Draw a concentric circle in the overseas Chinese community and write a new chapter of rejuvenation - A side note on the 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Family Members

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 10:21 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 3 (Xinhua) - Draw a concentric circle in the overseas Chinese community and write a new chapter of rejuvenation - Side notes on the 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Family Members

Xinhua News Agency reporters Fan Sixiang, Dong Boting, and Wang Mingyu

Share the responsibility of national rejuvenation and the glory of national rejuvenation.

The 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Family Members was held in Beijing from August 31st to September 3rd. Nearly 1200 representatives of returned overseas Chinese and their families from all over the country, as well as nearly 600 specially invited guests from over 100 countries, gathered together.

Here, the attending representatives and overseas guests gather the strength of the overseas Chinese community to jointly promote the unity and struggle of the Chinese people at home and abroad.

Xiangxiang Grand Event

In early autumn, Beijing has clear skies for thousands of miles; Tiananmen Square, with a picturesque display of red flags in the wind.

At around 8:40 am on August 31st, representatives and overseas guests from the 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and Family Members arrived at the Great Hall of the People.

This is a grand event held in the overseas Chinese community at a critical moment when the entire Party and people of all ethnic groups in the country are embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country and advancing towards the second centenary goal. It is a major event in the political life of returning overseas Chinese and their families.

The atmosphere inside the Great Hall of the People and the Hall of Ten Thousand People is solemn and enthusiastic.

The thunderous applause is a vivid reflection of overseas Chinese's loyalty to the Party.

The magnificent March of the Volunteers was played, and the whole audience stood up and sang the national anthem in unison.

Li Xi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, delivered a speech on behalf of the Party Central Committee.

"The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China fully recognizes and has high expectations for the organizations of the Overseas Chinese Federation, the vast number of returned overseas Chinese and their families, and overseas Chinese!"

"The vast number of returned overseas Chinese and their families, as well as overseas Chinese, should actively respond to the call of the Party and the people, think and work together with the motherland and the people, and create new and greater achievements in sharing the responsibility of national rejuvenation and the glory of national rejuvenation!"

The grand and magnificent blueprint inspires the spirit of carrying on the past and opening up the future, and striving for excellence.

"This conference reflects the high attention and warm care that the Party Central Committee attaches to the vast number of returned overseas Chinese and their families, as well as overseas Chinese." Listening to the speech, Situ Guohai, a representative of the Shanghai delegation, stated that he will base himself on his own work, adhere to the spirit of serving the country, work hard with the vast number of returned overseas Chinese and their families, and work tirelessly to make new achievements.

At the meeting, a group of advanced model figures were commended. Qin Yu, a scientific and technological worker who won the title of "exemplary individual of Returned Overseas Chinese and Their Family Members", said: "I will focus on scientific and technological research and development based on my own professional advantages, and make contributions to the overseas Chinese community in the process of promoting self-reliance and self-improvement in China's high-level science and technology."

Cohesive force

On September 1st, the attending representatives were divided into 35 small groups to discuss the speech of the Party Central Committee and the work report of the 10th Committee of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese.

Representatives will discuss their experiences, share their understanding, raise questions, and propose measures based on their respective work practices.

Exchange and discussion, looking forward to the future, with increasing confidence——

"The speech of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is of great significance in boosting the confidence of the overseas Chinese community and promoting the unity and struggle of Chinese people at home and abroad." On the discussion site of the Fujian Provincial delegation, representative Weng Xiaojie said that contributing to the modernization construction of the motherland and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese Dream is a glorious mission shared by the vast number of overseas Chinese in the new era.

Overseas Chinese Federation, working together to build dreams.

I want to convey the rapidly changing development landscape and good investment policies of China to overseas Chinese friends, and attract more talents to return home and start businesses;

I will continue to cultivate the talents needed by the country while leading the team to tackle core key technologies, and contribute to achieving high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement;

In the field of cultural and tourism, I will actively promote exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations;


The microphone passed through the venue, and every speaker spoke earnestly. Sparks collided in the discussion of future prospects, and the love for the motherland was sublimated in communication.

Provide suggestions and suggestions, learn and learn from each other, and the direction becomes clearer——

It is a requirement of the Party Central Committee and a consensus among the attending representatives to conduct in-depth research and analysis on the changes in the world, national conditions, and overseas Chinese situations, strive to solve new problems, and create new situations in work.

In response to the difficulties of weak strength, heavy work tasks, and limited organizational resources of grassroots cadres of the Overseas Chinese Federation, the "Hubei Overseas Chinese Home" mini program has emerged to provide communication and networking channels for overseas Chinese, while coordinating information of overseas Chinese in various regions, achieving resource sinking and empowering grassroots.

"At present, more than 2000 overseas Chinese have registered online. We welcome everyone present to join us!" Hou Jiwen, the representative of the Hubei Provincial delegation, responded positively to the on-site promotion.

At the venue, representatives from various industries, including new and old overseas Chinese, both domestically and internationally, shared their experiences and worked together for development, sparking vitality and gathering strength.

Thinking resonance, emotional resonance, and continuous consensus cohesion——

At the Guangdong Provincial Delegation's discussion site, recalling the experience of visiting the Shantou Overseas Chinese Approval Museum, Lin Weinong, who is over sixty years old, called on everyone to "continue the spirit of overseas Chinese, care for the motherland, and cherish the motherland.".

The statement made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, "We hope that the vast number of returned overseas Chinese and their families can love our country and have a broad understanding of the world, and play a greater role in promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture and building a community with a shared future for mankind," has aroused widespread recognition among the attending delegates.

"Overseas Chinese are important members of the Chinese nation's big family. No matter where they go or how far they go, the roots of the nation, the soul of culture, and the dream of rejuvenation are the same." Lin Zhengjia, who participated in the Fourth National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Family Members, said that we should use overseas Chinese as a bridge, integrate China and foreign countries, tell the story of China well, and spread the voice of China well.

Embark on a new journey

On the morning of the 3rd, the closing ceremony of the 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Family Members was held at the Great Hall of the People.

The conference announced the election results of the first plenary session of the 11th Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese.

The round of applause is a warm welcome and deep expectation to the new leadership group of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese.

The conference passed a resolution on the work report of the 10th Committee of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese.

Continuing the past and opening up the future, the work of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese has gained clearer guidance in the current and future periods.

The conference passed a resolution on the Constitution of the All China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese.

On the new journey, the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese will adhere to its original aspiration, keep up with the times, uphold integrity, innovate, and move forward with courage and perseverance.

The conference passed a resolution on hiring consultants, overseas members, and honorary members of the 11th Committee of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese.

At home and abroad, draw the largest concentric circle of unity in the overseas Chinese community, and create a new situation for the cause of the Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese.

Yu Xiaoyi, a representative of the Shandong Provincial delegation, stated that on the new journey of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, I will work hand in hand with the vast number of returning overseas Chinese and their families, unite and strive together, and think and work together around the grand goal of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, gathering the magnificent force of working together to achieve the Chinese Dream.

The conference successfully concluded in the passionate melody of "Singing for the Motherland".

Stepping out of the venue, attending representatives and special guests from overseas Chinese will travel to all corners of the world and embark on a new journey——

At the conference, Wang Pengwen, who won the title of "exemplary individual of the All China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese System", said that today's cadres of the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese are born at the right time and shoulder an important task.

Realizing the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation requires the joint efforts of Chinese people at home and abroad.

"I am delighted to participate in this grand event," said Lin Chuqin, a special guest of overseas Chinese. "As overseas Chinese, we must leverage our own advantages, promote friendly exchanges between our motherland and the host country, gather the strength and wisdom of the overseas Chinese community, and contribute to the great cause of national rejuvenation!"

The Chinese people unite and work together to fulfill their dream of rejuvenation.

Consolidate the magnificent strength of the vast number of returned overseas Chinese and their families, as well as overseas Chinese, to unite and strive for the great unity of the Chinese people, the construction of a strong country, and the rejuvenation of the nation. The future is promising.

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