Pudong Development and Opening Up as a National Strategy | Looking Back at Shanghai Research, After Two Surveys

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:40 PM

In the 1980s, in order to revitalize Shanghai, the Municipal Party Committee and Government chose to develop and construct Pudong. Under the advocacy and promotion of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council successively sent State Councilor Zou Jiahua and Vice Premier Yao Yilin to lead relevant department heads to Shanghai for inspection and research. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China comprehensively evaluates the international and domestic trends, coordinates and grasps the overall situation of reform and development, and makes major decisions to develop and open up Shanghai Pudong.

Pudong before opening up for development

"Eastward Development and Construction" in Pudong

Since the early 1980s, the Municipal Party Committee and Government have been continuously exploring ways to revitalize Shanghai. In February and March 1986, the Shanghai Economic Research Center and the Department Economic Research Institute of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, in conjunction with the Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Institute and other units, organized experts and scholars in urban construction throughout the city to hold two "Shanghai Urban Development Strategy Seminars". At the meeting, four plans were formed: northward expansion, southward expansion, westward expansion, and eastward expansion. "Northward expansion" refers to the development of Baoshan and Wusong areas along the southern wing of the Yangtze River, "southward expansion" refers to the development of Minhang, Jinshan, and other areas adjacent to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, "westward expansion" refers to the expansion to the west of Hongqiao Airport, and "eastward expansion" refers to the development of Pudong across the Huangpu River.

Pudong is the best choice due to its unique geographical location. Waigaoqiao has a 7-kilometer-long deep-water coastline and can accommodate over 40 berths of 10000 tons, equivalent to the total number of docks along the Huangpu River. More importantly, by extending from the Bund to the Lujiazui area and towards the vast Pudong New Area, Shanghai can further play its important role as an economic, financial, trade, and transportation hub. Under the leadership of Mayor Wang Daohan, the Shanghai Municipal Government conducted a series of research and demonstration work on the economic development of Shanghai and the development of Pudong.

Pudong Development and Opening Up as a National Strategy | Looking Back at Shanghai Research, After Two Surveys

In December 1984, the Shanghai Municipal Government and the Shanghai Research Group for the Reform and Revitalization of the State Council jointly submitted the "Report Outline on Shanghai's Economic Development Strategy" to the State Council and the Central Financial and Economic Leading Group, officially proposing the idea of developing Pudong. The focus of Shanghai's urban and industrial layout was to expand towards the north and south wings of Hangzhou Bay and the Yangtze River Estuary, create conditions for the development of Pudong, and plan the construction of a new urban area.

In July 1986, the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Government proposed a plan for the development of Pudong in the "Shanghai Urban Master Plan" submitted to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council: "We will actively construct and renovate the Pudong area in a planned manner. A certain area will be designated for the development of financial, trade, science and technology, cultural and education, information and commercial service facilities. A new financial and trade center will be formed near Lujiazui, becoming a continuation of the city center of Shanghai." "Through careful planning, it will become a beautiful socialist modernization new area that is attractive to Shanghai's internal and external opening."

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council attach great importance to the development of Pudong by the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Government. In February 1985, the State Council approved the "Outline of Shanghai Economic Development Strategy Report" and affirmed the concept of developing Pudong, pointing out the need to create conditions for the development of Pudong and plan for the construction of a new urban area. In October 1986, the State Council approved the "Overall Urban Planning Plan for Shanghai", which clearly stated: "At present, special attention should be paid to the planned construction and renovation of Pudong New Area, and the construction of projects such as the Huangpu River Bridge and tunnel should be carried out as soon as possible. Financial, trade, technology, universities, and commercial service facilities should be developed in Pudong, and new residential areas should be built to make Pudong New Area a modern new area."

In order to implement the instructions of the State Council, in July 1987, the municipal government established a joint consulting and research group for the development of Pudong. In May 1988, Shanghai held an international seminar on the development of Pudong New Area, where city leaders and over 140 experts and scholars from both domestic and international sources discussed major plans.

In May 1988, the International Symposium on the Development of Pudong New Area in Shanghai was held

Pudong Development and Opening Up as a National Strategy | Looking Back at Shanghai Research, After Two Surveys

Jiang Zemin, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, elaborated on the necessity of developing Pudong from the perspective of summarizing historical experience, emphasizing that building Pudong into an international, hub oriented, and modern world-class new urban area is fully in line with the spirit of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. We must accomplish this task. In September, Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji, and Wang Daohan gave a special report to the central leadership in Beijing on the preparation work for the development of Pudong New Area in Shanghai. In November, the Shanghai Municipal Government established a leadership group for the development of Pudong New Area.

In October 1989, Zhu Rongji, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, clearly stated at a special meeting on the development of Pudong: "Pudong is the window of Shanghai in the future and the hope of Shanghai." In the same month, Zhu Rongji pointed out at the Shanghai Mayor's International Entrepreneurship Consultation Conference, "We need to accelerate the development of Pudong. The focus of Shanghai's further opening up is on Pudong development, and we are taking practical steps to accelerate the development of Pudong."

Pudong New Area Urban Planning Map

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, there were doubts both domestically and internationally about whether China's reform and opening up policy could continue to be upheld. In response to this, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out in a conversation with central officials in June 1989, "Now that the international community is concerned about our recovery, we need to do a few things to show that our policy of reform and opening up remains unchanged, and we need to further reform and opening up." He also explicitly stated, "We need to raise the banner of further opening up." In January 1990, during the Spring Festival in Shanghai, Deng Xiaoping proposed to ask comrades in Shanghai to think about what major actions can be taken to establish our banner of greater reform and opening up internationally.

Pudong Development and Opening Up as a National Strategy | Looking Back at Shanghai Research, After Two Surveys

Just two days after Deng Xiaoping arrived in Shanghai, President Yang Shangkun also visited Shanghai for inspection. On the morning of February 2nd, Zhu Rongji reported to Yang Shangkun on the economic and social development of Shanghai. On that day, the Municipal Party Committee held a meeting to discuss and elect Chen Guodong, former First Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, to report again with the theme of developing Pudong. Yang Shangkun expressed satisfaction after listening to Chen Guodong's preparations and ideas for the development of Pudong in Shanghai, and later informed Deng Xiaoping.

After the Spring Festival, on February 13th, Deng Xiaoping will return to Beijing. On the way to the train station, Deng Xiaoping said to Zhu Rongji, who was seeing him off, "I agree with your development in Pudong." He pointed out that you made it late, but now it's also fast. Shanghai has better conditions than Guangdong, and your starting point can be higher. He encouraged Shanghai to have more courage and be afraid of nothing.

Appointed by the central government, from February 15th to 20th, State Councilor and Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Zou Jiahua, and Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission and Director of the Production Committee, Ye Qing, led relevant officials from the State Council to Shanghai for inspection. Zou Jiahua pointed out that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council are very concerned about the economic development of Shanghai, and hope that Shanghai can further play its role in the national four modernizations construction, accelerate the development of an outward oriented economy, and do a good job in the development of Pudong.

During the inspection in Pudong, Zou Jiahua and others listened to a detailed report by Zhu Rongji and others on the planning, ideas, and preliminary preparations for Pudong development, and discussed in detail a series of issues related to land leasing and foreign investment in Pudong development. After returning to Beijing, Zou Jiahua quickly reported to the central government.

During this period, on February 17th, before meeting with all the members of the Hong Kong Basic Law Drafting Committee, Deng Xiaoping said to several central officials, "I have retired, but there are still a few things I want to say, which is the development of Pudong in Shanghai. You should pay more attention to it." He suggested that the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the State Council specifically discuss this and make a formal decision. The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to Deng Xiaoping's initiative to develop Pudong. On February 26th, the Municipal Party Committee and Government officially submitted a request for the development of Pudong to the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

Pudong Development and Opening Up as a National Strategy | Looking Back at Shanghai Research, After Two Surveys

On March 3rd, Deng Xiaoping and several central officials pointed out when discussing the international situation and economic issues, "To achieve an appropriate development speed, we cannot just circle around in current affairs. We must analyze problems from a macro strategic perspective and come up with specific measures. Opportunities should be seized, decisions should be made in a timely manner, and we should study which areas have better conditions and can open up more resources. For example, seizing Shanghai is a big measure. Shanghai is our ace, and getting Shanghai up is a shortcut."

Reply of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on the Development and Opening up of Pudong

Pudong's development and opening up has become a national strategy

From March 28 to April 8, 1990, entrusted by General Secretary Jiang Zemin and Premier Li Peng, Yao Yilin, a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau and Vice Premier of the State Council, led the heads of the State Council Special Economic Zone Office, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Economic and Trade, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Bank of China to Shanghai to conduct special research and argumentation on the development of Pudong.

The Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Government reported to Yao Yilin the basic ideas and overall planning ideas for Pudong development, and provided detailed reports to relevant departments of the State Council on specific topics. At the report meeting, Yao Yilin said, "This time, I am here to take the lead, exchange ideas with everyone, study the steps and methods of Pudong's development and opening up, and report to the central government after returning..." Yao Yilin also inspected the construction sites of Pudong and Nanpu Bridge.

Pudong Development and Opening Up as a National Strategy | Looking Back at Shanghai Research, After Two Surveys

After discussion and research, a report outline on several issues related to the development and opening up of Shanghai Pudong was finally compiled and reported to the central government. The content includes: Pudong development should be further positioned as "open"; The development tone is based on the current policies of economic and technological development zones, and implements certain policies of special economic zones; The development area is set at 350 square kilometers. The report outline also proposes several principles that should be reflected in the formulation of Pudong development policies: firstly, adhering to the direction of combining planned economy with market regulation, considering both how to expand Pudong's openness and how to enhance macroeconomic regulation capabilities, and strengthening planned regulation of economic activities; The second is to not change the current fiscal system and foreign exchange management system, and not affect Shanghai's tasks of financial and foreign exchange turnover to the central government, as well as the task of profit turnover to enterprises directly under the central government in Shanghai; Thirdly, it is necessary to enhance the attractiveness of Pudong to foreign investment while avoiding a significant gap with the neighboring areas of Puxi and Shanghai.

On April 11th, Li Peng presided over a meeting of the Premier's Office to listen to Yao Yilin's special report on the development and opening up of Pudong, and conducted research on several issues in the development and opening up one by one. The next day, Jiang Zemin presided over a meeting of the Central Political Bureau and approved in principle the Pudong Development and Opening up Plan submitted by the State Council.

On April 18th, at the fifth anniversary celebration of the establishment of Shanghai Volkswagen Co., Ltd., Li Peng announced: "The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council have decided to accelerate the development of the Pudong area in Shanghai, and implement policies of economic and technological development zones and certain special economic zones in Pudong. This is another major deployment we have made for deepening reform and expanding opening up." As a result, the development and opening up of Pudong has risen from a local development strategy to a national development strategy oriented towards the world. On May 1st, the Shanghai Municipal Government announced ten preferential policies for the opening up of Pudong New Area to the outside world. The title of this report by The New York Times is "China is still engaged in economic construction", which is a major signal of China's commitment to reform and opening up.

Liberation Daily publishes news on the development and opening up of Pudong

On June 2nd, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council approved the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Government, and agreed in principle to the "Request for the Development and Opening up of Pudong" submitted on May 4th, emphasizing that the development and opening up of Pudong is a major deployment for deepening reform and further implementing opening up to the outside world, and is a major matter related to the entire bureau, which must be effectively handled.

Pudong Development and Opening Up as a National Strategy | Looking Back at Shanghai Research, After Two Surveys

Under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and strong support from all over the country, the successive Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Government, in accordance with the strategic policy of "developing Pudong, revitalizing Shanghai, serving the whole country, and facing the world," have made every effort to promote the development and opening up of Pudong, making it a symbol of China's reform and opening up and a microcosm of Shanghai's modernization construction.

Shanghai has confidence and the ability to play a greater role. Mayor Gong Zheng meets with officials from UNESCO | UNESCO | Shanghai
Shanghai has confidence and the ability to play a greater role. Mayor Gong Zheng meets with officials from UNESCO | UNESCO | Shanghai

Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng met with the delegation led by the Assistant Director General of UNESCO, Fermin Madogo, today. Gong Zheng introduced the economic and social development situation in Shanghai.We always attach great importance to education, technology, and culture, promote the improvement of urban level and core competitiveness, focus on building a high-quality education system, enhance scientific and technological innovation capabilities, and stimulate urban cultural vitality. A series of important indicators rank at the forefront of the country and even the world. For a long time, Shanghai has had extensive and in-depth cooperation with UNESCO, and we will continue to strengthen our cooperation under the guidance of the central government

Increase policy support for key private enterprises to expand their positions! Shanghai Releases 18 Measures for Optimizing and Adjusting Stable Employment Policies Training | Support | Policies
Increase policy support for key private enterprises to expand their positions! Shanghai Releases 18 Measures for Optimizing and Adjusting Stable Employment Policies Training | Support | Policies

Recently, the Shanghai Employment Work Leading Group issued a notice on the issuance of several measures to optimize, adjust and stabilize employment policies, and fully promote the development and benefit of the people. Based on the implementation of the central government's decision and deployment on stabilizing employment, combined with the actual situation in Shanghai, 18 specific measures were proposed from five aspects: stimulating vitality, expanding employment capacity, expanding channels to promote employment and entrepreneurship among young people such as college graduates, strengthening assistance to secure the bottom line of people's livelihood, promoting the improvement of employment service quality, and strengthening organizational implementation. Multiple measures were taken simultaneously to ensure the overall stability of the employment situation. The Notice points out that it is necessary to increase support for job expansion policies for industries and enterprises with strong employment capacity, include key engineering, manufacturing key industrial chain main enterprises, key private enterprises, etc. in the scope of employment services for key enterprises, equip employment service specialists, and implement the "one enterprise" policy

The per capita enjoyment level is 69500 yuan, and the number of insured employees in Shanghai's work-related injury insurance exceeds 10 million. Enterprises | work-related injuries | per capita
The per capita enjoyment level is 69500 yuan, and the number of insured employees in Shanghai's work-related injury insurance exceeds 10 million. Enterprises | work-related injuries | per capita

Today is the concentrated promotion day for work-related injury insurance in this city. Staff members from various levels of human resources and social security departments in Shanghai walked out of the office and further popularized policies and regulations such as the Social Insurance Law, the Work Injury Insurance Regulations, and the Shanghai Work Injury Insurance Implementation Measures through distributing promotional materials, on-site consultations, training lectures, and online interactions. They strengthened the awareness of employers and workers to understand, abide by, and use the law, and made every effort to promote the entry of work injury insurance policies into parks, enterprises, government agencies, and communities. In addition, the Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Department launched a centralized publicity campaign on work injury insurance throughout the city in July, with the theme of "Work Injury Insurance, Accompanying You", which is one of the government open activities for the local human resources and social security department. It is understood that in recent years, the work injury insurance work in this city has broken through the traditional institutional framework, increased reform and innovation efforts, and implemented multiple measures simultaneously

Representative's suggestion to alleviate public concerns: It is not easy for residents of Chongming Changxing Island to handle property transactions. National People's Congress Representative | Demand | Chongming Changxing Island
Representative's suggestion to alleviate public concerns: It is not easy for residents of Chongming Changxing Island to handle property transactions. National People's Congress Representative | Demand | Chongming Changxing Island

Changxing Island in Chongming District has multiple medium to large residential areas with a large population and strong demand for real estate transactions. However, due to the distance between Changxing Island and Chongming Island, the public has a long journey to handle real estate transactions, and the round-trip time is long, which brings many inconveniences to the residents of Changxing area. Now, the integration of online registration services in the eastern center of Changxing Island will make the offline round trip of certificate processing go through a lot of trouble. And this is thanks to the handling of the suggestions made by the National People's Congress deputies. This year, the Standing Committee of the Chongming District People's Congress conducted a law enforcement inspection on the Decision of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on Further Promoting and Ensuring the Reform of "One Network Service". On the basis of extensive collection of social and public opinion, Gu Fangliang, a representative of the District People's Congress and Chairman of the Changxing Town People's Congress, put forward suggestions on the difficulty of obtaining certificates in Changxing Island. Based on the actual needs of the people, we will play a role in empowering information technology,

Continuing the red bloodline to serve the people's cities, the Central Group of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Central Group of the Shangyin Party Committee jointly studied the people | city | central group
Continuing the red bloodline to serve the people's cities, the Central Group of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Central Group of the Shangyin Party Committee jointly studied the people | city | central group

According to the arrangement of theme education work, on June 13th, the Central Group of the Party Committee of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Central Group of the Party Committee of Shanghai Conservatory of Music conducted a joint study, focusing on in-depth learning and discussion on the theme of "continuing the red bloodline and serving the people's city", and continuously promoting the deepening and implementation of theme education. At the meeting, Xing Bangzhi, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Liao Changyong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Dean of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, closely focused on the learning theme and exchanged ideas and discussions based on their own thoughts and practical work. The meeting pointed out that Shanghai is the birthplace of the Party, the birthplace of its original aspiration, and the birthplace of the great spirit of founding the Party.want

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