Building a 100 billion-level life and health industry cluster, Beijing Daxing International Airport's fifth anniversary: ​​Unleashing the role of an international hub airport

Release time:Sep 19, 2024 09:20 AM

On September 25, Beijing Daxing International Airport will usher in the fifth anniversary of its official operation. At the Daxing District special press conference of the "Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of New China" series of themed press conferences held today, Liu Xueliang, deputy secretary of the Daxing District Committee, mayor of the district, and director of the Beijing Daxing International Airport Airport Economic Zone Management Committee, introduced that with the opening of 25 new routes at Daxing International Airport this year, the passenger throughput exceeded 30 million 60 days ahead of schedule, and more than 20,000 foreign passengers enjoyed the convenience of transit visa exemption, and the role of the international large-scale hub airport was accelerated.

Man Qunjie, deputy director of the Management Committee of the Airside Economic Zone of Beijing Daxing International Airport, introduced that the Daxing section of the Airside Economic Zone has built a "122" industrial system with life and health as the leading industry, aviation hub and aviation service support as the two basic industries, and new-generation information technology and intelligent equipment as supplements.

The Daxing area of ​​Linkong District focuses on medical research, medical services, and the pharmaceutical industry. It has introduced the National Key Laboratory of Peking Union Medical College Hospital for difficult and rare diseases, as well as industry leaders and potential companies such as Aigo Stem Cell, Blue Sail Medical, and Carls. The park is building a regenerative medicine industrial park and medical device park of nearly 260,000 square meters to build an industrial development platform and accelerate the formation of a life and health industry cluster worth hundreds of billions of yuan.

Relying on the construction of the civil aviation science and technology innovation base, the Daxing area of ​​Linkong District has accelerated the construction of projects such as the Civil Aviation University, the Aviation Science Institute, and the Airworthiness Certification Center, and explored "Chinese standards" in the fields of airworthiness certification technology, safety data management and application, and air-ground integration. In the low-altitude economic track, we closely follow the themes of airworthiness and safety, explore the construction of new R&D institutions, promote the construction of an industrial chain coordination mechanism of "Beijing R&D-Hebei Verification and Test Flight", and empower the development of the country's low-altitude economy.

Relying on the global accessibility of Daxing Airport and the customs clearance convenience of the comprehensive bonded zone, we focus on promoting the concentrated development of cross-border e-commerce, pharmaceutical products, and aviation materials trade, introduce major projects such as SF Express,, and Nanyang, build 800,000 square meters of logistics facilities, and construct an innovative, efficient, and convenient international logistics and supply chain service system.

Man Qunjie said that as of now, the Daxing area of ​​Linkong District has built carriers such as the 56-degree Rose Garden, the Free Trade Zone Innovation Service Center, and the International Biomedicine Park. The construction of industrial carriers such as the International Regenerative Medicine Industrial Park, the International Medical Device Industrial Park, and the International Aviation Headquarters Park is being accelerated, and the high-quality industrial space carriers will reach nearly one million square meters. In the next step, the Daxing area of ​​Linkong District will increase the concentration and visibility of key industrial parks, expand the scale, strengthen the level, and make the brand famous, forming an industrial park ecological system with a reasonable layout, industrial agglomeration, innovation leadership, and a good environment.

Building a 100 billion-level life and health industry cluster, Beijing Daxing International Airport's fifth anniversary: ​​Unleashing the role of an international hub airport
But someone has to do it." A member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council missed his teacher: "It is difficult to be original. I have followed Tang Xiaoou for 8 years.
But someone has to do it." A member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council missed his teacher: "It is difficult to be original. I have followed Tang Xiaoou for 8 years.

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