New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

Release time:Jun 21, 2024 16:35 PM

News: Employment should be stable and expanded. In addition to job hunting, some college graduates choose to start their own businesses during graduation season. The Central Document No. 1 of 2024 clearly proposed to "strengthen the rural talent team". Nowadays, rural areas are becoming a hotbed for young people to start businesses. In Banwan Village, Qianxinan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, there is a "sound box" that records the stories of such a group of young people and the countryside.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

The "Sound Box" contains the stories of a group of young people related to Banwan Village, including the creator of the "Sound Box", a "post-95s" named Bie Yige. In March 2024, she quit her job in Shanghai and came to Banwan Village, Ceheng County, Guizhou, more than 2,000 kilometers away, to join the local rural construction team.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

"Banwan" is a homonym of "Buwan" in the Bouyei language, which means "many people live here". However, due to its remote geographical location and underdeveloped road transportation, the development of the village once hit a "bottleneck".

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

After joining the rural construction entrepreneurial team of Banwan Village, Bie Yige and his partners formulated many "plans" to gradually turn ideas such as rural markets, checking in at Banwan, and jointly building rural trails into reality.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

With the gradual completion of facilities such as the village's cave library, homestay, and tavern, Banwan Village's popularity in the surrounding areas has continued to rise, and it has ushered in new development opportunities.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

Today, the rural construction team that Bie Yige is in is still growing, and there are more than a dozen people born after 1995 from local and other places in the team.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

"Digging for Gold" in the New Blue Ocean: A Post-95s Young Man Becomes the Leader of a Housekeeping Company

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

In addition to devoting themselves to the vast countryside, many young entrepreneurs also choose to look for opportunities in some "sunrise industries". Xu Yuxi, born in 1995, was originally a student majoring in veterinary medicine at Shenyang Agricultural University. During his time at school, he earned his "first pot of gold" by doing entrepreneurial projects such as life services. When he graduated, Xu Yuxi chose to dive into the housekeeping industry and start his own business.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

At a housekeeping company in Suzhou, Jiangsu, Xu Yuxi was giving weekly training to the housekeepers. After the training, many housekeepers talked to Xu Yuxi about the troubles they had during this period.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

Xu Yuxi said that at such "complaint sessions", he could not get a word in most of the time. He had to wait until the housekeepers had talked enough before he could help them vent their emotions.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

Today, Xu Yuxi manages more than 1,000 domestic workers in Suzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Shanghai. Although he has more and more things to do, Xu Yuxi has always placed service training at the top of his priority list, which stems from his failure experience at the beginning of his business.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

The ambitious entrepreneurial team had huge expenses on personnel and rental costs, but overlooked the fact that housekeeping is a service-intensive and low-profit industry. Xu Yuxi chose to serve on the front line with the housekeepers.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

As his service experience grows, Xu Yuxi's housekeeping company has accumulated a number of repeat customers.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

While working hard to provide good service, Xu Yuxi is also actively expanding online and offline sales channels.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

The business of the housekeeping company is booming, and many housekeepers have benefited from it. Today, everyone admires and trusts Xu Yuxi, who was born after 1995.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

Insects "transform" into robots: New scientific breakthroughs broaden the path for entrepreneurship

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

The transformation of scientific research results is an important bridge between scientific research and production, and is also the first step for many college students to start their own businesses. Recently, a research team of teachers and students from Beijing Institute of Technology has broadened the career options of graduates with a very special scientific research result during their time at school.

New observations on the workplace during the graduation season: combining "my strengths" with "what society needs"

Big beetles, small bees... Under remote control, these insects can make different responses and even change their direction. This newly released "black technology" is expected to allow insects to "transform" into micro robots that can work according to instructions and perform special tasks in the future.

Ma Zhiyun, a graduate student who will graduate in 2024, is one of the main members of the team. The biggest challenge they faced in the past few years of research and development was how to integrate complex circuit designs into a microcontroller that is less than the size of a fingernail.

It is understood that at present, the volume and weight of the system are only about 20% of similar international advanced products. It can be remotely controlled by infrared or Bluetooth. A total of 3 patents have been applied for, and it has been initially used in scenarios such as chemical leak detection.

With this breakthrough, the team achieved excellent results in the College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. Ma Zhiyun, who is about to graduate in 2024, has also successfully received employment notices from many companies in the job market.

However, he did not accept these job opportunities because he now has a new choice. That morning, at the Technology Transfer Center on the other side of the campus, an investment institution came to learn about the project.

Chen Baiqiang, the school teacher who was in charge of the project, said that Beijing Institute of Technology has set up a technology transfer center since 2016, responsible for intellectual property protection, business model design, and docking with financial institutions. Since its establishment, they have successfully incubated 3 listed companies and more than 50 representative specialized and innovative enterprises.

Ma Zhiyun said that the next step is a process of substantial transformation of scientific research results, and he hopes to continue to push their project forward as far as they can.

Combine "my strengths" with "social needs"

Although the three young people chose different "tracks", they were all new attempts in the face of changes in the employment environment. It can be said that in the process of choosing a career, they all found the combination of "my strengths" and "what society needs".

Only by establishing a positive career choice concept and constantly improving your adaptability and innovation capabilities can you take more initiative in career choices and open up more possibilities for your career.

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Qian Xuesen cast the crucial vote for the spacecraft, which took five years and ten months. More than 2000 people discussed the project | Aerospace | Qian Xuesen

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"Rain mouth grabs food"! The latest progress in Henan wheat harvest →! Henan Province

Since May 25th, Henan, which has just entered the wheat harvesting season, has been hit by "rotten rain", seriously affecting the normal maturity and harvest of local wheat. On June 2nd, the reporter walked into Luohe City, the main wheat producing area in Henan, to visit the scene of wheat harvesting in Henan on site. Harvesters shuttle through 160000 acres of high standard farmland in Xidapo, Yancheng District, Luohe City, busy with operations. People's Daily reporter Shen Zhi captured the sound of a telephoto camera, with wheat straw flying high. Harvesters shuttle through 160000 acres of high standard farmland in Xidapo, Yancheng District, Luohe City, busy with operations. When the grain tank was full, the farmer adjusted the angle and lightly pressed the unloading button. The golden wheat grains poured down and slowly piled up into a small mountain. Harvester unloads grain. People's Daily reporter Shen Zhi takes a telephoto: "Look, the embryonic part has swollen, but the thin layer of skin on top has not been arched. This is..."

But Tencent and NetEase make 80% of the profits, and the gaming industry is divided into two or eight categories: the top ten manufacturers earn 81 billion yuan in revenue | Market | Tencent
But Tencent and NetEase make 80% of the profits, and the gaming industry is divided into two or eight categories: the top ten manufacturers earn 81 billion yuan in revenue | Market | Tencent

For gaming companies, 2022, which has just passed, has been the most difficult year in recent years, with most of the listed companies losing money last year. After experiencing a cold winter, the industry is looking forward to a bottoming out and rebound in 2023. Entering June, most listed gaming companies in the A-share, Hong Kong, and US stock markets have released their first quarter reports. In the Q1 financial report that has been released, First Financial has compiled the top 10 gaming companies in terms of revenue, based on which to observe the trend of the gaming market at the beginning of 2023. The total revenue of the top 10 gaming companies in Q1 was about 81 billion yuan, with Tencent and NetEase accounting for over 80%. A clear trend is that industry concentration is further increasing. At the same time, except for two major companies, the revenue of the gaming business of the other eight companies is declining. The financial reports mention that the influencing factors include the pace of new game launches

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Thick smoke billows from the scene! Netizen: Just as I reached the top, I started a big escape, suddenly! Beiyue Hengshan Fire Culture | Country | Great Escape

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