Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:08 PM

We adhere to the concept that green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver. We adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands. The ecological civilization system is more sound, and the ecological environment protection has undergone historic, transitional, and global changes. Our motherland has bluer skies, greener mountains, and clearer water.

As an important surface drinking water source and strategic reserve base for water resources in Beijing, Miyun Reservoir has played a huge role in flood control and storage, irrigation of farmland, urban water supply, and power generation. During the recent heavy rainfall in Beijing, Miyun Reservoir maximized its ability to retain upstream floods and fully utilized its flood storage and peak shaving capabilities.

Protecting the Miyun Reservoir is a practical way to safeguard the green mountains and clear waters. Wang Mianqing, a law enforcement member of the Miyun Reservoir Comprehensive Law Enforcement Brigade, has been working on the front line of law enforcement for 8 years, participating in the investigation and handling of more than 150 water related and environmental violations such as environmental protection, fishery administration, and urban management. "As a 'water guardian', I deeply feel the heavy burden on my shoulders. In the future, I will do my best to protect the green waters and mountains of my hometown," said Wang Mianqing.

As one of the immigrant villages of Miyun Reservoir, Jianyan Village in Xiwengzhuang Town, Miyun District has always retained the tradition of water conservation and protection. Every day, more than 40 water conservators arrive at their work positions on time. "We also have a volunteer service team that regularly organizes to clean up white garbage around the reservoir," said Yu Shufeng, a resident staff member. Thanks to the good ecological environment, the chestnut planting in Jianyan Village has also brought considerable benefits to the villagers.

"The development of the Miyun bee industry is so good that it cannot be separated from the Miyun Reservoir and the surrounding good ecological environment." Li Dingshun, Chairman of the Beijing Miyun Bee Industry Federation, led more than 900 bee farmers in Miyun District to embark on the road of beekeeping and prosperity. The cooperative indirectly drives 2000 beekeeping workers, producing over 2000 tons of honey annually and a production value of nearly 50 million yuan.

Luo Moufang is a horticultural enthusiast who, along with her team members, is full of dreams and works hard in Jinheluo Village, Xiwengzhuang Town, Miyun District. "Not only our small garden, but also our sincere hope that Miyun can become a big garden in the future." Luo Mufang was full of hope for this.

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