General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Zhu Xi Garden in Nanping, Fujian

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:32 PM

Former General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Zhu Xi Garden in Nanping, Fujian

On the banks of the Jiuqu River, Zhu Xi met Marx

"If it weren't for China's 5000 year civilization, where would there be any Chinese characteristics? If it weren't for Chinese characteristics, how could there be such a successful path of socialism with Chinese characteristics today?"

Zhu Xi was a thinker, philosopher, and educator during the Southern Song Dynasty, and was revered as "Zhu Xi" by later generations. Nanping, where Mount Wuyi is located, is the place where Zhu Xi's Neo Confucianism germinated, developed and integrated.

Wenqu is so clear that there is a source of fresh water to come

On June 2 this year, at the Cultural Inheritance and Development Symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "To open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of more than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, and to integrate the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and Chinese excellence. Combining traditional culture is the only way."

"The ideological context is clearly visible, and the 'second combination' is a profound summary of our party's historical experience in the localization and modernization of Marxism in China, and a profound grasp of the development laws of Chinese civilization." Zhang Pinduan, the person in charge of the Zhu Zixue Research Center at Wuyi University, said with deep emotion.

"How clear is the canal? Because there is a source of fresh water."

The newly arranged exhibition hall of Zhuzi Academy in Wuyi University displays the research process and academic achievements of Song Ming Neo Confucianism in the academic community over the past 20 years.

Nowadays, at Wuyi University, the study of Zhu Zixue has gained a new perspective.

Associate Professor Hu Huatian of Wuyi University has been engaged in Marxist theoretical research for many years. He joined the Zhu Xi Studies Research Center in June this year, with the goal of delving into the "second combination". "This year, we will delve into Zhu Xi's ideological and cultural resources on related issues from the perspective of socialist core values. We are preparing to officially open the" Zhu Xi Culture University Reader "public elective course next semester."

In July, the "2023 Sinology Youth Scholars Training Camp" was held in Nanping City, where 22 Sinology youth scholars from 16 countries entered the Zhu Xi Garden.

"Zhu Xi's Neo Confucianism is an idea more than 800 years ago. What impact and inspiration can it have on the world today?" A young scholar of Sinology from Italy asked Wu Jimin, director of Mount Wuyi Zhu Xi Research Center.

"Zhu Xi advocated for people to coexist with all things and with all nations, which is the essence of thinking that transcends time and space and borders, and still has very important value for today's world and contemporary people." Wu Jimin said that from multiple perspectives such as history, philosophy, and culture, the people-oriented ideology, benevolence, the ideal of great harmony, the ecological concept of "unity of heaven and man", and the methodology of "seeking knowledge from things" contained in Zhu Xi's Neo Confucianism are all integrated with the Marxist standpoint, viewpoint, and method. The "two combinations" have pointed out the direction for us to conduct research and academic exchanges on Zhu Xi's culture. "

Cartoon Zhu Zi walks on the streets of Nanping

By the banks of Jiuqu Creek and at the foot of Yinping Peak, climbing up stairs, green bamboo sways in the wind, surrounding the quaint and elegant Zhu Xi Garden.

Zhu Xi Garden, also known as Wuyi Jingshe, was first built in the tenth year of the Chunxi reign of the Southern Song Dynasty. It was founded by Zhu Xi as a place for lectures and writings. It has now become a themed memorial hall showcasing Zhu Xi's life story, Neo Confucianism, and educational philosophy.

Despite the scorching heat, tourists continue to flock in. "More and more tourists are visiting Zhuxi Garden, and their questions are becoming more detailed and in-depth. Our explanations often take more than 40 minutes," said the guide Zhang Yun. According to preliminary statistics, the number of visitors to Zhu Xi Garden from January to July this year was nearly 450000.

General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Zhu Xi Garden in Nanping, Fujian

During Zhu Xiyuan's inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and activate the vitality of Chinese excellent traditional culture with the spirit of the times.

Nanping City attaches great importance to the protection and construction of Zhu Xi culture, and focuses on implementing five major projects: protection, research, education, exchange, and dissemination.

Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. Following the footsteps of Zhu Xi, visit his remains and learn about his interactions with family and friends, as well as the teacher-student relationship with his disciples... Not long ago, well-known experts and scholars in the study of Zhu Xi in China, as well as more than 30 university students, visited Zhu Xi's hometown.

He Zhengning, a doctoral student majoring in Chinese philosophy at the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, sighed, "When I am immersed in these relics, the abstract thoughts and concepts in my mind become concrete and vivid, which is very helpful for me to carry out related academic research in the future."

"In the Southern Song Dynasty, Confucian scholars represented by Zhu Zi set up colleges one after another..." At Zhu Zi School in Mount Wuyi City, scanning the QR code, you can hear the detailed explanation of primary and secondary school students.

"Let the Zhu culture deeply rooted in the campus," said Principal Lin Qiao. Through weekly extended service courses, the excellent traditional Chinese culture represented by Zhu culture will be normalized and integrated into curriculum education.

Walking through the streets and alleys of Nanping City, one often sees the image of "cartoon Zhu Zi". From urban landscapes, cultural and tourism products to animated works, public welfare promotion, and online socializing, "cartoon Zhu Zi" is entering every aspect of citizen life.

"Lei Xiying, the founder of the" Cartoon Zhu Zi "project, said," We will continue to explore the essence of Zhu Zi culture, making it more three-dimensional and vivid, so that more people can see, know, and love Zhu Zi. ""

Zhuzi Shecang tells the story of "putting the people first"

Zhu Xi not only expounded the people-oriented ideas such as "putting the people first" and "gaining trust from the people", but also served as a model of diligent governance for the people.

Xingxian Ancient Street, Wufu Town, Mount Wuyi City has a large number of visitors, among whom Zhu Zishecang is very popular.

Pointing to the objects displayed in the Zhuzi Society's warehouse, the commentator Jiang Lihuang introduced, "In order to ensure rural food relief, Zhu Xi pioneered a township level private society's warehouse for storing food and providing relief for disasters, which is beneficial to the people."

"The history of Zhuzi Shecang for thousands of years is a vivid reflection of Zhu Xi's people-oriented sentiment and practical responsibility of integrating knowledge and action," said Jiang Lihuang.

"To learn the traditional people-oriented ideology, it is necessary to solidly do practical things for the people." Lin Han, Deputy Director of the Nanping Municipal Health Commission, introduced that since the beginning of this year, Nanping City has promoted the construction of a grid based service system for national health, accurately integrating medical security forces into the grid, and solving the problem of difficult medical treatment for rural residents. As of the end of July this year, the signing rate of family doctors among the entire population in Nanping city has reached 68%, and the signing rate of key populations has reached 95%.

In Qinkou Village, Jiangkou Town, Jianyang District, Nanping City, a 3-story white small building is lined with bookshelves, allowing children to enjoy elegant reading time. This is Youyou Bookstore, a public welfare book bar.

"The venue is our own property, books are donated from society, and there are volunteers to assist in operation. There are also many units offering public welfare lectures on a regular basis," said Yang Zhilan, the head of Youyou Bookstore. In addition to providing reading venues, the bookstore also regularly holds research courses on topics such as Zhu Zi culture, and conducts labor skills training, agricultural knowledge lectures, safety knowledge popularization, etc. for villagers, which is "very popular". ".

"Focusing on the strong demand of urban and rural residents for public reading spaces, we have included the construction of public welfare book bars as a practical project for the private sector for two consecutive years. Currently, 22 public welfare book bars have been built in the entire district, serving over 150000 people throughout the year." Zheng Shunlian, member of the Standing Committee of the Jianyang District Committee and Minister of Propaganda, said, "The hometown of Zhuzi culture, the fragrance of books is even more pervasive."

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