power-for-money transactions his own way.

After investigation, it was found that from 2017 to 2023, Luo Xiaoqiang provided assistance to others in project construction, fund allocation, etc., and received 1.772 million yuan in property from others, of which 450,000 yuan was demanded in cash.

"Being a 'two-faced person' in front of the organization, being disloyal and dishonest to the party, doing one thing in front of your face and another behind your back. This lesson is too profound. I can't afford this pain, and I can't afford this shame. I am guilty, and I regret it." ." Looking back on the first half of his life, Luo Xiaoqiang regretted it and cried bitterly.

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