Learning Ideology, Strengthening Party Spirit, Emphasizing Practice, and Building New Achievements | Using the Party's Innovative Theory to Consolidate Heart and Soul, Walking Well in the First Front of Practicing the "Two Maintenances" - Central and State Organs, People's Organizations, and High Quality Holding of Themed Education Themed Democratic Life Meetings for Leadership Teams

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 11:15 AM

Beijing, September 4th (Xinhua News Agency) - Using the Party's Innovative Theory to Consolidate the Heart, Cast the Soul, and Practice the First Front of "Two Maintenances" - Central and State Organs, People's Organizations, and High Quality Leading Group Theme Education Special Democratic Life Meeting

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Recently, central and state organs, as well as people's organizations, have successively held special democratic life meetings for the leadership team, fully promoting intra party democracy, strengthening intra party supervision, and making good use of powerful weapons of criticism and self-criticism. The members of the leadership teams of various units have undergone a strict ideological and political baptism, and the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the leadership teams have significantly increased, promoting important phased achievements in theme education.

The blade swings inward to check for "real problems"

If everything is anticipated, it will stand; if not anticipated, it will be abandoned. Identifying problems early, comprehensively, and accurately is a necessary condition for holding a good democratic life meeting.

The Party Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology has carefully formulated the work plan for the special democratic life meeting, and members of the leadership team have generally held heart to heart talks. They have conducted more than 70 heart to heart talks with the responsible comrades of the units in charge, and have had heart to heart talks with representatives of the Party branch where the Party organization is located. They have sorted and examined problems from different perspectives, focusing on finding the right, complete, and thorough problems.

Members of the leadership team of the Party Committee of the State Administration of Taxation have conducted multiple rounds of in-depth investigations and research at the grassroots level, extensively soliciting opinions and suggestions from taxpayers, grassroots tax departments, and tax officials, and comprehensively sorting out and examining issues. The main responsible comrade of the Party Committee presides over the drafting of materials for comparison and inspection by the team, fully listening to the opinions and suggestions of team members and relevant departments and bureaus.

The theoretical learning center group of the Party Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized a special study, and the leadership team focused on understanding the Party's innovative theory, promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and promoting high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. They identified 19 problems in 7 areas, further unifying their thinking and deepening their understanding.

The Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security promptly listened to opinions and suggestions through discussions, exchanges, investigations and research, compared with the prominent problems identified in the education and rectification of the cadre team, combined with typical case analysis, combined with personal learning and work practice, further strengthened Party spirit, identified gaps, and clarified directions, ensuring that the special democratic life meeting achieved tangible results.

Carry out "real criticism" through real action and hard confrontation

"Theoretical learning is not deep enough and systematic enough, and when applying it, it is necessary to search and find it on the spot." "As a hospital leader, one should have a global perspective and a sense of the big picture, and not only think about things in one's own field of responsibility." "The research that is done in a spot by spot or dissecting sparrows is not enough."

On the morning of August 24th, at the theme education themed democratic life meeting held by the Party Group of the Supreme People's Court, self criticism and mutual criticism were genuine and the impromptu speech was full of spicy flavor.

Criticism and self-criticism are sharp weapons for our party to strengthen its body, treat diseases, and maintain physical health, as well as important means to strengthen and regulate political life within the party.

In terms of promoting the concretization, precision, and normalization of political supervision, strengthening the education and management of young cadres, and improving the ability to prevent and resolve risks, the leadership team of the Party Group of the Ministry of Finance is straightforward and straightforward, insisting on putting themselves, responsibilities, and work in place, leaving no room for self-criticism and mutual criticism, and preventing "harmony" and "going through motions".

Seek truth from facts, hit the nail on the head, delve deeper into the problem, thoroughly discuss the root cause, and communicate ideas.

The Party Group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs closely contacts the key work of "agriculture, rural areas, and farmers" and the actual construction of the Party Group itself to carry out criticism and self-criticism, focusing on establishing a correct view of political achievements, analyzing Party spirit from the aspects of politics, ideology, ability, style, discipline, etc., looking at the essence through phenomena, digging deep into the crux of problems, and analyzing deep reasons.

The leadership team of the Party Group of the All China Federation of Trade Unions focuses on key points and key points, puts forward objective, relevant, and targeted opinions and suggestions, regards the special democratic life meeting as a strict party spirit exercise, further enhances political consciousness, not only uses real skills and skills, but also encourages unity and upward progress.

Adhere to Party spirit, truth, and principles. The party secretaries of each unit shall effectively fulfill their responsibilities as the first responsible person, take the lead in carrying out criticism and self-criticism, and further enhance the self purification, self-improvement, self-renewal, and self-improvement abilities of the leadership team.

Strictly and practically carry out "real rectification"

On August 23rd, the South Building Report Hall of the Central and State Organs Working Committee held a special democratic life meeting on the theme of education for the leadership team of the working committee, and made comprehensive and in-depth arrangements for the rectification of the democratic life meeting.

"Holding a good democratic life meeting only completed the 'first half' of the article, and the key is to do a good job in rectifying the 'second half' of the article with high quality." The person in charge of the working committee stated that we need to improve our position, highlight key points, coordinate progress, and build a strong team, taking the implementation of rectification as a leading role in walking the first line, serving as the 'three models', and building a model organization.

Knowledge is not difficult, action is only difficult. The effectiveness of democratic life depends on how well the problem is solved. The leadership teams of each unit shall clarify their responsibilities for rectification, establish regulations and systems, and evaluate the effectiveness of the meeting through practical performance.

Focusing on promoting the deepening reform of state-owned assets and enterprises, it is clear that functional and structural reforms should be more prominent, and the classification of deepening reforms should be explored; Focusing on promoting technological innovation in central enterprises, it is proposed to take key tasks as the driving force and make every effort to break through the bottleneck problem of key core technologies... The leadership team of the Party Committee of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council is guided by problems to promote rectification, list out lists, take measures, and come up with real solutions.

The Party Group of the Ministry of Transport has formulated a ledger and implemented responsibilities in response to the problems identified. It emphasizes the need to better understand the essence of the Party's innovative theory, anchor the goal requirements of "people enjoy their actions, and things flow smoothly", focus on solving the urgent and difficult problems of the people, and consolidate and improve the effectiveness of democratic life through more practical measures.

The Party Group of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has proposed to take the lead in implementing the rectification of problems, combining the problems identified and identified with pre meeting discussions, mutual criticism and opinions during the meeting, as well as the unfinished tasks of theme education investigation and research, inspection and rectification, and cadre education rectification, to develop and improve the rectification plan, and to coordinate and promote the implementation of rectification.

It is understood that the central guidance group has strengthened supervision and guidance through various forms such as policy guidance, reviewing materials, conducting research interviews, and attending comments, providing strong guarantees for various units to hold high-quality special democratic life meetings.

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