Eye Love Day丨Is it too early to have myopia surgery at the age of 18? Is 40 too late?

Release time:Jun 06, 2024 10:12 AM

“Is it too late to have myopia surgery at the age of 40?”

"After laser surgery for myopia, will I develop presbyopia in advance?"

Clinically, these topics about myopia and refractive surgery often become confusing for patients. Today is National Eye Care Day. The Ophthalmology Center of Shanghai First People's Hospital conducts science popularization and free clinic activities on multiple online and offline platforms. Hu Ying, deputy chief physician of the Department of Refraction, gave detailed answers to this question.

Hu Ying said that the appropriate age for refractive surgery is generally between 20 and 45 years old. "Since the myopia degree of the eyeball is unstable between the ages of 18 and 20, and people over 45 years old may have problems such as eyeball aging and presbyopia, patients in these two age groups should carefully consider surgery."

It is worth noting that the age of refractive surgery should also consider the patient's occupational attributes. If the patient is engaged in occupations such as sports and dancing that require a lot of long-distance vision, the age for refractive surgery can be relaxed to 45 to 50 years old if the physical condition permits. For people who are engaged in research, writing, computers and other occupations that use their eyes a lot at close range, it is recommended to undergo surgery as soon as possible. "Because if this group of people choose to have refractive surgery at the age of 45, although they can take off my myopia glasses, they are also likely to wear reading glasses because they need to work at close range for a long time, which objectively cannot achieve long-term enjoyment." "The effect of taking off the mirror."

In addition to age, whether the patient is suitable for refractive surgery needs to be comprehensively evaluated based on the patient's specific conditions, including myopia degree, corneal thickness, eyeball structure, fundus condition, etc. Therefore, when considering myopia surgery, you must choose a regular medical institution for detailed examination and evaluation. "At the same time, although myopia laser surgery can effectively correct vision, it is not a permanent solution. You still need to pay attention to scientific eye use to maintain good vision after surgery." Hu Ying reminded.

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