General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Hunan Yuelu Academy

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 11:52 AM

Former General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Hunan Yuelu Academy

Millennium Academy Meets Modern University

Weiwei Yuelu, the vast Xiangjiang River, the leisurely academy, with endless string songs.

Yuelu Academy was founded during the Northern Song Dynasty, from the "300 Daolin and 1000 disciples of the academy" in the Song Dynasty to the "Zhongxing Generals and the Nine Lakes and Hunan" in the Qing Dynasty, and then to the 1980s, it became a secondary institution of Hunan University. After a thousand years, its academic background has been continuous.

In the new era, Yuelu Academy is putting effort into promoting the academy culture of "preaching and benefiting the people", researching and promoting the localization of truth, and cultivating practical talents. It is strengthening cultural confidence and composing a contemporary chapter.

Seeking truth from facts, we must localize the truth

The sun shines brightly in the sky, shining through the ancient wood and reflecting on the plaque of "seeking truth from facts".

At the beginning of the last century, young Mao Zedong lived in Yuelu Academy, and by pushing open the window of his residence, one could see this plaque.

"Chairman Mao was nurtured here in the past, and seeking truth from facts comes from this place. How can the Communist Party succeed? Back then, on a boat in Shikumen and on the South Lake, there were so many people, and to this day, we must clarify the path and localize the truth."

Building on the profound foundation of over 5000 years of Chinese civilization, we must open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and combine the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture. As an important window to showcase the combination of the basic principles of Marxism and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, academies continue to provide people with ideological enlightenment.

From Yuelu Mountain and Aiwan Pavilion, to the ruins of the old library, the site of the Xinmin Society, and then to the woodcut of "Yuelu Academy Record" and the Zhu Xi Poetry Stele, every blade of grass, every tree, every brick, and every tile here have become the teaching points for the "mobile" ideological and political courses at Hunan University. "To truly understand and master Marxism, we cannot be separated from the more than 5000 years of civilization history of the Chinese nation, from the excellent traditional culture of China, or from studying Marxism unilaterally and in isolation." Long Bing, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Marxism at Hunan University, through situational teaching, moved the ideological and political classroom from the classroom to society, and promoted red culture in a more vivid way, which is deeply loved by students.

"Only with Sinicization can Marxism shine with the light of truth on the land of China. We will continue to conduct research around the 'two combinations', form a series of achievements, and actively showcase these achievements to the whole society, spreading the spirit of seeking truth from facts deeper and farther." Chen Yuxiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yuelu Academy, said that the academy has established the' Yuelu Academy and Seeking Truth from Facts Propaganda Team ', and will go out of the school to preach the profound connotation of' seeking truth from facts' throughout the country; Launch a special exhibition on the Yuelu Academy and the practical and realistic ideological line, attracting people from all walks of life and primary and secondary school students to visit and learn.

According to data, since March this year, the mobile ideological and political course preaching team of Hunan University has delivered over 100000 lectures to research teams, party and government leaders at all levels, and training classes in primary, secondary, and tertiary schools both inside and outside the province.

Famous Mountain Altar, Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning

In July, as soon as I stepped into the gate of Yuelu Academy, I was greeted by a bustling group of tourists. Among them, many children, under the guidance of their parents and with the guidance of their study teachers, walk, watch, and learn, experiencing the charm of ancient academies.

Culture is like water, infiltrating people's hearts.

General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Hunan Yuelu Academy

The courtyard is deep, with Hexi Terrace, Imperial Library, Zhashe, Confucian Temple, and gardens silently narrating stories of lectures, book collections, and sacrifices. Every plaque, every pair of couplets, and every academic regulation exudes an academic atmosphere and a cultural fragrance, connecting the past and future.

"In ancient times, academies were the spiritual home for scholars to settle down and establish themselves. Today, the culture of academies, as a representative of excellent traditional Chinese culture, remains the cultural confidence and emotional root in the hearts of Chinese people." Xiao Yongming, the dean of Yuelu Academy, said, "The historical saying 'Zhu Zhanghui Lecture' is a cross regional academic exchange. Today, we are facing cross national cultural exchange, and we need to promote culture to go global and enhance cultural influence."

The famous mountain altar seats sharpen knowledge.

The Book of Rites, Xueji, states: "If one studies alone without friends, they will be isolated and ignorant." More than 800 years ago, during the "Zhu Zhang lecture," two cultural giants were like two rivers surging and blending with each other, forming a surging cultural trend. Since the 21st century, the "Millennium Forum", "Minglun Hall Lecture", "Yuelu Academy Lecture Hall", and "National Studies Ceremony" have attracted worldwide attention to the teaching activities of Yuelu Academy. Flowing is time, and the same lineage is respect for thought and praise for culture.

Cultivating Virtue and Cultivating Youth of the Era

The couplet of Yuelu Academy says: "There is no ancient or modern governance, and cultivating talents is urgent. Don't wander and observe the trends of the four seas for thousands of years.".

Through the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, from Yuelu Academy to Hunan University, from traditional educational organizations to modern higher education institutions, this rich cultural hall has provided an example for academic research and talent cultivation, forming a unique educational purpose and educational philosophy.

At present, Yuelu Academy has formed a complete talent cultivation pattern from undergraduate, master's, doctoral to postdoctoral studies, with three teaching institutions: History Department, Philosophy Department, and Archaeology Department. Two national innovation platforms have been selected, and more than 10 scientific research institutions, including Hunan University Humanities Higher Research Institute and Yuelu Academy Chinese Studies Research Institute, have been established; There are currently over 80 full-time teachers, many of whom have been selected for the National Talent Plan.

Continuing the tradition of learning and opening up, the Yuelu Academy, which has stood for thousands of years, enriches educational ideas and cultivates extraordinary spirit and spirit.

Every September, at the entrance ceremony for new students at Yuelu Academy, the 108 word "Yuelu Academy Regulations" is a collective recitation by all new students, written on the first page of the Hunan University Student Regulations.

"Gai desires to achieve talent, preach and benefit the people." On the front screen wall of the Yuelu Academy lecture hall, the "Yuelu Academy Record" is engraved, clarifying the responsibility of the academy in preaching and helping the people, and nurturing generations of talented people who care about the world.

Those who seek the growth of wood must solidify its foundation; Those who wish to flow far must dredge their springs.

In the Yuelu Academy, the ancient trees in the sky are lush and connected, and the water source of the Congcong River flows far and wide. Between the mountains and rivers, the plaque of "seeking truth from facts" shines brightly, recording the glorious past that never forgets history and revealing the spiritual code of national rejuvenation.

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