Consolidates cultural subjectivity, emphasizing the organic combination of "soul vein" and "root vein" in China | Marxism | subjectivity

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:39 AM

The discourse on cultural subjectivity is an important proposition with innovative significance. The two "combinations", as a necessary path, emphasize the organic combination of "soul veins" and "root veins", consolidating cultural subjectivity.

The most powerful manifestation of cultural subjectivity

Cultural inheritance and development must adhere to their own subjectivity. By upholding cultural subjectivity, we can also uphold the foundation of culture. The Chinese nation has a long history of over 5000 years, with a profound and enduring cultural heritage. Our cultural subjectivity is rooted in this solid foundation of civilization. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes that "only by rooting in the fertile soil of our country and national history and culture can the tree of Marxist truth take root and flourish.". Combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture not only promotes a new leap in the localization and modernization of Marxism in China, but also consolidates our cultural subjectivity.

Cultural subjectivity does not emerge out of thin air, but is based on the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture, the inheritance of revolutionary culture and the development of advanced socialist culture, and the reference and absorption of all outstanding achievements of human civilization. We have firm cultural confidence, adhere to the path of socialist cultural development with Chinese characteristics, and develop a scientific and popular socialist culture that is oriented towards modernization, the world, the future, and the nation. This cultural confidence comes from cultural subjectivity.

On the one hand, it is contemporary Chinese Marxism, 21st century Marxism, and the latest achievement in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, allowing Marxism to thrive and flourish in China. On the other hand, it is the essence of the times of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit, the inheritance and innovation of Chinese excellent traditional culture, so that traditional culture can show new vitality under the stimulation of Marxism.

The practical path that needs to be followed to consolidate cultural subjectivity

Promoting the integration of Marxism with excellent traditional Chinese culture is a process of constantly consolidating cultural subjectivity and pursuing truth. It is also a process of enriching and developing Marxist theory, and requires following a certain practical path.

Take the Road of Connection and Integration

The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that "the essence of Marxism should be linked with the essence of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and the common values that the people use everyday without being aware of". "The theory of integration" and "the theory of integration" are specific explanations of the combination of Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture, and reveal the main path of the combination.

To connect Marxism with the essence of China's excellent traditional culture, we need to use the basic principles of Marxism to explain the essence of traditional classic literature, tap valuable traditional Chinese ideological resources, activate traditional classics, and endow new era connotation and expression forms. Integrating Marxism with the common values that the people are not aware of in their daily lives requires us to use Marxist theory as a guide to excavate the dominant values hidden in the people's daily lifestyles. These values have been accepted by people but not noticed, and have accumulated through the trials of the times. They are hidden in people's customs, dietary culture, and behavior in a hidden way. Follow the two paths of penetration and integration to promote the combination of Marxism and Chinese excellent traditional culture, "let Marxism become Chinese, Chinese excellent traditional culture become modern, and let the new culture formed through 'combination' become the cultural form of Chinese path to modernization". Therefore, we not only promote the spirit of excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also endow Marxist theory with distinct Chinese characteristics, and cultivate new cultural life forms.

Protecting Historical and Cultural Heritage

As one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, China has a brilliant culture and unique cultural genes. In the long process of historical development, Chinese civilization has left behind numerous treasures, legacies, and cultural relics. Archaeological relics and historical relics are witnesses to history, telling the long history and brilliant achievements of the Chinese nation's civilization.

We should prioritize the protection of historical and cultural heritage, while making reasonable use of it to fully play its role in providing public cultural services and meeting the spiritual and cultural needs of the people. Protecting historical and cultural heritage is not only about locking heritage in the warehouse of museums, but also to better play the role of education and inheritance. Through various modern methods and digital technology, cultural relics can come to life, enter the lives of the public, shine brightly, and become cultural products that enrich the spiritual world of the people. Protecting historical and cultural heritage helps to deeply rooted cultural subjectivity in the spiritual world of the people.

Enhance the dissemination and influence of Chinese civilization

Chinese civilization has unique spiritual traits and development forms, forming cultural characteristics of emphasizing benevolence, valuing the people, upholding integrity, upholding justice, advocating harmony, and seeking great harmony. In the new era, human society is facing unprecedented challenges and once again standing at the crossroads of history. On the one hand, we have always adhered to maintaining world peace, promoting exchanges and mutual learning among various civilizations, and are committed to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind; On the other hand, we should stick to the position of Chinese culture, study and explain the characteristics and details of Chinese culture, accelerate the development of cultural industries, improve the modern public cultural service system, safeguard the basic cultural rights and interests of the people, tell the story of the CPC to foreign people, tell the story of the new era and new journey, further enhance the international competitiveness and appeal of Chinese culture, and improve the ability to master the international discourse. Spreading excellent traditional Chinese culture on the world stage, transforming cultural subjectivity into cultural soft power and international shaping power, promoting mutual learning and learning among civilizations, and adding more positive energy to the development and progress of human civilization.

Persist in combining Marxism with excellent traditional Chinese culture, grasp practical significance, follow practical paths, consolidate cultural subjectivity, and continuously promote the adaptation of excellent traditional Chinese culture to the construction of a socialist modernized country. On the one hand, we should better display the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation, and build the Chinese spirit, Chinese values, and Chinese strength in the process of Chinese path to modernization. Chinese path to modernization endows Chinese civilization with modern strength, Chinese civilization endows Chinese path to modernization with profound connotation, and cultural subjectivity is strengthened and enriched in modernization practice. On the other hand, we need to further consolidate the historical and cultural foundation of the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, activate the vibrant elements of excellent traditional Chinese culture with Marxism, and endow it with new contemporary connotations, injecting the great spirit and rich wisdom of the Chinese nation into Marxism at a deeper level. As a result, our cultural subjectivity is nurtured by Marxism and developed.

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