A brilliant chapter in the context | The Ten Years of Spring Breeze initiative promotes the blooming of world civilizations

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 06, 2024 09:21 AM

On March 27, 2014, in Paris, France, the conference hall of the UNESCO headquarters was packed with seats.

Chinese President Xi Jinping was invited to deliver an important speech here, "Civilizations are colorful because of exchanges, and civilizations are enriched by mutual learning. Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations are an important driving force for the progress of human civilization and the peaceful development of the world." In this speech, President Xi clarified to the world for the first time China’s view of civilization in the new era and put forward the important proposition of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

The Chinese nation has always believed in "one world, one family", advocated harmony among all nations and universal harmony, and longed for an ideal world in which "the great road leads the world and the world is for the common good."

Zhang Qian’s mission to the Western Regions, Jianzhen’s eastward voyage, Zheng He’s voyages to the West... Looking back at history, Chinese civilization has been eclectic through constant exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations, and has cultivated the spiritual temperament of reforming the past and advancing with the times, accumulating splendid Brilliant cultural tradition and endless powerful driving force.

Today, the joint construction of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative continues to be at the forefront of the Millennium Silk Road. From "hard connectivity" to "soft connectivity" to "heart-to-heart connectivity", the world has shared China's development opportunities, and it has opened a new era of exchanges and symbiosis among civilizations across the world.

"Today, if we want to create new glories for Chinese culture, we must have a broader mind, carry out cultural exchanges with other countries more extensively, and be more proactive in learning from all the outstanding civilizational achievements in the world." General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in one sentence. Exchanges and mutual learning are the essential requirements for the development of Chinese civilization and provide Chinese wisdom for promoting the common development of human society.

Following the global development initiative and global security initiative, in March 2023, at the high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China and world political parties, President Xi solemnly proposed the global civilization initiative to the world. He pointed out that we should jointly advocate respecting the diversity of world civilizations, jointly advocate the promotion of common values ​​​​for all mankind, jointly advocate the importance of civilization inheritance and innovation, and jointly advocate the strengthening of international people-to-people exchanges and cooperation.

This initiative effectively breaks down the "clash of civilizations" and "superiority of civilizations" theories concocted by certain forces. It sends a sincere call to the world to enhance exchanges and dialogue among civilizations and promote the progress of human civilization through tolerance and mutual learning. It further enriches and expands the construction of The practical path of a community with a shared future for mankind.

A brilliant chapter in the context | The Ten Years of Spring Breeze initiative promotes the blooming of world civilizations

On March 15, 2023, President Xi Jinping attended the high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China and world political parties in Beijing and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Join Hands on the Road to Modernization."

President Xi Jinping is not only the proposer and advocate of the global civilization initiative, but also a practitioner.

In the Strahov Library in the Czech Republic, President Xi saw a set of precious books on Confucius displayed on the desk in the library. President Xi read through them carefully and pointed out: "Our two countries have great cooperation in mutual learning of civilizations and cultural exchanges. space."

At the Acropolis Museum in Athens, Greece, looking at the art treasures soaked in the vicissitudes of history, President Xi expressed his hope: "Both China and Greece have a large amount of cultural heritage, and the two sides can strengthen cooperation in the restoration and protection of important cultural and historical heritage."

At the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing, President Xi and Russian President Vladimir Putin jointly launched the "China-Russia Cultural Year". This cultural event has injected new impetus into the inheritance of China-Russia friendship from generation to generation and the mutual understanding and mutual understanding between the two peoples.

One flower blooming alone is not spring, but a hundred flowers blooming together fills the garden. In the garden of world civilization, more seeds of friendship are being sown.

At the Archaeological Museum of Alicante, Spain, the terracotta warriors and horses were unveiled in the "Heritage of China's Qin and Han Civilizations" exhibition, opening another window for overseas audiences to understand Chinese culture. At the Emirates Palace Theater in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, dancers from the China National Ballet Company presented an artistic feast with the Lunar New Year ballet "New Year". At the Palace Museum in Beijing, about 200 exquisite cultural relics are displayed in the exhibition "The Forbidden City and the Palace of Versailles—Sino-French Exchanges in the 17th and 18th Centuries" to tell the story of the long history of exchanges and mutual learning between China and France...

On the evening of January 27, 2024, at the Emirates Palace Theater in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, dancers from the China National Ballet performed the Chinese New Year ballet "New Year".

A brilliant chapter in the context | The Ten Years of Spring Breeze initiative promotes the blooming of world civilizations

The beauty of harmony lies in the harmony of differences. Just like President Xi’s declaration of civilization to the world: “We are willing to work with the international community to strive to create a new situation of people-to-people exchanges, cultural integration, and people-to-people bonds around the world, so that the world’s civilized gardens will be colorful and full of vitality.”

Proofreading丨Li Dan, Sun Xiaoyuan, Liang Yaqin, Song Chunyan, Lou Hao, Li Yingzhuo

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