Expert Science Popularization | Can moles on the body become melanoma? More than 80% of patients miss the opportunity for treatment. Melanocytes | Black line | Treatment

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:38 PM

Melanoma is a malignant tumor originating from melanocytes in the skin and mucous membranes. The White Paper on the Behavioral Status of Melanoma Patients in China shows that over 80% of patients have missed treatment opportunities due to insufficient understanding of the disease. Although some melanoma teams in our country have entered the international advanced level in basic research and clinical diagnosis and treatment, limited by geographical distribution and uneven development of disciplines, there is an urgent need for interdisciplinary collaboration to improve professional skills and reduce mortality rates. The first melanoma conference of the China Anti Cancer Association recently released information that the multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment model for melanoma will gather clinical experts from relevant departments, leverage their professional advantages, and carry out "one-stop" and "personalized" diagnosis and treatment and assistance, providing patients with reasonable treatment plans.

Current situation: the incidence rate is low but growing fast

It is reported that the incidence rate of melanoma in China is relatively low compared with that in western countries, but the mortality rate is higher and the harm is great. Even worse, according to the White Paper on the Behavioral Status of Chinese Melanoma Patients, over 80% of patients have missed treatment opportunities due to insufficient understanding of the disease. Although some melanoma teams in our country have entered the international advanced level in basic research and clinical diagnosis and treatment, they are limited by geographical distribution, uneven development of disciplines, low popularization rate of disciplinary knowledge, and difficult to implement diagnostic and treatment standards. Therefore, there is an urgent need for interdisciplinary collaboration to improve professional level and reduce mortality rates.

Gao Tianwen, the first chairman of the Melanoma Professional Committee of the Chinese Anti Cancer Association and professor of dermatology at Xijing Hospital of the Air Force Military Medical University, said that it was not easy to establish a national secondary professional committee for melanoma, a small tumor. The establishment of the special committee in 2022 showed that the Chinese Anti Cancer Association attached great importance to this small tumor with a low incidence rate but a high degree of malignancy, and concentrated all efforts to bring dawn to the fight against this disease. As one of the fastest developing and most influential academic organizations in the field of oncology in China, the China Anti Cancer Association is playing an increasingly leading role in the industry and is also willing to take on the responsibility of conquering small tumors.

Diagnosis and treatment: a "one-stop" and "personalized" approach

Professor Yao Yu, Executive Chairman of the conference and Department of Oncology at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, stated that currently, there are not many specialized teams in the treatment of melanoma in China, and they belong to different disciplines. By establishing a multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment model for melanoma and efficiently bringing together clinical experts from relevant departments, everyone can leverage their professional advantages and work together to provide the most reasonable treatment plan for patients. For patients, MDT provides a "one-stop" and "personalized" diagnosis and treatment, bringing great convenience and improving their medical experience. At present, MDT is also the most highly respected model for the treatment of melanoma internationally. This conference also adheres to this concept, widely distributes "hero posts", attracts experts from various fields, concentrates their strengths, works together, and sweeps away "black" and "evil".

Zhu Guannan, associate professor of the dermatology department of Xijing Hospital of the Air Force Military Medical University and secretary-general of the conference, introduced that although melanoma is a relatively rare small tumor, it is very harmful. With the increase of the incidence rate, it has received more and more attention in the industry in recent years - contributions to the conference were very enthusiastic. The conference has 5 sub venues, including diagnostic progress, treatment progress, Chinese data, basic research, and specialized nursing. There are over 100 special lectures, not only taught by renowned academicians, but also showcased the latest achievements of scientific research talents. From the perspectives of standardized diagnosis of melanoma, advanced treatment progress in internal and external medicine, real-world data of the Chinese population, pathogenesis research, and oncology nursing, the conference comprehensively showcases and deeply discusses the practical problems currently encountered in clinical practice of melanoma in China. It is a highly academic event in the field of melanoma in China.

Self inspection: Remember six points and be vigilant

Expert Science Popularization | Can moles on the body become melanoma? More than 80% of patients miss the opportunity for treatment. Melanocytes | Black line | Treatment

Nevi and melanoma are both formed by melanocytes on the skin, and there is indeed a relationship between the two. However, due to incomplete understanding, some people mistook moles for melanoma and panic excessively, while others carelessly missed the best treatment opportunity. To prevent melanoma, remember the following 6 points:

1. Check yourself and your family for obvious changes every year: moles less than half a centimeter do not consider malignant transformation or new melanoma, so don't be nervous. If it is found that a nevus is obviously enlarged in a short period of time, a small protruding papule suddenly appears on the original flat nevus, or black spots appear on the edge of the raised nevus, the nevus suddenly bleeds or breaks, you need to see a doctor in time.

2. New nevus larger than 0.5cm after 20 years old should be vigilant: the peak age of melanoma is 40-50 years old, a few begin to appear at about 20 years old, and gradually increase after 30 years old.

3. Check the skin of the whole body, especially the sole of foot, facial features and so on, every year after 30 years old. Most of the melanoma found in the early stage are in situ tumors, which can be cured for life after timely resection.

4. Attention should be paid to the appearance of thyroid melanoma after 15 years old: there are many reasons for thyroid black line. Most of the cases before 15 years old are thyroid nevus, and those after 30 years old are considered as thyroid melanoma first. The pathological diagnosis of early thyroid melanoma is very difficult, and we should not make a blind biopsy for the diagnosis. We should find an experienced doctor to fully evaluate it and send it for pathological examination after a complete resection. Found that a black line, black spots do not go to the "pedicure shop" easy grinding, nail extraction, as soon as possible to the regular hospital.

5. Trauma is an important cause of melanoma: black and enlarged slowly after foot trauma, or chronic ulcer after trauma, the possibility of melanoma should be considered. Moles are also prone to malignant change after trauma, so we need to be vigilant.

6, not random "spot nevus": in clinical work, it is found that many melanomas are induced by patients using "laser" or "potion" to remove nevus. If you want to remove pigmented nevus, please go to the dermatology department of regular hospital for treatment. Don't dispel it by yourself.

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