Learning Language | Better Undertaking New Cultural Missions

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:55 PM

Culture is related to the foundation and destiny of a country.

A nation with cultural confidence can stand firm, stand firm, and go far

Only a confident civilization can tolerate, learn from, and absorb various different civilizations while maintaining its own national characteristics. I have said that cultural confidence is a more fundamental, broader, and profound confidence, a more fundamental, profound, and enduring force. The Chinese civilization has been continuous and enduring for over 5000 years. In the process of long-term evolution, it has formed a unique value system, cultural connotation, and spiritual quality for the Chinese people to view the world, society, and life. This is the fundamental characteristic that distinguishes us from other countries and ethnic groups, and also cultivates the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation to learn from the strengths of others.

I have repeatedly emphasized that "cultural confidence is a more fundamental, extensive, and profound confidence, a more fundamental, profound, and enduring force." "China has firm confidence in its path, theory, and system, and its essence is cultural confidence built on the foundation of over 5000 years of civilization inheritance.". Archaeological work is an important cultural undertaking and also a work of significant social and political significance. The struggle in the field of history and culture will persist for a long time. We must attach great importance to archaeological work, use facts to counter various distortions and slanders of the history of the Chinese nation, and provide strong support for promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture and enhancing cultural confidence.

Confidence is the key to self-improvement. A nation with cultural confidence can stand firm, stand firm, and travel far. The Chinese civilization has lasted for thousands of years and has endured numerous hardships, which is a miracle of human civilization and a source of confidence for us. Strengthening cultural confidence means sticking to one's own path. The primary task of strengthening cultural confidence is to base ourselves on the great historical and contemporary practices of the Chinese nation, summarize Chinese experience with Chinese principles, elevate Chinese experience into Chinese theory, neither blindly follow various dogmas nor copy foreign theories, and achieve spiritual independence and autonomy. We should integrate cultural confidence into the spiritual temperament and cultural character of the entire nation, cultivate an upward and rational attitude, and maintain a peaceful mindset.

Learning Language | Better Undertaking New Cultural Missions

Adhering to openness and inclusiveness, constantly radiating new vitality through exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations

Chinese culture is both historical and contemporary, national and global. Only by rooting in this land that is born and grown in this place can literature and art catch up with the local atmosphere, increase confidence, and infuse vitality, and stand firm in the world cultural turmoil. As the saying goes, "Those who fall in reality think of their trees, and those who drink their flow embrace their source.". We must adhere to the principle of not forgetting our roots, absorbing foreign elements, and facing the future. Through inheritance and transformation, we must surpass ourselves through learning, and create more excellent works that reflect the essence of Chinese culture, reflect the aesthetic pursuit of the Chinese people, spread contemporary Chinese values, and conform to the trend of world progress. Let our literature and art stand tall with distinct Chinese characteristics, style, and atmosphere.

Chinese civilization has been known for its openness and inclusiveness since ancient times, constantly radiating new vitality through exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations. We must adhere to the concept of equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness in promoting civilization, understand the understanding of values and connotations of different civilizations with a broad mind, respect the exploration of their own development paths by people of different countries, transcend cultural barriers through cultural exchanges, transcend cultural conflicts through cultural mutual learning, transcend cultural superiority through cultural coexistence, promote the common values of all mankind contained in Chinese civilization, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Openness and inclusiveness have always been a source of vitality for the development of civilization, and a significant symbol of cultural confidence. The vastness of Chinese civilization is attributed to the open and inclusive attitude of Chinese culture since ancient times. Adhering to openness and inclusiveness means actively learning and borrowing from all the excellent achievements of human civilization. Whether it is to enhance the cohesion and appeal of advanced culture internally or to enhance the dissemination and influence of Chinese civilization externally, it cannot be separated from the integration of China and foreign countries and the connection between ancient and modern times. After long-term efforts, we have more conditions than ever before to resolve the "ancient and modern struggle between China and the West", and there is also a more urgent need than ever before for a group of cultural achievements that integrate the ancient and modern, and the East and the West. We must adhere to the sinicization and modernization of Marxism, inherit and develop excellent traditional Chinese culture, promote the localization of foreign cultures, and continuously cultivate and create socialist culture with Chinese characteristics for a new era.

Learning Language | Better Undertaking New Cultural Missions

Persist in upholding integrity and innovation, only by upholding integrity can we not lose ourselves or our direction, and innovation can we grasp and lead the times

We must adhere to the principle of making the past serve the present and the foreign serve China, integrate various resources, and continuously promote knowledge innovation, theoretical innovation, and method innovation. We must persist in not forgetting the past, absorbing external factors, and facing the future. We should not only look inward and conduct in-depth research on major issues related to national economy and people's livelihood, but also look outward and actively explore major issues related to the future and destiny of humanity; It not only looks forward and accurately judges the development trend of socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also looks backward and is good at inheriting and carrying forward the essence of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

Chinese culture has always admired the collection of a hundred generations of literature and the collection of a thousand years of legacy. We need to explore the ideological concepts, humanistic spirit, and moral norms of excellent traditional Chinese culture, integrate artistic creativity with Chinese cultural values, combine Chinese aesthetic spirit with contemporary aesthetic pursuit, and activate the vitality of Chinese culture. Self proclaimed and outdated practices cannot be considered as inheritance, and cutting off one's bloodline and creating something out of thin air cannot be considered innovation. We must grasp the relationship between inheritance and innovation, learn from the past without sticking to it, break the law without violating it, and make excellent traditional Chinese culture an important source of literary and artistic innovation.

For cultural construction, maintaining integrity is the key to not losing oneself and direction, while innovation is the key to grasping and leading the times. Uprightness is the fundamental system of the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field, the fundamental requirement of "two combinations", the cultural leadership of the CPC and the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation. Innovation creates new ideas, new discourse, new mechanisms, and new forms. Under the guidance of Marxism, we must truly make the past serve the present, the foreign serve China, make dialectical choices, and innovate, achieving an organic connection between tradition and modernity. Cultural workers in the new era must uphold the spirit of integrity and innovation, continue the historical context, and write a magnificent chapter of the contemporary era.

Learning Language | Better Undertaking New Cultural Missions

Previous links:

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Learning Language | Serious Political Life within the Party is the Foundation of Comprehensive and Strict Party Governance

Learning Language | Defending the Safety Bottom Line of Building a Beautiful China

Learning Language | Strengthening the Awareness of the Chinese National Community

Learning language | Taking the interests of the world as the benefit and the hearts of the people as the heart

Learning Language | Better Undertaking New Cultural Missions

Reprint please indicate the audit: Gu Lijuan Wang Qunxing

Proofread by: Wang Mengqiu

Production: Mu Jing

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