Today's data selection: Listed drug stores sold lottery tickets and sold 76.98 million in a year; the sun erupted three consecutive flares

Release time:Jun 02, 2024 19:19 PM

Listed pharmacy sells lottery tickets and sells 76.98 million yuan a year

According to news from the National Medical Insurance Administration on the 2nd, some designated chain stores under Yixintang have relatively typical illegal and illegal use of medical insurance funds. The Fund Supervision Department of the National Medical Insurance Administration interviewed the relevant person in charge of Yixintang Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.

Before the news of this round of interviews was fermented, the public’s awareness of Yixintang was not high. But in fact, Yixintang, founded in 2000, is the first directly-operated chain pharmacy chain listed on the A-share market and is currently the leading chain pharmacy chain listed in the country.

At the beginning of the month, the listed drugstore Yixintang released its 2023 annual report. As of December 2023, Yixintang has launched a "pharmacy lottery" business pilot in more than 3,000 stores in 8 provinces/cities in Hainan, Sichuan, Chongqing, and Tianjin. In 2023 Yixintang lottery sales generated 76.98 million yuan.

As of the end of the first quarter of 2024, Yixintang has 10,746 directly operated chain stores and is already a well-deserved member of the "Ten Thousand Stores Club". KFC, which has been deeply involved in China for many years, has just reached 10,603 stores as of the end of the first quarter of 2024.

The National Space Weather Monitoring and Warning Center of the China Meteorological Administration introduced on the 2nd that at 3:39 on June 2, Beijing time, a moderate flare with an intensity of M7.3 erupted in the solar active area 13697, accompanied by obvious coronal mass ejection activity. The eruption type is a full halo eruption. Affected by this, it is expected that a small to moderate geomagnetic storm may occur around June 4.

The "Suzhou 16 Articles" comprehensively relax market entry conditions, with the following main highlights: 1. Purchase of new commercial housing is reduced by 50% of the deed tax; 2. In areas where there are no houses under one's name, buying a house across regions can be regarded as the first home, and the first The down payment ratio for a house is 15%; 3. You can settle down if you have a house; 4. The maximum provident fund loan limit for individuals and families is increased to 1.2 million and 1.5 million respectively. The maximum loan limit is 1.8 million for undergraduates and those who have returned from studying abroad within ten years of graduation, and the maximum loan for families is 2.25 million.

According to the China Online Audiovisual Program Service Association, on June 1, new regulations on the management of micro-short dramas were officially implemented and came into effect. Micro-short dramas that have not been reviewed and registered are not allowed to be disseminated online.

The new regulations require "classified and hierarchical review" of micro-short dramas. "Key micro-short dramas" with a total investment of 1 million yuan or more will be uniformly registered and publicized by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television; the total investment amount is between 300,000 yuan and 1 million yuan. "Ordinary micro-short dramas" with a total investment of less than 300,000 yuan and not highly recommended will be reviewed by the provincial radio and television department for planning filing and completed film review; "other micro-short dramas" with a total investment of less than 300,000 yuan and not highly recommended will be The broadcasting online audio-visual platform performs content management duties and is responsible for content review and copyright verification.

On June 2, Red Star News searched the online audio-visual program registration system and found that as of 24:00 on June 1, 3,309 micro-short dramas with approximately 227,000 episodes had been registered in the system and received online registration numbers. Most of the above-mentioned micro-short dramas have obtained registration numbers issued by audio-visual platforms, which are in the "other micro-short dramas" category with an investment of less than 300,000 yuan. Red Star News conducted a high-frequency word cloud analysis of the titles of 3,309 short dramas and found that 189 titles used "president", 109 titles used "madam", 81 titles "dear wife", and 80 titles "divorce". The person in charge of the network department of a provincial radio, film and television bureau told Red Star News that according to the new regulations, micro-short dramas that have passed the registration process and are qualified to be online should have the program registration number on the title.

This summer, more tourists are choosing to bypass traditional tourist hotspots in favor of destinations with fewer tourists and cooler weather. Data show that tourists planning to go to Brussels, Belgium, this summer increased by 73% compared with the same period last year, tourists going to Munich, Germany, increased by 63%, Zurich, Switzerland, increased by 59%, Warsaw, Poland, and Amsterdam, the Netherlands, increased by 55% and 54% respectively. Experts analyze that record high temperatures are the main reason for soaring travel prices in popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean region.

Today's data selection: Guangzhou no longer has purchase restrictions on houses above 120 square meters; public funds have suffered losses for two consecutive years for the first time in history
Today's data selection: Guangzhou no longer has purchase restrictions on houses above 120 square meters; public funds have suffered losses for two consecutive years for the first time in history

Public funds lost more than 430 billion yuan in 2023. For the first time in the history of public funds, public funds have lost money for two consecutive years. Data show that public funds suffered a total loss of 228.76 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of last year, and a total loss of 434.678 billion yuan in 2023. If the overall loss of 1.45 trillion yuan in 2022 is included, it means that for the first time in the history of public funds, public funds have suffered losses for two consecutive years. The total losses of stock funds and hybrid funds exceeded 330 billion yuan, of which hybrid funds lost 187.281 billion yuan and stock funds lost 145.228 billion yuan. In addition to equity funds, QDII and FOF products also reported losses, with losses of 4.839 billion yuan and 3.65 billion yuan respectively, while commodity funds made a small profit of 3.284 billion yuan. Fixed-income funds continued to make profits in the fourth quarter of last year. in

Why do young people fall in love with night school?
Why do young people fall in love with night school?

Recently, "night school" has become a new way of life for many young people. Baidu Index shows that in the past three months, the average daily search index for "night school" has been higher than 300, a year-on-year increase of 22%, and once reached a peak of 841. This trend first started in Shanghai. On the day registration opened for this year's Shanghai Citizen Night School autumn class, 650,000 people competed online for 9,117 course places. On social media platforms such as Xiaohongshu and Weibo, there are many people who lament that night schools are more difficult to compete for than concerts. Others share their real night school experiences, and some even organize groups to open private night schools. So, what is it about night school that is so exciting? Cost-effectiveness ignites night school traffic. The first person to start the "night school craze" was the Shanghai Citizen Art Night School run by the Shanghai Mass Art Museum. The courses offered by this evening school this fall include incense experience

Today's data selection: 11500 SIM cards seized at the China Myanmar border; Why does collective pharyngitis occur?
Today's data selection: 11500 SIM cards seized at the China Myanmar border; Why does collective pharyngitis occur?

The Civil Aviation Administration of China has called on all units to provide their first flight services. Preliminary statistics show that the number of people who have traveled by plane in China is only over 300 million. The Civil Aviation Administration of China has issued the "Guiding Opinions on Facilitating First Time Passenger Services", widely calling on all units to actively carry out first time boarding services and promote the in-depth promotion of first time boarding services throughout the industry. Strive to achieve two goals: by the end of 2023, domestic passenger airlines and civil transport airports will provide passengers with safe, convenient, comfortable, and caring first time boarding services based on their actual situation, and enhance their sense of security, achievement, and happiness towards civil aviation services. At the end of the 14th Five Year Plan period, the capacity of air travel services will be further improved, the domestic market demand will continue to expand, the consumption potential will be fully unleashed, and efforts will be made to achieve a population of 400 million aviation passengers who have flown in China

Today's data selection: Young people are planning the Dragon Boat Festival with three days off and eight days off; India's labor participation rate is only 51%, far lower than China's India | participation rate | young people
Today's data selection: Young people are planning the Dragon Boat Festival with three days off and eight days off; India's labor participation rate is only 51%, far lower than China's India | participation rate | young people

There is no need to worry about India's population surpassing China. Experts say that India's labor force participation rate is only 51%, far lower than China's. On June 16th, Zhai Zhenwu, President of the China Population Association, compared the population situation of India, the world's largest and second most populous country, with China. He proposed that due to the significantly lower labor force participation rate of the working age population in India compared to China, the labor force size will not exceed China in the first half of the 21st century, and China can continue to maintain its position as the world's largest labor force country with a higher labor force participation rate. Zhai Zhenwu stated that although India's total population exceeds that of China, its impact on economic development is not as significant in reality. The labor participation rate in India is very low, and a large population of working age does not necessarily mean a large labor force. In 2021, the working age population of China and India were 986 million and 950 million respectively, with a difference of only 3%

Fifth Anniversary of Yangtze River Delta Integration: Take You to Understand the Most Important Development Achievement Index | Innovation | Achievements
Fifth Anniversary of Yangtze River Delta Integration: Take You to Understand the Most Important Development Achievement Index | Innovation | Achievements

2023 marks the 5th anniversary of the rise of integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta to a national strategy. Over the past five years, the three provinces and one city have closely focused on the keywords of integration and high-quality, continuously promoting the transformation of "blueprint planning" into a "realistic picture". What specific achievements have been achieved? Let's speak with data. The economy continues to lead the way in 2022, with three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta achieving a total GDP of 29 trillion yuan. Faced with multiple pressures and challenges from both internal and external sources, the Yangtze River Delta has shown strong development resilience, with a year-on-year growth rate of 2.5%, an increase of 1.6 and 0.4 percentage points respectively compared to the first half of the year and the first three quarters. Last year, three provinces and one city issued intensive policies to stabilize the economy, combat the epidemic, assist enterprises, boost market confidence, and promote economic recovery and revitalization. Since the third quarter, major economic indicators have rebounded and rebounded. Among them, 16.4% of fixed assets investment was completed