Official response: High-speed rail tickets are no longer available? Just now, Songjiang South Station was renamed

Release time:May 08, 2024 14:04 PM

On May 7, the news that two railway stations in Songjiang will be renamed attracted attention. Songjiang South Station will be renamed as Shanghai Songjiang Station from May 22, and Songjiang Station of the Shanghai-Kunming Railway will also be renamed as Songjiang from May 22. North Station. However, some people noticed that in the ticket booking system of the "12306" App, tickets for May 22 at the two stations after the renaming could not be purchased. Is the ticketing system out of order due to the station name change? Just now, the "Shanghai Railway 12306" WeChat public account posted a response stating that the furthest date on which tickets for Songjiang Station and Songjiang South Station can be sold is May 21, 2024. Tickets for Shanghai Songjiang Station and Songjiang North Station will be on sale starting from May 22. The sale period is restored to 15 days.

According to the news released by China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd. on May 7, it is clear that the name of the newly built railway line from Shanghai to Huzhou via Suzhou is the Shanghai-Suzhou High-speed Railway, referred to as the "Shanghai-Suhu High-speed Railway". The Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou high-speed railway connects Shanghai, Suzhou, Huzhou and other key cities in the Yangtze River Delta. The Shanghai Songjiang Station it passes through was renamed from the existing Songjiang South Station. The renamed Shanghai Songjiang Station is located on the north side of the original Songjiang South Station. The new station has a construction area of ​​60,000 square meters and is designed to accommodate a maximum of 5,000 people. At the same time, in order to avoid misunderstandings between the existing Shanghai-Kunming Railway Songjiang Station and Shanghai Songjiang Station, the Shanghai-Kunming Railway Songjiang Station will be renamed Songjiang North Station from May 22.

Later, some netizens noticed that the departure, arrival and transfer tickets for Songjiang on May 22 could not be searched in the "12306" system. The reporter's actual measurement found that tickets for this station until May 21st can still be purchased, but for tickets on May 22nd, no results can be found whether searching for the new station name or the old station name. Some netizens consulted the "12306" customer service, and the customer service responded: "I can't see it at the moment. I haven't received a name change notification yet."

On the afternoon of May 8, the "Shanghai Railway 12306" WeChat public account stated: From now on, tickets for Songjiang Station and Songjiang South Station can be sold as far as May 21, 2024, and tickets for May 22, 2024 and later. Not for sale yet. Starting from May 22, tickets for Shanghai Songjiang Station and Songjiang North Station will be on sale, and the pre-sale period will be restored to 15 days. We hope that all passengers will inform each other and make adjustments to their itineraries. If you have any questions, you can call 021-12306 for consultation.

According to industry insiders, there will indeed be a temporary inability to purchase tickets during the "transition period" when the station is renamed, so passengers do not need to worry too much. For example, a new Taizhou Station was built along the Hangzhou-Taiwan High-speed Railway that will be opened in 2022. The original Taizhou Station was renamed Taizhou West Station to make way for the Taizhou Station of the new line. When the name was changed, the "12306" system also failed to purchase tickets for a period of time. , but normal ticket sales soon resumed.

Official response: High-speed rail tickets are no longer available? Just now, Songjiang South Station was renamed
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