Shining brightly on the journey of rejuvenation - written on the occasion of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China, the vast youth | youth | journey

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:12 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 18th - Youth Shines on the Journey of Revival - Written on the occasion of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China

Xinhua News Agency reporters Huang Yue, Xu Zhuang, and Zhang Yan

In the scorching June, we will welcome the grand event of youth. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China will kick off on June 19th.

More than 1500 representatives from all over the country gathered in Beijing at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, drawing the next five-year development blueprint with the will, passion, and struggle of youth.

A strong youth makes a strong country.

A new journey, interpreting new youth. In the grand process of realizing Chinese path to modernization, Chinese youth in the new era will be bound to stir up the surging tide of national rejuvenation with a never slackening spirit and never stagnating forward posture.

Youth, singing with the times

"Hello! I have received your letter and I am pleased to hear that you have gone deep into the fields and villages through the science and technology small courtyard established by the school, and are helping to improve people's livelihoods and knowledge in serving rural revitalization."

They read it over and over again, carefully taking note of General Secretary's earnest teachings: "Young people should 'seek their own hardships', as they said very well. In the new era, Chinese youth should have this spirit and spirit."

Participate in themed group day activities at Aerospace City; Go to the shores of the unknown lake to listen to the Youth Poetry Festival; Encouraging young people to dare to be pioneers on the shores of Chaohu Lake;

Around May Fourth every year, this time is reserved for young people.

"The youth is strong, the country is strong" "The whole Party should take youth work as a strategic work to grasp" ...... In his report to the 20th National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping's deep and firm words inspired the youth and revealed the strategic position of youth work in the overall cause of the Party and the country.

At the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we made heartfelt encouragement that "the future belongs to the youth, and hope is placed in them";

In the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was mentioned that "if the younger generation has ideals, skills, and responsibilities, the country has a future, and the nation has hope.";

At the conference celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, it was pointed out that "youth are the future of the motherland, the hope of the nation, and the future and hope of our party";


Hosting the first Central Party Group Work Conference in the history of the Communist Party of China, guiding the introduction of the first youth development plan in the history of New China, guiding the release of the first specialized white paper on youth in the history of New China, guiding the formulation of the Central Reform Plan for the Communist Youth League, and the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Work of the Young Pioneers in the New Era

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has focused on the successors of the party's cause, and the red rivers and mountains will never change color. He has always placed emphasis on youth, training and caring for youth in the overall development of the party and the country.

Each generation has its own destiny, and each generation of youth has its own mission.

History has entered a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out the theme of the Chinese youth movement-to strive for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In 1981, students from Peking University shouted the resounding slogan "Unite, Revitalize China" together in Yanyuan.

In May 2018, during a discussion with teachers and students at Peking University, General Secretary Xi Jinping said earnestly: "Today we still have to shout this slogan and work together to realize the Chinese dream."

The surging Chinese Dream, young people taking on the great responsibility of rejuvenation and fighting against the tide.

In October 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Anyang Hongqi Canal in Henan Province for the first time after the Party's 20th National Congress.

At that time, 300 young people formed a assault team and fought for a year and five months, chiseling through the treacherous and hard rock walls to create a water conveyance tunnel, hence the name Youth Cave.

General Secretary said, "The younger generation should inherit and carry forward the spirit of hard work, self-reliance, and hard struggle, abandon arrogance and coquettishness, and engrave their youthful passion on the monument of history like our ancestors."

The inheritance of youth, the relay baton of history passed down to the present; In a prosperous era, one should take on the important task of rejuvenation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has always guided the growth of the younger generation on the coordinates of national rejuvenation:

"You will become the ministers and talents of the two centenaries. You must be able to support it. This Chinese Loong must have backbone and be able to support it, so that it can soar higher. This is my hope."

General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest expectation and earnest entrustment have given young people more power to pursue their dreams.

Youth, advancing together with development

"The Party flag refers to the direction of the Youth League flag."

On July 2, 2018, only a few days after the closing of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Youth League, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized this in a collective conversation with members of the new leadership of the League Central Committee.

The Communist Youth League is the party's assistant and reserve army.

Based on the fundamental plan of successors to the party's cause, and firmly grasp the fundamental task of cultivating socialist builders and successors, the Communist Youth League at all levels insists on arming young people with Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the great achievements of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Educate young people, shape young people with socialist core values, and guide the majority of young people to the party and be positive.

——Leading the ideological progress of Chinese youth.

In April 2023, "the power of thought" -- the Communist Youth League studied, publicized and implemented Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and the "ten thousand propaganda into youth" was launched and the youth interpretation demonstration lecture was held in Beijing.

At the press conference, members of the "Youth Lecturer Group" of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China talked about themes such as "great change" and "ideological power". The in-depth and thorough theoretical explanations, vivid and vivid interpretation of achievements, and real and touching stories of achievements moved the audience present, and the innovative theory of the Party deeply penetrated into people's hearts.

Launching online themed group courses on "Youth Learning", attracting over 7.096 billion young people to participate in total; Carry out the "Youth Lecturer Group" plan, organize more than 21000 members of the "Youth Lecturer Group" at all levels to conduct regular lectures to grassroots youth members; Deeply implement the project of cultivating young Marxists and cultivate a group of young political backbone

From the depths of my heart, I deeply cultivate loyalty to the Party, confidence in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and faith in Marxism. The morale, backbone, and confidence of the Communist Youth League members and Young Pioneers are high, transforming into the voice that resounded throughout China on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, "Please rest assured, the strong country has me.".

——Connect with young people's worries and solve difficulties.

In spring, the campus of South China Normal University's University City is filled with graduates holding resumes, making it an active scene on campus. The first job fair of the 2023 Guangdong Communist Youth League's Action to Promote College Student Employment was launched here.

At the job fair, over 2400 job positions provide graduates with rich choices. On site career mentors also provide resume consultation, entrepreneurship consultation, and housing information docking services for job seeking students. Classmates all say that this job fair is very heartwarming.

As a bridge and link between the Party and the youth, the Communist Youth League has made every effort to shoulder its responsibilities for the Party and to do everything possible to help the youth solve their problems.

Provide full process employment services for low-income students from general colleges and universities in response to youth concerns; Collaborate with more than 10 departments to carry out pilot projects for the construction of youth development oriented cities; Launch and implement the rural entrepreneurship assistance plan for college students, and hold the "Creating Youth" China Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

In response to the issue of having successors, we will implement actions such as cultivating young political talents, supporting young scientific and technological talents, forging young skilled talents, and empowering young management talents to promote the connection and connection of the education chain of the Party, Youth League, and team, and provide strong talent guarantees for the Party's cause.

In the new era, the Communist Youth League focuses on the worries and worries of young people, providing them with richer opportunities to shape their lives and creating more powerful conditions for them to make contributions and achieve success.

——Deepen reforms around the main business of youth.

In July 2015, the first Central Party Group Work Conference in the history of the Communist Party of China opened the curtain on deepening the reform of the Communist Youth League.

The Reform Plan of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Reform Plan of the National Youth Federation, the Organizational Reform Plan of the Student Union of the Student Union, and the Reform Plan of the Central Youth League School have been issued in succession. A series of major reform measures have been taken to constantly enhance the political, progressiveness and mass character of the Communist Youth League.

The flag is even higher. Through reform, the leadership structure of the Youth League has been streamlined and streamlined, with a focus on grassroots work and a significant increase in its focus and contribution.

The grassroots is more solid. Since the launch of the pilot reform of the Communist Youth League at the county level in 2019, the average number of work forces of various types of county-level Youth League committees has doubled, and the number of backbone members of directly affiliated Youth League organizations has increased by 80.3%. The entire team has established a "smart team building" system, which can accurately and dynamically grasp the team organization and the number of members.

More vibrant. The proportion of frontline personnel at the grassroots level among the members of the National Youth Federation reaches 90.5%; The total number of staff members in student union organizations at the university level has been reduced from 499000 at the end of 2018 to 117000; 99.8% of primary and secondary schools nationwide have established school youth committees.

Shine with new brilliance and embrace a new image.

As the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League approaches, "Tuan Tuan Lai" has become an increasingly popular tag on social media platforms. In just four words, my heart is overflowing with words - this is the lovely, friendly, and young people's own Communist Youth League.

Youth, accompanied by dreams

Soon, he received a reply from the General Secretary.

"I hope you have a deep understanding of your country, lofty aspirations, and a down-to-earth attitude. Through hard work, you will create a wonderful life and contribute your youth and strength to your country and people.".

In June 2022, 18-year-old Su Yiming proudly joined the Youth League. He said that standing under the banner of the Youth League and taking a solemn oath not only means honor, but also means undertaking arduous missions and responsibilities.

The flag is raised high, and the mission is on our shoulders. When the baton of achievement is handed over to the new generation of young people, they are already ready to exert their ambitions and gallop in the new era Xintiandi.

They build dreams and have ideals for the future——

The dawn is slightly dewy, and deep in Wuzhishan, the greenery is piled up. Wang Qiwang, the chairman of the Green Animal Organic Agriculture Professional Cooperative, is busy managing the tea garden. In 2010, Wang Qiwang, who was in his twenties, returned to his hometown to start a business and devoted himself to becoming a farmer. For over a decade, Wang Qiwang's youthful tea fragrance has been overflowing.

Gradually exploring the path from planting, management to sales, he gradually developed a pilot field for ecological circular agriculture. Wang Qiwang said, "Industrialization and ecological industrialization are the directions we are striving for. I hope to lead the villagers to explore a replicable and prosperous ecological industry path."

Heart is bound, body is bound.

Millions of young students participate in the "Three Down to the Countryside" social practice activities, helping poverty alleviation and rural revitalization; As of 2021, 470000 "Three Supports and One Assistance" personnel have participated in grassroots education, agriculture, and medical support... In the new era, Chinese youth will integrate their personal "small goals" into the "big blueprint" of the Party and the country, realizing their life value and elevating their life realm.

They dare to take responsibility in times of crisis——

"I enjoy working on the front line, where there is the soil I need for growth." Dr. Electrician Xie Bangpeng gave up a high paying job opportunity and chose to become a grassroots employee of State Grid Shanghai Pudong Power Supply Company.

In 2020, due to the tight epidemic situation, Xie Bangpeng led a team to conduct hidden danger investigations for fever clinics in the jurisdiction, ensuring uninterrupted power supply. In response to the urgent task of increasing power supply, Xie Bangpeng personally took the initiative and created a "Shanghai speed" where all internal and external construction conditions were in place within a week.

More than 500000 youth assault teams and over 9 million young people are fighting on the front line of the fight against the epidemic. Among the 28600 nurses in the medical team assisting Hubei, 90% are born in the 1980s and 1990s

The Party and the people have their needs, and the youth of the times have their responses. No matter when, where, or in any position, there is always the shadow of youth, advancing towards the depth of difficulties and shouldering the mountain of responsibility with their arms.

They can overcome difficulties and endure hardships——

At Dalian Port Oil Terminal Company of Liaogang Group, Li Yunlong, a comprehensive metering worker for crude oil loading and unloading born in the 1990s, shuttles between oil tanks and pipelines, guarding the major artery of oil transportation in China's modern oil ports.

Measurement work must be meticulous, with a one millimeter error equivalent to 5000 liters of crude oil. As long as there is a gauge work, regardless of whether it is his turn to go to the tank or not, Li Yunlong climbs to the top of the tank and carefully observes the operations of the teachers. He can climb five or six times a day with a 24 meter high oil storage tank.

Ignite life, let youth shine, the younger generation endure hardship, strive for excellence, hone in hardship, and grow in practice.

They work hard and are willing to fight——

Han Chao, the navigator of China National Offshore Oil Corporation's deep-sea underwater robot, works in the vast ocean.

While high-rise buildings were being raised from the ground and the sea crossing bridge was crossing the natural moat, Han Chao and his colleagues were building high-rise buildings in the deep sea. He led a team with an average age of less than 30 years old to operate underwater robots, completing the laying of China's first 1500 meter underwater pipeline and the world's first 100000 ton semi submersible production and storage platform ultra deep water anchor chain mooring

Deep sea homework is like "embroidering flowers while wearing gloves". Han Chao constantly receives new tasks, from 300 meters to 1500 meters underwater, challenging the impossible depth time and time again, leaving his youthful brilliance in the blue sea.

The broad sea allows fish to leap, and the high sky allows birds to fly.

"Determined to be a good young man in the new era who has ideals, dares to take responsibility, can endure hardships, and is willing to struggle." Under the affectionate love of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the vast number of young people are full of pride and work hard, becoming a beautiful scenery for the Chinese nation to flourish and advance.

"Post-70s, post-80s, post-90s, and post-00s, before they go out to see the world, China can already look at the world." During the National Two Sessions in 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping's words aroused strong resonance.

A year later, when he entered Renmin University of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again talked about the topic of "Chinese youth looking at the world": "I am particularly pleased to see that many of the powerful self-confidence forces that promote social development come from young people."

The future belongs to the youth, and hope is placed in them.

Sail forward and set sail with dreams. On the new journey, we measure the land of our motherland with our footsteps, feel the pulse of the times with our hearts, and achieve a wonderful life with our struggles. Good young people in the new era have infinite possibilities, and good young people in the new era are infinite possibilities.

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