Current Politics Micro Observation | Service Open Sharing Achievements

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 10:22 AM

"China is willing to work with all countries to promote inclusive development through service openness, promote linkage and integration through service cooperation, cultivate development momentum through service innovation, create a better future through service sharing, and work together to push the world economy onto a sustainable recovery track."

As the largest comprehensive exhibition in the global service trade field, the 2023 Service Trade Fair attracted over 2400 companies to participate offline. Among them, there are over 500 Fortune Global 500 and industry leading enterprises, 59 countries and 24 international organizations holding exhibitions and conferences, with a total of 12 more than the previous one, and an overall internationalization rate of over 20%.

In the current turbulent international situation and weak global economic recovery, why does the Fair for Trade in Services have such a strong magnetic field that can attract numerous enterprises to come?

Current Politics Micro Observation | Service Open Sharing Achievements

The Fair for Trade in Services, as a platform, allows countries to share new development opportunities in open cooperation, work together to promote global economic recovery and growth, fully reflecting the profound significance of making "global service mutual benefit and sharing" a permanent slogan.

△ Shougang Park of the 2023 Service Trade Fair

In recent years, the accelerated innovation of technologies such as big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence has accelerated the pace of digital transformation in service trade.

The World Trade Organization predicts that by 2030, digital technology will drive an annual increase of 1.8 to 2 percentage points in global trade growth.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Service Open Sharing Achievements

Digitization, intelligence, and greening have been the prominent features of the Service Trade Fair in recent years. This year's Fair for Trade in Services further highlights the leading role of technological innovation, model innovation, and business format innovation.

At the Education Service Special Exhibition Area of Shougang Park at the 2023 Service Trade Fair, children are experiencing intelligent hardware programming works.

The Digital RMB Trend Market of the China International Fair for Trade in Services has introduced numerous consumer experience scenarios such as time-honored brands, cultural tourism, agricultural products, and live shopping. In the game interaction area, the market has designed multiple fun interactive small games for the audience. Viewers can take photos with the beautifully designed gallery, upload the photos and pay in digital RMB, and personalize bottled drinking water. These greatly enhance the interactivity and experience of digital RMB payments.

In 2022, China's import and export volume of digitally deliverable services reached 2.51 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.8%, ranking fifth in the world and reaching a new historical high in scale.

The single hole laparoscopic surgical robot exhibited in the comprehensive exhibition area of the National Convention Center of the 2023 Service Trade Fair

Chatting and drawing with AI virtual humans, creating one's own AI digital avatar, calling on AI assistants to write a mid year summary... The globally popular generative artificial intelligence technology is reshaping various industries, including the service trade sector.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Service Open Sharing Achievements

During this year's Fair for Trade in Services, new scenarios and applications spawned by AIGC have made a concentrated appearance.

The International Innovation Enterprise Exhibition Area has attracted innovation enterprises from South Korea, Israel, Denmark, France, Japan and other countries to participate, covering fields such as digital technology, robotics, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, cloud services, big data, network security, energy storage, intelligent manufacturing, engineering materials, integrated circuits, etc. It will accelerate the transformation of international technology project achievements and help Beijing build an international science and technology innovation center.

The "Green and Dual Carbon Smart Station" exhibited in the exhibition area of the National Stadium of the 2023 Service Trade Fair

At the Environmental Services Special Exhibition of the Fair for Trade in Services, a batch of new products, processes, and technologies were unveiled, showcasing China's achievements in promoting green and low-carbon transformation——

China's first terrestrial ecosystem carbon monitoring satellite, Jumang; China's first L4 level autonomous freight vehicle; A "green and dual carbon smart station" that integrates a large amount of hard technology

Current Politics Micro Observation | Service Open Sharing Achievements

The Service Trade Fair has set up a special exhibition area with the theme of "Dual Carbon Empowerment and Renewal of Innovation Power", and launched multiple peak forums with the theme of green and low-carbon. Exhibitors have brought cutting-edge achievements and practical actions in green services, green technologies, and green business models. The Service Trade Fair can be described as "lush with greenery".

The General Manager of the Strategic Business Development Department of Amazon Cloud Technology in Greater China has a deep understanding of this: "China actively promotes the two-way integration of service trade in digitalization and greening, bringing many benefits to enterprises."

On June 16, 2023, more than 40 ambassadors, business associations, and heads of multinational corporations from nearly 20 countries visited the Yizhuang cluster in the high-end industry area of the Beijing Pilot Free Trade Zone to experience the cutting-edge vitality of Beijing's high-end industry.

The Service Trade Fair is not only a platform for enterprises to showcase their "hard power", but also brings together new technologies, formats, and applications of global service trade, demonstrating to the world how digital technology can change lives.

"We will share the achievements of Chinese path to modernization. We will focus on expanding domestic demand, accelerate the construction of a strong domestic market, actively expand the import of quality services, encourage the expansion of the export of knowledge intensive services, use China's big market opportunities to provide new development impetus for the world, use high-quality development to provide more and better Chinese services for the world, and enhance the sense of gain of people around the world."

Current Politics Micro Observation | Service Open Sharing Achievements

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Current Politics Micro Observation | Service Open Sharing Achievements

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