Follow the General Secretary to see China|Draw a picture of volunteer service in Tiangu

Release time:Jun 06, 2024 12:42 PM

On January 17, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Chaoyangli Community, Xinxing Street, Heping District, Tianjin City for inspection and investigation, and learned about the community grid management, grassroots party building, convenient services, and service guarantees for retired military personnel.

Chaoyangli Community is the birthplace of the first community volunteer organization in the country.

At the community volunteer service exhibition hall, General Secretary Xi Jinping communicated cordially with the volunteers, praised the community volunteers, and praised them as pioneers and leaders who contribute to society. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that volunteer service is an important symbol of social civilization and progress and an important channel for volunteers to contribute their love. It is necessary to build more platforms for volunteer services and better play the positive role of volunteer services in social governance.

Walking into the Chaoyangli community, there is a small house like this, with a "Compulsory Haircut" sign hanging at the door. This is the home of community resident Qi Dachang.

The 81-year-old Uncle Qi is always "restless". He is either giving haircuts to residents at home or at voluntary barber shops in the community, or carrying clothes and belongings to the homes of elderly people with limited legs and feet.

Uncle Qi also has a "little red book" in which he neatly records every voluntary haircut.

"In the past, I was also in this book because I had cancer and the neighborhood committee helped me. Now, I have also become a volunteer and can do my best to help others. I also want to make some contribution of my own." The helpers became volunteers, and Uncle Qi found the "leader" in life.

"We provide voluntary haircuts for the elderly, hold public welfare fairs, provide relief funds to families in need, and teach movies to the blind... We have made volunteer services into projects that allow residents to see and touch them." Chaoyangli Community Miao Miao, secretary of the party committee and director of the neighborhood committee, said that over the past five years, the community has kept in mind the general secretary’s earnest instructions. On the one hand, it has built more platforms for volunteer services, given more support, and vigorously incubated volunteer service teams; on the other hand, it has continued to explore normalization , Precise volunteer service mechanism to accurately connect residents’ needs with volunteer service resources.

"From the initial 13 people who started voluntary household reservations to now, more than 80% of Chaoyangli community residents have become volunteers." Looking forward to the future, Miaomiao is still full of motivation, "We will continue to serve the people with 'red hearts' and let community residents More love, more happiness.”

Follow the General Secretary to see China|Draw a picture of volunteer service in Tiangu
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