what to do? , happened 4 times in a month! I don’t want to encounter this kind of thing when taking the subway in Shanghai

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:02 PM

Since September, there have been many "clamping" and "door-clamping" accidents in the Shanghai subway. Two of them were when a passenger's legs fell into the gap between the platform and the carriage, one was when a passenger's back was caught by the carriage door, and one was It was a beverage bottle cap that was caught in the door sill strip, causing the door to not close properly.

An investigation by a reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News found that the four accidents were all caused by "clamping", but the causes were different. To avoid accidents, in addition to improving the hardware, some passengers also need to change their riding habits.

Seeing the legs and feet of passengers stuck between the platform and the carriage, many people responded, "Why is the gap so wide?" and "Why can't anti-trampling rubber strips be installed on the platform?" An on-site visit found that among the same Shanghai subway stations, some stations have anti-pinch rubber strips while others do not. How is this going?

Deng Qi, Vehicle Director of the Technical Center of Shanghai STO Metro Group Co., Ltd., said that the first thing that needs to be clarified is that there cannot be a "seamless connection" between the train and the platform, because when the train is running, the car body will swing slightly from side to side, and there must be room between the platform and the train. A certain gap is provided to ensure safe passage.

Due to urban space constraints, it is impossible for each platform to have exactly the same construction conditions, but must be adapted to local conditions. Therefore, the platforms of subway stations are not all straight lines, but curved platforms with arcs. In order for the train to pass smoothly, the gap between the curved platform and the carriage is larger than that of the straight platform.

what to do? , happened 4 times in a month! I don’t want to encounter this kind of thing when taking the subway in Shanghai

However, whether it is a straight platform or a curved platform, the national standard "Subway Design Code" has clear width of the gap. For example, the regulations regarding gaps in curved stations are that “the horizontal gap between the edge of the platform and the vehicle outline at the height of the carriage floor shall not be greater than 18 cm.” When the distance between the platform and the train exceeds 18 centimeters, relevant parties will use anti-skid rubber strips to reduce the gap.

Deng Qi gave an example. The Caobao Road Station of the Shanghai Metro has a curved platform with a maximum gap of 20 centimeters. However, after the installation of anti-stepping rubber strips, the gap was reduced to about 12 centimeters.

As for those stations whose gaps meet the standard, there is no need to use anti-pinch strips. Therefore, the gaps at all Shanghai Metro stations currently comply with national standards.

Regarding the phenomenon of "clamping" on some platforms, STO Metro Group also stated that it will continue to tap the potential and further narrow the gap between some platforms and trains by installing or adjusting anti-pinch strips. At some key platforms with large passenger flow, the frequency of broadcasts and manual reminders will be increased, and fluorescent indicators will be added to remind passengers to pay attention to gaps.

It is worth noting that after the news and video of "people trapped in the subway" spread on social platforms, many netizens felt that in addition to hardware, individual passengers should also pay attention to safety. "Many people look at their mobile phones instead of looking at the road" and "some passengers grab the door" are also important reasons for "people being trapped".

what to do? , happened 4 times in a month! I don’t want to encounter this kind of thing when taking the subway in Shanghai

During the peak hours of commuting for several consecutive working days, reporters saw at many subway stations in Shanghai that although the subway broadcasts repeatedly broadcasted reminders such as "Pay attention to safety under your feet" and "Don't look at your mobile phone", some passengers who got on and off the bus did not even look at them. Leaving the mobile phone screen, instead holding the mobile phone and stepping across the gap between the platform and the train.

During rush hour, "door-rushing" also happens from time to time: the train buzzer sounds, indicating that the door is about to close, but there are still passengers trotting in and squeezing in. Seeing female passengers wearing sandals or stilettos running along, reporters were worried about them.

In fact, "looking at the mobile phone" and "grabbing for the door" will not only increase the risk of missing the door, but also increase the risk of "people being caught in the door" and "objects being caught in the door". According to the observation of the platform staff, the following three situations are likely to cause "people and objects to be caught in the door"——

The first is to force people to get on and off the vehicle. When the door light flashes and the buzzer sounds, the car door begins to close. If you still force yourself to get in or out of the car at this time, it is most likely to cause people, clothes, luggage, etc. to be caught in the door.

The second is to lean on the car door. Passengers standing in the car lean on the door. If the train has a plug-type door, the clothes that are close to the door will be brought into the car body with the door, causing the door to malfunction.

The third is exceeding the limit. When the train stops and the doors are opened, passengers get on the train. Due to the crowded carriage, passengers stand near the door, and some areas of their body or belongings are still beyond the door. At this time, when the train closes the door, it is easy for clothes to be caught.

what to do? , happened 4 times in a month! I don’t want to encounter this kind of thing when taking the subway in Shanghai

It is not difficult to avoid the above risks. First, passengers should not force themselves to get on or off the bus. When the door light flashes and the buzzer sounds, you should stop getting on and off the bus, return to the safety line, and wait patiently for the next train. Second, do not lean on the car door or exceed the door limits. Passengers should not stick to the door in the car, and check whether the body has fully entered the car. The torso, clothing, etc. should not exceed the scope of the door to ensure that the door can be opened and closed normally.

Deng Qi also reminded that when the carriage is crowded, in addition to being careful about "people and objects caught in the door", passengers who do not get off the train should prevent being pushed by passengers who get off the train and accidentally stepping into the platform and the train. the gap between. Therefore, if passengers in the carriage do not get off the train, they should try to walk inward and not block the door; if there are many people, passengers should stand facing the platform when the train arrives at the station, not with their backs to the door.

What should you do if you encounter a situation of "pinch-in" or "pinch-in"?

STO Metro Group stated that if people or objects are caught in the door at the platform, you can seek help from station staff or call the network service supervision hotline 64370000.

If a person or object is trapped in a carriage, it is recommended that the passengers in the carriage first contact the train driver through the emergency call device of the carriage to inform the specific situation, and the train driver will make a judgment based on the situation. Passengers must not pull the emergency handle without authorization, as this may prolong the handling time.

what to do? , happened 4 times in a month! I don’t want to encounter this kind of thing when taking the subway in Shanghai

In addition, it is not uncommon for personal items to fall off the tracks and get stuck in car doors. In addition to the beverage bottle caps that caused the car door failure this time, there have also been cases where items such as headphones, bagged soy milk caps, key chains, high-heeled shoes heels, plum cores, small toys and other items have become stuck in the car doors.

In this regard, the subway reminds passengers to be prepared in advance when getting on and off the bus, and to take care of their belongings to prevent them from falling. If you find that items are stuck in the door or the sill strip, causing the door to fail to close, you should inform the staff immediately and do not damage the door without authorization, which may cause the fault to expand. Of course, don't throw away garbage or debris to avoid foreign objects getting stuck.

If something falls off the track, passengers must not jump onto the track to pick it up. You can contact the platform staff, and the subway will help passengers find it after the operating hours.

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