First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 06, 2024 17:15 PM

The three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta, with 4% of the land area, gather 17% of the country's population and create nearly a quarter of the country's total economic output. It is one of the regions with the most active economy, the highest degree of openness, and the strongest innovation ability in my country. .

Ningbo Zhoushan Port plays an important role in promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. Photo courtesy of Zhejiang Seaport

Promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta is a major national strategy personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping. As early as 2003, Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, proposed during a study tour in the Yangtze River Delta: establishing a regular meeting mechanism for the main party and government leaders of the Yangtze River Delta provinces and cities. In 2018, President Xi Jinping announced at the first China International Import Expo that he would support the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region and upgrade it to a national strategy, and the integration would be accelerated.

On November 30, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on in-depth promotion of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and pointed out, “Promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta to achieve new major breakthroughs, be at the forefront of Chinese-style modernization, and better utilize pioneering exploration. road, leading by example, and radiating and leading role.” General Secretary Xi Jinping also asked everyone to "move forward step by step and push forward one item at a time."

Important guidance time and time again, kind care every time. Carrying high expectations and shouldering a major mission, the Yangtze River Delta is writing a new chapter of high-quality development on a new journey.

From June 5th to 6th, the 2024 Yangtze River Delta region’s main leaders’ symposium was held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang. This year’s theme is “Write a new chapter in the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and bravely be the pioneer of Chinese-style modernization.”

——Focus on “active integration, comprehensive integration, giving full play to advantages, and achieving win-win results”

Enterprises in the Industrial Park of Jiashan Economic and Technological Development Zone are busy with production and accelerating their integration into the Yangtze River Delta. Photo courtesy of Jiashan Economic and Technological Development Zone

Do you want to "go out"? Should we integrate with Shanghai? What seems to be an undoubted issue now caused some controversy in Zhejiang 20 years ago.

First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

"When Comrade Xi Jinping first came to work in Zhejiang, Zhejiang's economy was going through pains. After more than 20 years of rapid development, the first-mover advantage was no longer available, resource constraints were intensified, and the development limitations of small land-based provinces began to emerge." said the then deputy director of the Provincial Development Planning Commission Director Liu Ting recalled that at that time, some private entrepreneurs faced resource bottlenecks and chose to invest in other provinces. However, the province had different views, believing that this was capital outflow and enterprise relocation.

Many cadres in the province also have doubts about integrating with Shanghai. They have a narrow concept of "no need to integrate", a negative attitude of "unable to integrate", and a fear of "no way to integrate".

In Jiaxing, adjacent to Shanghai, the ideological confrontation is even more intense.

The Jiahu area has always been the "granary of the south of the Yangtze River" and a land of plenty. The people live a prosperous life and feel good about themselves. "At that time, many people said that 'grass does not grow under big trees,' and believed that if we integrated with Shanghai, we would be affected by the siphon effect." Zhang Guoqiang, deputy director of Jiaxing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, recalled.

While Zhejiang is still engaged in an ideological game, Jiangsu in the north has already taken action. Some county government officials and business owners often stay in Shanghai, seizing opportunities to bring back merchants and projects. In order to speed up the connection with Shanghai, Jiangsu's first expressway is the "Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway" connecting Shanghai.

“To take the initiative to integrate is to take Shanghai’s ship to the sea, climb up Shanghai’s ladder, and develop with Shanghai’s power.” Comrade Xi Jinping sees it clearly.

At that time, not long after my country joined the WTO, it was a period of opportunity for open development. Shanghai was at the forefront of opening up, gathering capital, talent, and technology from all over the world. Zhejiang urgently needed to follow Shanghai's lead and make up for this "short board" in attracting foreign investment. At the same time, as an international metropolis, Shanghai’s global vision, strategic thinking and high-standard positioning are all examples for Zhejiang to learn from as it moves towards modernization.

In January 2003, Comrade Xi Jinping proposed “actively integrating with Shanghai” for the first time in the provincial government work report. During departmental and local surveys, he emphasized again and again that if China’s economy is a highlight of the world economy, then the development of the Yangtze River Delta is the highlight of China; special emphasis should be placed on “connecting Shanghai to the north and attracting Taiwanese investment to the east.” "...

To change the situation in Shanghai where "the north is more important than the south", we must first break the ice ideologically.

First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

On March 21, 2003, Comrade Xi Jinping led a party and government delegation of more than 60 people to go to major cities in the Yangtze River Delta to "visit relatives". Top leaders from all departments and bureaus and cities were dispatched.

In the Cuiyuan Hall of the Xijiao Hotel in Shanghai, surrounded by green trees, Comrade Xi Jinping expressed his intention in 16 words: learn with humility, take the initiative to connect, cooperate sincerely, and achieve win-win results. It was at that meeting that he proposed for the first time: on the existing basis, establish a regular meeting mechanism for the main party and government leaders of the three provinces and cities of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

After the inspection, more than ten "top leaders" actively wrote articles to talk about their thoughts and development in the "Focus on the Yangtze River Delta" special page launched by "Zhejiang Daily" -

"The strategy of integrating with Shanghai is a major strategic measure that Zhejiang must take to realize modernization ahead of schedule in the new century...Hangzhou has put forward new work requirements, new concepts and new goals of 'integrating with Shanghai, complementing advantages and staggered development'."

"Jiaxing is the forefront of our province's integration with Shanghai. We are determined and confident to seize new opportunities..."

With people's hearts united, the "pot of water" in the Yangtze River Delta is getting hotter and hotter in Zhejiang.

Yangtze River Delta Smart Transportation Demonstration Project Hangzhou-Shaoxing Section of Hangzhou-Shaoxing-Ningbo Expressway. Photo by trendy news reporter Dong Xuming and photographer Mei Qing

In May 2003, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government issued "Several Opinions on Taking the Initiative to Integrate Shanghai and Actively Participate in Cooperation and Exchanges in the Yangtze River Delta Region." In July 2003, at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Provincial Party Committee, Comrade Xi Jinping personally outlined the implementation of the "Eight-Eighth Strategy", the second of which clearly stated that "Zhejiang will further leverage its geographical advantages, actively connect with Shanghai, and actively participate in the Yangtze River Delta regional cooperation and exchanges, and continuously improve the level of internal and external opening up.”

Zhejiang's proactive integration has also ignited enthusiasm in the Yangtze River Delta. In mid- to late-December 2003, party and government delegations from Shanghai and Jiangsu Province visited Zhejiang Province. The level of cooperation between the three provinces and cities has continued to improve, and they jointly proposed the idea of ​​jointly building a "3-hour metropolitan area". The widening project of the Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway, Zhejiang's first expressway leading outside the province, has accelerated; financial institutions in Shanghai have begun to provide services to some cities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Large enterprises directly issue loans on a large scale and provide financial services; the Hangzhou branch of the Shanghai Technology Equity Exchange was officially established, providing an innovative example for the substantive economic integration of the Yangtze River Delta...

First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

In December 2005, the first symposium of major leaders from Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces was held in West Lake, Hangzhou. From then on, the Yangtze River Delta region began to enter a new stage of long-term and comprehensive cooperation promoted by the highest decision-making level at the provincial level.

"It is precisely because of the promotion of high-level decision-makers that the speed and level of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta have been continuously improved, and the cooperation mechanism has been continuously improved." As the director of the Regional Economic Division of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission at the time, Zhang Shankun was the specific executor of this work. .

He recalled that during that period, the national level also paid increasing attention to promoting the reform and opening up and regional economic integration in the Yangtze River Delta region. In September 2008, the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Promoting Reform, Opening Up and Economic and Social Development in the Yangtze River Delta Region", which is a programmatic document to jointly promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta regional economy; in December of the same year, it was held in Ningbo, Zhejiang The main leaders' symposium in the Yangtze River Delta region formally established a regional cooperation mechanism of "three-level operation, integration of unified management and decentralization, pragmatic and efficient". Anhui was invited to join, and the three provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Delta became three provinces and one city; since then, the country's first The important cross-provincial plan "Regional Planning for the Yangtze River Delta Region" is released...

In this way, the fire of integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta is getting stronger and stronger.

——Making the Yangtze River Delta truly a regional development community

The construction trestle and working pier on the south bank of the Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Railway Bridge. Photo courtesy of CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Company

On the southern shore of Hangzhou Bay, thousands of pile foundations are heading deep into the sea. This is the Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Railway Bridge, which is also the longest high-speed railway cross-sea bridge under construction in the world. This line will connect Ningbo, Jiaxing, Suzhou, Nantong and other cities, greatly shortening the distance between major cities in the Yangtze River Delta. time and space distance.

On the east side of the project, the once "world's first" Hangzhou Bay Cross-Sea Bridge has Changhong lying on the waves.

The straight-line distance between Shanghai and Ningbo is less than 150 kilometers. Once, due to the "trumpet mouth" of Hangzhou Bay, they had to travel 400 kilometers by land. “I got up at 5 a.m., took a detour to Hangzhou, and arrived in Shanghai at 8 p.m.” Chen Yuanyuan, a Cixi native who travels between the two places for business, still remembers how difficult it was back then.

First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

Across the sea and connected to the greater Shanghai, Ningbo people are eager to open a channel from the sea, and began to demonstrate the construction of the bridge in 1993.

Comrade Xi Jinping was very concerned about this major project connecting Shanghai to the north when he first went to Ningbo for investigation, and proposed to do everything possible to complete the bridge as soon as possible.

"It is no exaggeration to say that this bridge has been the dream of generations of Ningbo people." Mao Lixiang, honorary chairman of Fotile Kitchenware, was a representative of the Cixi Municipal People's Congress at the time and had been calling for the construction of the bridge for five consecutive terms.

In January 2003, Comrade Xi Jinping's provincial government work report lifted Mao Lixiang's spirits. “The province has written into the report the development ideas of building the Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge, taking the Hangzhou Bay area as the forerunner, connecting with Shanghai, and integrating into the Yangtze River Delta region.” Soon, Fotile moved its headquarters to Cixi Economic Development, which is being developed on the south bank of the bridge. district.

Wang Yong, then commander-in-chief of the Hangzhou Bay Cross-Sea Bridge Project Headquarters, still remembers Comrade Xi Jinping’s concern for the Yangtze River Delta interconnection project.

In 2005, the bridge project, which was at its peak of construction, encountered funding difficulties due to a change of heart by some lending banks. There are more than 300 ships and nearly 10,000 people working on the sea. If the problem is not solved, the consequences will be incalculable...

When faced with difficulties, Comrade Xi Jinping personally intervened and actively coordinated with relevant departments to solve the problems. On April 14 of the same year, at the province's key construction and "five major 10 billion" project work conference, he also specifically stated that the provincial party committee and the provincial government would actively support the construction of the Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge, and hoped that all shareholders of private enterprises would actively cooperate and support the investment and construction of the bridge. .

"After that, the bridge construction never got stuck due to financial reasons." Wang Yong said.

On May 1, 2008, the Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge was put into trial operation and opened to traffic. Photo by reporter Wang Xiaochuan

First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

On May 1, 2008, the entire Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge was opened to traffic, and both sides of the Taiwan Strait were filled with new opportunities. Cixi Economic Development Zone, which prospered because of the bridge, has grown into Qianwan New District with stronger capabilities. It has attracted more than 40 projects and platforms with the prefix "Shanghai" to settle in. It is further strengthening the complementary integration of regional resources and building Qianwan-Shanghai. Zhejiang Cooperation and Development Zone.

In the future, the two transportation arteries across Hangzhou Bay will link the Ningbo metropolitan area with the Shanghai metropolitan area and the Suzhou-Xinjiang metropolitan area, leading the new area into the "double bridge era."

At the 2014 International Engineering Science and Technology Conference, President Xi Jinping told the world the story of the Hangzhou Bay Cross-Sea Bridge. He said: “This project not only promotes the local leap from a traffic terminal to a transportation hub, but also promotes the transformation of the local area through logistics, capital flow, The convergence and diffusion of information flow affects all areas of economic and social development and promotes the development of the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai economic circles.”

It is true that in order to achieve integrated development, interconnection is the first step.

In 2018, the first Yangtze River Delta subway "pass" was launched in Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Ningbo. A year later, Wenzhou, Hefei, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Xuzhou, and Changzhou joined the camp one after another;

On December 28, 2020, the Zhejiang Yaoyang Highway-Shanghai Jinshan Yexin Highway was officially opened. This is the first inter-provincial dead-end road opened to traffic between the two places after the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta was elevated to a national strategy.

"Originally, if the county wants to open such a road, it involves coordination between the two places. It must be reported to the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Transportation through the Jiaxing Municipal Transportation Bureau, and then contacted to the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission." Chen Xiaodong, deputy section chief of the Planning Section of the Jiashan County Transportation Bureau, said, Nowadays, the interconnection system and mechanism are smoother. The transportation departments of the two provinces and one city regularly discuss the progress and plans of inter-provincial connecting roads. The road planning has been upgraded to standard cross-regional connection. Jiashan, Zhejiang, Jinshan, Shanghai and Qingpu have simultaneously prepared road network plans. One highway Whether it is two lanes or four lanes, and what level it is, everyone "discusses it."

On April 7, 2024, the Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou Railway track laid and entered the Wuxing section of Huzhou. Photographed by friend Min Feng

Up to now, the operating mileage of the Yangtze River Delta Railway has exceeded 14,000 kilometers. A high-frequency "one-hour traffic circle" has basically been realized between Hangzhou and Shanghai, Nanjing, and Hefei. The construction of the "Yangtze River Delta on Track" project has been accelerated. The Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou Railway and Hangzhou-Wenzhou Railway, which are about to be completed and opened to traffic, will bring new development opportunities to the cities along the lines.

First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

——Be brave enough to be the pioneer of my country’s technological and industrial innovation

In 2003, Chint Group took an important step to integrate into the Yangtze River Delta. This step is closely related to a long office conversation.

"We did have industrial transformation and upgrading at that time, especially the actual need to develop international business, and we thought of further development in Shanghai, which is more open and cutting-edge." Nan Cunhui recalled, but as a native Zhejiang enterprise, if it proposed to develop outward, it would gain Is there support from the province? He was unsure.

At this time, a piece of TV news about the province's request to actively connect with Shanghai and build an advanced manufacturing base touched his nerves. Give it a try!

Soon after, Nan Cunhui rushed to Hangzhou with a plan to implement an internationalization strategy and build an advanced electrical appliance manufacturing enterprise, and walked into Comrade Xi Jinping's office.

How to innovate technology, how to lay out the market, how to support finance, how to implement projects... After patiently listening to Nan Cunhui's report, Comrade Xi Jinping said: "Chint is very active and responds very quickly. It is the first in the province to respond to the call and come up with solutions." One of the companies that took practical measures." Subsequently, Chint officially selected Songjiang, Shanghai, and built the Chint Electric Songjiang Industrial Park.

Why do local government leaders support enterprises to develop overseas? At a symposium of well-known private entrepreneurs in the province in early 2004, Comrade Xi Jinping said this: We must make full use of both international and domestic resources and markets, constantly improve the level of export-oriented development, dare to go outside the province, and dare to go to the international market. .

Shortly thereafter, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government formulated and issued "Several Opinions on Promoting a New Leap in the Private Economy." The keen Zhejiang businessmen watched the sea and listened to the waves, responded quickly, introduced Shanghai projects, and rushed to Shanghai to invest, which suddenly became popular.

After several years of development in Shanghai, Nan Cunhui truly understood Comrade Xi Jinping’s strategic intentions. "The Yangtze River Delta has abundant scientific and technological resources and strong innovation capabilities, allowing companies to embrace a broader market and integrate superior resources to receive greater development dividends," he said.

First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

Today, more than 600,000 Zhejiang businessmen are active in Shanghai and are deeply integrated into the integrated development pattern of the Yangtze River Delta. Chint, which has taken advantage of the "sea" to go overseas, has achieved diversified industrial layout in Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Shanghai, and its business territory has expanded to more than 140 countries and regions. Chint Songjiang Park relies on the construction of the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor to carry out exploration of science and technology innovation centers, high-end manufacturing and smart energy, and also builds a science and technology innovation incubation park.

In a region with the most developed economy, the most complete industrial system, and the strongest innovation capabilities in China, how can the industrial development of three provinces and one city form a stronger synergy?

On August 20, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on solidly promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and gave a clear direction: “Letting factors flow smoothly in a wider range will help give full play to the comparative advantages of each region and achieve a more reasonable Division of labor, gathering stronger synergy, and promoting high-quality development.”

Along this direction, the Yangtze River Delta industrial collaboration and technological collaboration are accelerating the pace of integration——

For a new energy vehicle, Shanghai provides the chips and software, Jiangsu provides the power battery, and Zhejiang provides the body. Within a 4-hour drive, all parts are available;

For a launched satellite, the R&D team comes from Zhejiang, the solar cells and energy system come from Suzhou, and the satellite assembly, general testing, rocket launch and other supporting facilities are completed in Shanghai.

In the vibrant Yangtze River Delta, the integrated circuit industry accounts for three-fifths of the country's scale, artificial intelligence and biomedicine account for nearly one-third, and new energy vehicles account for more than 40%, but this "top student" is still not satisfied.

Can cross-regional technological innovation and industrial innovation become closer?

In 2021, at the third Yangtze River Delta Integrated Development High-Level Forum, four industrial chain alliances including integrated circuits, biomedicine, artificial intelligence, and new energy vehicles were established in the Yangtze River Delta. Now, the number of industrial chain alliances jointly built by three provinces and one city has grown to 9. About two-thirds of the risk points of Zhejiang's key core technologies being cut off can be backed up in the Yangtze River Delta.

First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

Driven by major scientific and technological research tasks, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui have started to operate Hefei National Laboratory, Purple Mountain Laboratory, etc. At this year’s Yangtze River Delta region’s main leaders’ symposium, three provinces and one city will jointly establish the Yangtze River Delta Cross-regional Innovation Alliance body.

Chint Smart Energy East China Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park is located in Nanhu District, Jiaxing City. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Nanhu District Committee of Jiaxing City

With the growth of Songjiang Industrial Park, Chint has established a supporting industrial park in Jiaxing. The first phase of the Chint Smart Energy East China Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park will be completed by the end of 2021, and the second phase is in full swing. Every day, many potential customers from Shanghai are received here. "Shanghai is the brain that connects high-end business and sales, and Jiaxing is the engine of manufacturing in our East China region. This is the charm of industrial collaboration in the Yangtze River Delta." said the person in charge of the industrial park.

The continued deepening of cross-regional collaboration in technological innovation and industrial innovation will quickly transform the potential energy of integrated development into development momentum and promote regional integration to a deeper level.

——Take the lead in forming a new pattern of reform and opening up at a higher level

Rendering of the Fangting Water Institute project under construction. Photo courtesy of the Yangtze River Delta Management Committee

Only those who have the courage to reform can enjoy the dividends brought by the opportunities of the times. Jiashan has seized the reform opportunity of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and achieved the advantage of catching up from behind.

On February 5, 2004, Comrade Xi Jinping visited Jiashan and hoped that Jiashan “should give full play to its location advantages, proactively connect with Shanghai, and strive to become the forefront of our province’s open economy.”

That day, Gao Linghui, then secretary of the Jiashan County Party Committee, was deeply touched: Jiashan’s greatest advantage is its close proximity to Shanghai, which is the “bridgehead” for Zhejiang to connect with Shanghai.

First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

The first to adapt is industry. At that time, investment recruiters from Jiashan went to Shanghai to attract investment from time to time. But Jiashan was not well-known at that time, and they were often ignored wherever they went.

"We have to change the area code 021 on the business card to 0573, so we won't come." "Can Jiashan's resource facilities compare with Shanghai?"...

Many people still remember that many "closed doors" were received, and most of the companies attracted were downstream enterprises in the industrial chain. Some even only built warehousing bases because of the cheap land prices here.

While feeling disappointed, everyone couldn't help but worry: Will the increasingly convenient transportation between the two places accelerate the siphon effect?

In April 2005, Comrade Xi Jinping came to Jiashan again for investigation and inspection. He specifically mentioned that Jiashan should not only seize the key point of misaligned development of industrial integration, but also design work and activity carriers around "what Shanghai needs, what we can do, and what we can give".

"Yes, only when all areas such as public services and people's livelihood are integrated into the city can the two places be truly integrated." Recalling the concerns of Shanghai customers when negotiating projects, Gao Linghui understood.

Without breaking administrative subordination and breaking administrative boundaries, a reform that expanded to a deeper level and wider areas has begun. But integration is not as easy as imagined.

The Taipu River after regulation. Photo courtesy of Jiashan Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department

Walking in Jiashan, the story of Taipu River is passed down from mouth to mouth. This river closely connects Qingpu in Shanghai, Wujiang in Jiangsu and Jiashan.

First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

But precisely because of this, there used to be "one river and three standards, each with its own reasons." Since the 1990s, the upstream Wujiang River has positioned the Taipu River as a flood discharge channel. At most, tens of thousands of textile companies were distributed around the river. Qingpu and Jiashan downstream, however, position it as a drinking water source.

"Various aquatic plants are overflowing, and there are always people stealing dirt at the junction of the three places." Pan Genlong, a villager in Yinshuimiao Village, Yaozhuang Town, Jiashan, lives next to the Taipu River. Seeing the mother river getting dirty day by day, he and he The villagers were very worried.

It can't be cured well, and it can't be managed properly. what to do?

A turning point occurred on November 5, 2018 - the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta became a national strategy.

"Integration" has gradually transformed from a non-binding concept and agreement into a tangible system. In August 2019, Qingwujia signed a collaborative water control agreement; two months later, the three places established a joint river chief system.

Pan Genlong and several villagers spontaneously established a joint water protection team. Now they patrol the river together every week. These villagers include Wujiang and Qingpu. "One family does not have two jobs, and the same goes for water protection." Pan Genlong said.

Today, the water quality of Taipu River has been upgraded from Class IV five years ago to Class II standard.

On November 1, 2019, another shining moment for Jiashan - Jiashan, together with Qingpu in Shanghai and Wujiang in Jiangsu, was included in the Yangtze River Delta ecological green integrated development demonstration zone.

Jiashan firmly seized this opportunity and continued to accelerate innovation in institutional mechanisms.

First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

The "Cross-domain General Service·Cloud Comprehensive Window" window of the Convenience Service Center of Wangjiangjing Town, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing City. Photo by reporter Xu Yu

The results are particularly remarkable in the areas of people's livelihood such as education and medical care that are of most concern to the people: the Jiashan bus card can be used to ride the Shanghai subway; it has cooperated with famous schools in Shanghai and Zhejiang to build 12 affiliated schools; Jiashan people can swipe card payments at major hospitals in Shanghai, and can also make payments at major hospitals in Shanghai. Make an appointment with a Shanghai specialist at a local hospital...

The changes brought to Jiashan by institutional innovation also occurred in the Yangtze River Delta.

After it was elevated to a national strategy, the breakthroughs in institutional mechanisms became even more powerful - in 2019, the "Outline of the Yangtze River Delta Regional Integrated Development Plan" was issued, marking that this national strategy has entered a comprehensive implementation stage; in November of that year, the Yangtze River Delta Ecological Green The integrated development demonstration zone was officially launched, and batches of institutional innovations were born here; through the establishment of a regional coordination and cooperation mechanism, residents in the Yangtze River Delta region can apply for human resources and social security, public security, and civil affairs services in the Yangtze River Delta with a social security card in their hands. , medical insurance and other government affairs in many fields, the transfer and continuation of inter-provincial medical insurance relationships in the Yangtze River Delta region have also achieved full coverage...

"Better play the role of pioneering, leading and demonstrating, and radiating and driving..." Over the past 20 years, reform has always been the unchanging theme of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. At the symposium on in-depth promotion of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta at the end of 2023, President Xi Jinping The secretary’s new requirements for the development of the Yangtze River Delta are full of reform meaning of breaking the waves and moving forward.

This spring, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to review the "Opinions on Several Policies and Measures to Continue and Deeply Promote the High-Quality Development of the Integration of the Yangtze River Delta." At the meeting, high expectations for the integration of the Yangtze River Delta were once again heard——

Shanghai must better play its leading role, and the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui must make full use of their strengths, gather strong joint efforts, and continue to write a new chapter in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta...

Between the lines, the original intention to promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta is clear, and the high hopes of "achieving greater breakthroughs" are high.

General Secretary Xin Huai Yin Yin asked that from June 5 to 6, the main leaders of the three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta gathered in Wenzhou, Zhejiang to discuss implementation plans and seek new developments. The theme of "Writing a new chapter in the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and bravely being the pioneer of Chinese-style modernization" will be turned into new practical actions, moving forward step by step, one project at a time.

First point of view丨Go forward step by step and push forward one by one - a review of deepening the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta
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People's Daily editorial: Singing the Song of Youth on the New Journey of National Revitalization in Building a Strong Country National | Socialism | Youth

Singing the Song of Youth on the New Journey of Building a Strong Country and National Revitalization - Warmly Congratulations on the Opening of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China. In the beginning year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China opened today in Beijing. This is of great significance for further mobilizing and inspiring billions of young people to strive for excellence in the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation. We warmly congratulate the convening of the conference!

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◇ In May 2013, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, put forward a series of requirements for promoting sustained and healthy economic and social development during an inspection in Tianjin-"Seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting sustained and healthy economic development, and making continuous efforts to ensure and Improve people's livelihood" "To achieve a virtuous circle of economic development and people's livelihood improvement" ", strengthening and improving party leadership is the fundamental guarantee". Over the past ten years, Tianjin has issued a series of policies and measures around "improving the quality and efficiency of development, ensuring and improving people's livelihood, and strengthening and improving the leadership of the party". It has issued high-level documents such as the decision of the Tianjin Municipal CPC Committee on thoroughly implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech in Tianjin to speed up the construction of a beautiful Tianjin, with development as the key to innovation and promote transformation.

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Inspiring Taiwanese youth to pursue their dreams in the hot land of mainland China, special article: This reply letter to the Taiwan Strait Youth Forum

Xinhua News Agency, Xiamen, June 15th (Xinhua) - This reply inspires Taiwanese youth to pursue their dreams in the hot land of mainland China. Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhao Bo, Shi Longhong, and Fu Min are here in Xiamen, where the grass and trees are lush, the sea is vast, and the sky is vast. The 21st Cross Strait Youth Forum has arrived as scheduled.Deeply caring and eagerly anticipating, inspiring many Taiwanese youths on the mainland to pursue their dreams. Recently, three representatives of Taiwan youth gave an exclusive interview to Xinhua News Agency reporters, sharing their experiences and insights in learning, work, and life, conveying the vibrant spirit of working together and the spirit of hard work and hard work. "To achieve greater development on a better platform" "My hometown, where is it, connect to"

Exclusive video: Xi Jinping: The establishment of a strategic partnership between China and Palestine will become an important milestone in the history of bilateral relations. People | Palestine | Strategic Partner
Exclusive video: Xi Jinping: The establishment of a strategic partnership between China and Palestine will become an important milestone in the history of bilateral relations. People | Palestine | Strategic Partner

China and Pakistan are good friends and partners who trust and support each other. China is one of the earliest countries to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization and the State of Palestine, and has always firmly supported the just cause of restoring the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. In the face of the century long changes in the world and the new changes in the situation in the Middle East, China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible. Today, we will jointly announce the establishment of a strategic partnership between China and Pakistan

Current Politics Micro Observation | Long term efforts to win this tough battle and construction project | Three North | Current Politics
Current Politics Micro Observation | Long term efforts to win this tough battle and construction project | Three North | Current Politics

He emphasized that strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification, deepening the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three North", is related to China's ecological security, the construction of a strong country, and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. It is a noble cause that benefits the present and the future. 2021-2030 is the construction period of the sixth phase of the "Three North" project, a crucial period for consolidating and expanding the achievements of sand prevention and control, and a crucial period for promoting the high-quality development of the "Three North" project. How to build the "Three North" project into a fully functional and unbreakable green Great Wall and ecological security barrier in northern Xinjiang? General Secretary makes important arrangements - "Strive to use 10