Line 15 opens to National Maternal and Infant Hospital "point-to-point": Fengxian's first cross-district medical line is put into use, get off the subway and take the bus

Release time:Jun 21, 2024 10:37 AM

"We have arrived at the China Welfare Institute International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital. Please take your belongings with you and get off the bus in an orderly manner..."

On June 21, Fengxian's first cross-district medical customized bus, the "National Maternal and Infant Hospital Medical Line", was officially opened. The line starts from Yongde Road Station of Metro Line 15 in Minhang District in the north and ends at the National Maternal and Infant Hospital Fengxian Campus at the entrance of Wanghe Road and Jinqian Highway in Fengxian District in the south. The entire route is nearly 14 kilometers, and it is a "point-to-point direct" route with no stops along the way. The opening of the National Maternal and Infant Hospital Medical Line will completely clear the "traffic jams" for residents in the surrounding areas to seek medical treatment in a convenient form of "public transportation to seek medical treatment", solve the "last mile" on the way to seek medical treatment, and effectively improve the happiness and experience of residents in seeking medical treatment and life.

Aunt Cao, 69, lives near the Minhang campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Due to health reasons, she needs to go to the hospital regularly for follow-up examinations and prescriptions. As one of the first passengers of the medical line, she feels it most deeply. "At the end of 22, I had surgery at the National Women and Children's Hospital, and since then I have had to go to the hospital for follow-up examinations." Aunt Cao introduced that she used to take the bus every time she went to the hospital. The waiting time and the long journey time, especially on windy and rainy days, made her feel "unbearable". "Before, I took the No. 458 bus at Lianhua South Road. Since the No. 458 bus has an interval of 30 to 40 minutes and stops at all 10 stations, sometimes it takes an hour and a half one way." With the opening of the medical line, Aunt Cao only needs to arrive at the station 5 minutes in advance according to the schedule and wait, and it only takes 25 minutes to reach the hospital. "The time has been shortened by nearly two-thirds, and I get off at the hospital, which is really convenient."

"As the first tertiary specialized hospital built and put into use in the five new cities, the Fengxian branch of the National Women and Children's Hospital has been responsible for most of the maternal and child health diagnosis and treatment services in Fengxian and surrounding areas such as Minhang in the nearly two years since its opening." Ji Xinhua, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the National Women and Children's Hospital, introduced that since its opening in September 2022, the Fengxian branch of the hospital has served nearly 520,000 outpatients, nearly 8,000 deliveries, and about 16,000 surgeries. "With the continuous growth of medical demand, the Fengxian District Transportation Committee and the hospital have also organized many field visits and discussions to seek 'ways' and 'breakthroughs' for patients to conveniently improve medical treatment."

"The Wanghe Road and Jinqian Highway blocks where the National Women and Infants Hospital is located have the district dental and skin care centers, nursing homes, pediatric hospitals and other livelihood institutions. We are committed to creating a highland for women and children's health, and we are also actively seeking to provide better convenience for residents to seek medical treatment on the basis of existing transportation infrastructure." Wang Wei, deputy director of the Fengxian District Transportation Committee, introduced that the District Transportation Committee has been accelerating the widening of Jinqian Highway around the National Women and Infants Hospital, expanding the road from the original two-way 2 lanes to two-way 6 lanes, increasing the road's vehicle traffic capacity, and planning to complete the National Women and Infants Hospital section at the end of June, and the entire project will be completed by the end of the year. This customized bus medical line also combines the progress of road reconstruction and the renovation of bus stop facilities in the hospital to better seamlessly connect the subway and the hospital, further facilitate patients' medical treatment, and greatly save patients' travel costs.

It is reported that the National Women and Infants Hospital Medical Special Line adopts a fixed-point, scheduled direct operation mode, with two-way terminals at: Exit 3 of Yongde Road Station on Metro Line 15 and the National Women and Infants Hospital Fengxian Campus, with a one-way fare of 2 yuan per person. The special line departs from Yongde Road Station at 7:20, 8:45 and 12:45 every Monday to Saturday, and departs from the National Women and Infants Hospital Fengxian Campus at 8:05, 11:30 and 16:30. "As an important strategic space and new growth point for Shanghai's future development, the 'Five New Cities' have given Fengxian an opportunity for a new round of large-scale construction and development. With the support and assistance of the Fengxian District Party Committee, District Government and relevant departments, the National Women and Infants Hospital will further improve the level of medical services and medical service experience, expand the radiation of high-quality maternal and child medical resources, and contribute to the maternal and child health cause in Shanghai, the Yangtze River Delta region and even the whole country." Ji Xinhua said.

Line 15 opens to National Maternal and Infant Hospital "point-to-point": Fengxian's first cross-district medical line is put into use, get off the subway and take the bus
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