Film Festival "True Love Fans" Attract New Customers to Cinemas, People's City·Film and Television Appointment|"Wild Film Critics" Generate Power with Love

Release time:Jun 20, 2024 17:27 PM

On June 20, Shanghai Cinema SHO screened two Ghost in the Shell movies in a row. The intermission lasted nearly an hour, and many viewers took a rest in front of the Shanghai Cinema Anniversary Exhibition on the second floor. The long white table meanders like a river, showing the 30-year history of Shanghai Cinema. The table is piled with canvas bags and milk tea cups. Young movie fans gathered around the table. Some gave their own "material" postcards to their friends, and some took out their mobile phones and wrote down their feelings about the movie in a small red book, just like the qushuiliuchang of the Lanting Gathering thousands of years ago, sharing the flowing feast of the movie.

Audiences wait to watch movies in the exhibition area of ​​Shanghai Film City. Photo by Jian Gongbo

This year, the Shanghai International Film Festival and the Shanghai Citizens Cultural Festival joined hands to continue the citizen theme essay contest "Beauty, Truth and Beauty in Film", inviting citizens to write down their thoughts and feelings after watching the films at the Shanghai International Film Festival. Professional film critics, ordinary citizens, and "wild film critics" on social platforms shared the beauty of movies, film festivals, and the city of movies, which also attracted young people to return to the cinema and find their own movies.

Writing film reviews is an important way to participate in film festivals besides watching movies. The citizen theme essay contest "Beauty, Truth and Beauty in Film" has received many fresh film reviews. Some people reviewed films such as "Seven Veils", "Kyrie's Song", "Nikki" and "French Fondue" in one breath; some people used the writing style of science fiction to imagine themselves in the year 3001 traveling to the top of a high-rise building in Shanghai, a city of the future, to appreciate "2001: A Space Odyssey"; and some people were moved by the dance drama film "The Eternal Wave" and the documentary "The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru".

There are many eye-catching and brilliant words in the long and short comments of the audience. Some people think that every page of "Princess Iron Fan" is jumping with the shadow of childhood, "This movie is the most beautiful dream for all children who never grow up." Some people describe "2001: A Space Odyssey" as "a glass of aged wine, the more you taste it, the better it tastes." Some audiences think of real life from the movie, "In the movie, I see myself drifting from far away to Shanghai."

The words "full" at the entrance of the cinema reflect the enthusiasm of moviegoers. Photo by Zhong Han

The opening film of the Shanghai Film Festival, the dance drama film "The Eternal Wave", is a popular film this year and a popular topic for film reviews. Lu Junwei, a member of the Shanghai Film Critics Society, could not hide his excitement after watching the film and immediately wrote a short review. In his opinion, the solo dance of the leading actor under the sky of Shanghai today in the last scene of the film is the finishing touch of the whole film, "History shines into reality. Today's peace is exchanged for the sacrifices of countless martyrs. Remembering the past and cherishing the future is the theme of this film." He also paid attention to the English title of the film, "RED RADIOOVER SHANGHAI, it is a wonderful translation and very to the point. I believe it can become another tool to promote Shanghai in overseas communication."

"The actors' superb performances made me feel as if I were in that turbulent era. This film is not only a tribute to history, but also a heritage and promotion of heroic spirit." In the eyes of a citizen film critic, this dance drama film seems to have "resurrected" Li Bai with digital technology, "Beep, beep, beep... the sound of the radio waves conveys the signal of victory."

After the movie, young audience members walked down the escalator. Photo by Lai Xinlin

Liu Chun, associate researcher at the Institute of Literature of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and director of the Shanghai Film Critics Society, served as the film selector for the Golden Goblet Awards animation unit at this year's Shanghai Film Festival, and wrote film reviews for the key film introductions on the Shanghai Film Festival's official account. In her spare time, she noticed the comments of some "wild film critics", "some of whom can be guessed at a glance to be young authors, with a lot of popular online language and popular memes, which can well reflect the appreciation and evaluation standards of young audiences." In her opinion, the interesting perspectives and analytical methods of popular film reviews provide a more vivid perspective and critical language beyond the academic school.

"In the current era of rapid and even fast-food exchange of ideas, many people watch short videos to understand the main plot of a movie, but that is not a good way to appreciate masterpieces, and you will miss many wonderful expressions." Liu Chun believes that encouraging more audiences to go to the cinema to watch movies instead of "fast food" on the Internet, pay attention to the technical means and aesthetic characteristics in the details of the film, and think about its emotional background and cultural logic, etc., is the meaning of the Shanghai Film Festival's citizen film review essay solicitation activity. "High-quality film reviews have a practical role in cultivating audience appreciation, post-project evaluation of film companies, and pre-market research."

At the film festival, sharing and checking in are also ways to participate in the film festival reviews and inject vitality into the city of film. On Xiaohongshu, a photo taken by a viewer at the Grandview Cinema attracted many likes. The crowd around was processed into black and white with a filter, and only the movie poster of "Paprika" in the middle showed a bright red. Someone commented poetically: "The crowds are gone in a hurry, only art is eternal."

An audience member who likes niche themes usually watches his favorite films alone. At this year's film festival, he watched a new film adapted from a comic book at the Grandview Cinema. Hundreds of audience members around him were moved and laughed together, enjoying the film to the fullest. Suddenly, he felt "straightened up" and thought, "It turns out that the meaning of the cinema is to be able to watch movies openly."

"For me, the significance of a film festival is the opportunity to encounter good films and filmmakers." This is the fourth film festival for Xiao Qian, a movie fan born in the 1990s. "I will give priority to grabbing tickets for premieres or meet-and-greets with the main creators, and take the opportunity of the film festival to communicate face-to-face with the film's main creators." She said that she often sees other fans "encountering" well-known filmmakers on social media, such as Zhou Xun, Tony Leung, Jia Zhangke, etc.

Xiao Qian plans to watch five or six movies at this year's film festival, most of which are shown at 8 or 9 p.m. "Thinking about going to the movies at night makes such a weekday full of anticipation." She said with a smile that Shanghai in June is the best city to watch movies. "The main poster of this year's Shanghai Film Festival is very beautiful. You can often see this poster at Shanghai Film City or Daguangming. It is set against the wet weather and feels very dreamy."

"Murder on the Orient Express is the first movie I watched at this year's film festival. Although I have read the novel and watched the movie on my computer, watching it multiple times at the film festival makes me feel that classics never go out of style. You will always be shocked and moved by the complex human nature in the movie." Early in the morning of June 14, white-collar worker Zhang Ying took Metro Line 7 and headed straight to Tianshan Cinema - Wanping Theater Cinema. "People attending the film festival seem to have a tacit understanding. Sitting in the carriage, I heard two passengers next to me talking about the film festival. I had a hunch that they and I were going to see the same movie, and in the end, we walked into the same theater." At Wanping Theater, Zhang Ying joined the fan group for the first time. "Transferring tickets, discussing movie-watching etiquette and nearby dining, it gives people a sense of belonging."

Audiences line up to get their tickets stamped at Shanghai Film City. Photo by Zhong Han

In the fan group, someone praised the service of Wanping Theater: "I have been to five cinemas in Shanghai Film Festival, and my favorite is the small and beautiful Wanping Theater Cinema. I like the vigor of the staff there. They will take the initiative to tell you where to pick up tickets and where to line up to get the program book. If you don't have time to eat before the transition, they will provide light meals. If it's cold, they will ask who needs a blanket before the show starts."

Complying with the film-watching etiquette of the Shanghai International Film Festival is the consensus of this group of young moviegoers. "Applause is the characteristic of SIFF, and a film festival without applause is incomplete." A fan said that when participating in the Shanghai International Film Festival, the audience will give their time completely to the movies. "The cinema will wait until all the subtitles are played before turning on the lights, and the fans will sit quietly until the subtitles are finished before leaving. This is the ritual sense of the film festival and everyone's respect for all the film workers behind the scenes."

"For movie fans, the film festival is like the Chinese New Year." Liu Fei, a post-00s movie fan, was delighted that a friend gave her a ticket for Paprika. "Kon Satoshi is really a genius. This animated film from more than ten years ago is not outdated now, and it will not be outdated even in ten years." This year, she has another way to participate in the film festival. "I got tickets for several movies such as Hedgehog and Towards the Unknown by myself. I carry a small notebook with me and run for stamps while watching movies." Liu Fei said that many theaters and cinemas such as Daguangming Cinema and Wanping Theater can get stamps. Some stamps are in the shape of buildings, and some are related to the film festival. "As a souvenir of the film festival, it is very commemorative."

This year, tickets for animated films such as "Paprika", "Ghost in the Shell", "Looking Back", and "Detective Conan" are all popular, and they are sold out even on weekdays or during the unpopular midnight time. "This fully demonstrates that classics have their own reasons to become classics, and it also shows that the audience of the Shanghai Film Festival is very discerning. Classic Chinese animations including "Princess Iron Fan" and "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" are also loved and sought after by audiences of different ages." Liu Chun said.

"As a Shanghainese born in the 1980s, working in a film-related field, watching my favorite movies at the film festival gives me a sense of belonging." Liu Chun believes that the Shanghai audience is very cultured, quiet throughout the entire show, and applauded at the end of the credits, making her feel that every movie is an encounter with many like-minded strangers. "The service at this year's film festival is also very thoughtful and meticulous. I can feel that the people behind the scenes have put in a lot of effort to put on such a feast."

The Shanghai Film Festival is as open and inclusive as the city of Shanghai. Everyone can comment, and everyone is happy to comment. In addition to the hustle and bustle of issuing and exchanging tickets, many fan groups also share what they have seen and heard about the film festival. There have been occasional heavy rains in Shanghai in the past two days. Movie fan Monk saw a photo in the group of a young woman holding a red umbrella and wearing a pink gauze skirt dancing barefoot in front of the Grandview Cinema. The photo contrasted with the huge "City of Movies" poster on the outer wall of the cinema, as if paying tribute to the classic movie "Singin' in the Rain". The joyful dance posture was full of youth and vitality, which moved him indescribably. "Seeing this scene, I feel that there are still people who truly love movies. As long as these people exist, the film festival will have meaning, and the art of film will not die."

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