The processing time limit is reduced by 83%, 62 "one thing" scenarios are launched online, and Beijing Chaoyang optimizes the business environment

Release time:Jun 04, 2024 09:39 AM

Today, reporters learned from the 2024 Beijing CBD Forum "Beijing Chaoyang Promotes High-Quality Development - Optimizing the Business Environment" press conference that in June this year, Chaoyang District formulated key points for comprehensively optimizing the business environment in 2024, including nine Each department has 50 tasks to continuously promote the construction of a world-class business environment.

The relevant person in charge of the Chaoyang District Government Services Administration said: "We use two actions to promote the continuous optimization of the business environment, three actions to launch the implementation of integrated scenarios, and guide the continuous improvement of the digital intelligence track in three aspects."

The "two actions" are to build the "Chaowo" brand and improve the "soft environment" of integrated windows. At present, the "Chao Wo Shuo" brand has formed a centralized effect, efficiently solving the demands of enterprises and unblocking various reform difficulties and direct feedback channels. All types of comprehensive halls and street windows have been intelligently upgraded and standardized, and the offline service environment has been continuously optimized.

The "three measures" are "one industry, one certificate", "one thing done once", and the integrated implementation of one-stop application scenarios for international talents. At present, Chaoyang District provides "one industry, one certificate" processing for enterprises, covering 40 industries. Through business integration, process reengineering, and data sharing, a total of 62 "one thing" scenarios were launched, reducing processing time by 83% and application materials by 38%. A comprehensive window for "approval of holding large-scale events" was set up offline to realize the first "one thing" approval for large-scale events in Beijing in Chaoyang.

The "three aspects" include the entire process being handled online, consultation without face-to-face contact, and big data monitoring. Relying on the digital government affairs integration platform and data sharing and exchange functions, 393 district-level matters were “completely handled online”. Through an integrated digital platform, we integrate all online and offline consultation channels to provide the public with smart, efficient, convenient and high-quality "face-to-face" consultation services. Relying on the big data monitoring platform, we collect "urgent, difficult, worried, and hopeful" consultation matters from the masses through multiple channels such as windows, telephones, WeChat public accounts, self-service terminals, etc., to respond to the needs of enterprises and the masses more accurately.

The processing time limit is reduced by 83%, 62 "one thing" scenarios are launched online, and Beijing Chaoyang optimizes the business environment
Why can we tell Chinese stories better? , "Chinese and foreign co-production"
Why can we tell Chinese stories better? , "Chinese and foreign co-production"

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Zhu Min: China’s economic growth is driven by domestic demand, manufacturing, and carbon neutrality.

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It is becoming an independent form of entertainment, with an online live streaming scale of over 180 billion yuan
It is becoming an independent form of entertainment, with an online live streaming scale of over 180 billion yuan

The "Cultural Trade Blue Book: China International Cultural Trade Development Report" released during the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services pointed out that online performance is gradually becoming an independent form of performance, from simply playing recorded offline performance videos online to exploring new forms of performance and viewing relationships through technological means. According to Blue Book, in 2022, the scale of China's online performance live streaming industry reached 184.442 billion yuan, with 141 million live streaming accounts in related industries. According to the data from Tiktok, in 2022, there will be more than 1.78 million live broadcasts of folk music, with 2.33 million hours of cumulative live broadcasts, more than 6.1 billion viewers, 87% of the anchors of folk music will receive rewards, and Xun, solo, Konghou and other minority instruments will also achieve "box office" revenue of tens of thousands of levels. wrong