What place has “beautiful scenery, few people, and fun”? ,​Golden Week Holiday Scenic Spots|Travel|Places

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 21:00 PM

The National Day Golden Week holiday is halfway through, and the crowds of people at some well-known scenic spots have been widely circulated on the Internet. Traditional popular tourist destinations such as the Badaling Great Wall in Beijing, the Bund in Shanghai, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum in Xi'an, and Mount Tai in Shandong have been crowded with tourists for days, making it difficult to move.

"Where are there few people?" During the Golden Week, this has become a question that many tourists are concerned about, but the answer seems to be difficult to find. Beautiful scenery, few people, and fun. Is this really the "impossible dream" during Golden Week?

During the National Day Golden Week last year, I planned to go to Shanxi to see ancient buildings. There is a popular saying that "look at Shaanxi for underground cultural relics, and Shanxi for above-ground cultural relics." The "above-ground cultural relics" include ancient buildings. According to statistics, there are 53,875 immovable cultural relics registered in Shanxi, including 28,027 ancient buildings and 421 national key cultural relics protection units. These ancient buildings have a complete sequence, numerous categories, and complete shapes, and have high historical and cultural value. However, except for a few famous ancient buildings such as Jinci Temple, Pingyao Ancient City, and the "Four Tang Structures", many ancient architectural relics in the province are not well-known. too high. Especially in the southern Shanxi region, many of the ancient buildings scattered across urban and rural areas are of little interest. Visiting such ancient buildings, which are numerous, widely distributed and not well-known, but have historical and cultural value, can not only avoid the dense flow of tourists, but also broaden your horizons and increase your knowledge.

When going to unpopular areas to look for unpopular ancient buildings, it is best to find a local tour guide. Some ancient buildings are not well-known and have few followers, making it difficult to find relevant information. Without a tour guide who is familiar with local conditions, foreign tourists often have no idea where to start. Moreover, ancient buildings are highly professional and have many knowledge in history, culture, folk customs, architecture, craftsmanship, etc. Without a tour guide to explain, ordinary tourists can only watch the excitement. But I checked multiple platforms and couldn't find a suitable tour guide service. Even some well-known local independent travel brands provide sightseeing tours of well-known scenic spots. For example, it only takes 6 days to visit Mount Wutai, Xuankong Temple, Yungang Grottoes, Qiao Family Courtyard, Pingyao Ancient City, Wang Family Courtyard and Hukou. Check out all famous attractions such as waterfalls.

I couldn't find a tour guide to go to Shanxi's unpopular areas to see ancient buildings, and I didn't want to go to popular scenic spots to see the crowds of people, so I changed my itinerary and went to Hulunbuir Grassland in Inner Mongolia. The prairie is vast and sparsely populated, so there should be no need to worry about crowds. I hired a local driver online in advance and booked a chartered car service. From my understanding, if tourists pay a daily fare, the driver should fully serve the tourists. The itinerary, time and content of the tour are all decided by the tourists. However, after arriving at the grassland, I realized that the driver was nominally providing a chartered car service, but in fact, he was still providing group sightseeing tours. The itinerary, attractions, entertainment items, accommodation, and meals are all fixed arrangements, and the driver has a strong attitude, making it difficult to change the planned plan. In the end, tourists can only follow the driver's arrangement and walk along the assembly line. Since the routes and scenic spots arranged by local drivers are similar, many tourists from all over the world end up crowding into the same destinations on the vast prairie.

Both of these experiences are thought-provoking: while Wutai Mountain, Xuankong Temple, and Qiao Family Courtyard have become "competitive places" for many travel agencies, many unpopular Shanxi ancient buildings are difficult to find tour guide services and have been "shielded" to a certain extent. Out of sight of the cultural tourism market. The vast grassland with a highly homogeneous landscape has also been artificially designed with scenic spots, scenic spots and routes, so tourists have to check in one by one amid the crowded passenger flow.

In fact, traditional sightseeing tours that turn tourist destinations into scenic spots and scenic spots, connect adjacent scenic spots and scenic spots in series to form tourist routes, and allow tourists to "check in" one by one on the itinerary assembly line in a standardized and programmed way, are still the current Mainstream tourism service products in the cultural tourism market. This product has many advantages, such as a high degree of service standardization and easy operation and execution; time and financial costs are easy to quantify, which helps to formulate clear pricing; the service items are relatively transparent, which can reduce information asymmetry and consumer disputes; the business model is stable and Fixed, in transportation, accommodation, catering, tickets, shopping and other aspects, travel agencies can obtain preferential prices through long-term and stable cooperation to save costs.

But its shortcomings are also obvious. Traditional sightseeing tours narrow the vast tourism space and rich tourism resources into limited routes, scenic spots and scenic spots, and simplify various tourism forms into sightseeing and check-in, which is not conducive to tapping the potential of the cultural tourism market and releasing its infinite possibilities . It is also an important reason for the high concentration of passenger flow during the Golden Week. When tourists only have limited attractions, scenic spots, and routes to choose from, it has almost become inevitable to "follow the herd" everywhere.

Break through the spatial limitations of scenic spots, scenic spots, routes, etc., change the overly single product pattern of traditional sightseeing check-in tours, advocate the ideas and concepts of "all-region tourism", continuously expand the cultural tourism market, develop more diverse tourism forms, and provide richer and more diverse With the tourism service products, the possibility of tourists avoiding the crowds and finding places with "beautiful scenery, few people, and fun" will be greatly increased. Moreover, tourism forms are more diverse and tourism products are rich and diversified. While constantly improving tourists’ tourism quality and consumption experience, it is also conducive to promoting the full development and maturity of the cultural tourism market.

During this year’s May Day holiday, Hangzhou West Lake’s daily passenger flow reached 800,000. But along the Fuchun River in Fuyang District, about an hour's drive from downtown Hangzhou, I saw a completely different scene. It is the place where Huang Gongwang, a painter of the Yuan Dynasty, created "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains". In the late spring and early summer, the mountains and waters, the air and the scenery are clear and beautiful, and it is so beautiful. Along the Fuchun River, you can explore the historic sites, ancient towns, villages and residences scattered on both sides of the river. You can set up tents for camping in the open areas. If you stay at a local B&B, you can also taste the fresh vegetables, bamboo shoots and cherries picked every day. Moreover, in this "picturesque" scenery, there are few pedestrians and few tourists. This kind of tourist experience is probably far better than "looking at heads" on the edge of the crowded West Lake.

What place has “beautiful scenery, few people, and fun”? ,​Golden Week Holiday Scenic Spots|Travel|Places
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