[Yangtze River Delta Daily] Nanjing's first edition of the national land space master plan is here

Release time:Sep 18, 2024 14:10 PM

1. The State Council approved the "Nanjing City Land and Space Master Plan"

The State Council issued a reply on the "Nanjing Land Space Master Plan". By 2035, the amount of cultivated land in Nanjing will be no less than 2.0797 million mu, of which the permanent basic farmland protection area will be no less than 1.860 million mu; the ecological protection red line area will be no less than 496.64 square kilometers; the urban development boundary area will be controlled within 1492.53 square kilometers; the construction land area per unit of GDP will be reduced by no less than 40%; the total water consumption will not exceed the indicators issued by the superiors, of which no more than 5.91 billion cubic meters in 2025.

Clarify the key prevention and control areas for natural disaster risks, draw risk control lines for floods, earthquakes, etc., as well as green space system lines, water protection lines, historical and cultural protection lines and infrastructure construction control lines, and implement security spaces for strategic mineral resources, etc.

2. Zhang Jian is appointed as the secretary of the Jinzhai County Party Committee, and Dong Yile is nominated as the candidate for Jinzhai County Mayor

On the morning of September 18, Jinzhai County held a meeting of county leaders. Geng Peng, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Comrade Wang Dong presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, the decision of the Provincial Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee on the changes in the positions of the main responsible persons of the Jinzhai County Party Committee and the County Government was announced: Comrade Zhang Jian was appointed Secretary of the Jinzhai County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and would no longer serve as the County Magistrate of the Jinzhai County People's Government; Comrade Dong Yile was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Jinzhai County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and nominated as the candidate for County Magistrate of the Jinzhai County People's Government; Comrade Wang Dong would no longer serve as Secretary, Standing Committee Member, or Member of the Jinzhai County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China.

According to the pre-appointment public notice of cadres issued by Lu'an on August 25, Zhang Jian, male, Han nationality, born in November 1969, has a university degree from the Provincial Party School, is a member of the Communist Party of China, currently serves as deputy secretary of the Jinzhai County Party Committee, county magistrate, and first-level researcher, and is expected to be appointed as the head of the county party committee;

Dong Yile, male, Han nationality, born in July 1971, has a postgraduate degree from the Provincial Party School, is a member of the Communist Party of China, and is currently serving as a member of the Standing Committee of the Jinzhai County Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Jinzhai Economic Development Zone. He is proposed to be nominated as a candidate for the top position in the county government.

3. A Zhejiang official was questioned for wearing the same clothes for three days, and the person concerned responded

On the afternoon of September 15, in the live broadcast room of the Zhejiang Provincial Government Information Office, some netizens pointed out that Lou Qinglei, deputy director of the Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Emergency Management Department, did not change clothes or get a haircut during the live broadcast, and was accused of damaging the image of civil servants.

Starting from the afternoon of September 15, Lou Qinglei appeared in interviews on Zhejiang TV Qianjiang Metropolitan Channel, Zhejiang Satellite TV and other channels, covering the typhoon landing area, the impact of the typhoon on Zhejiang Province after it landed in Pudong, Shanghai, typhoon response suggestions for residents in eastern and northern Zhejiang, etc. For three consecutive days, Lou Qinglei appeared on camera and was interviewed in the same clothes.

In response, Lou Qinglei explained that he had not had time to change clothes or get a haircut because of his busy work. "I came to work the night before yesterday and didn't go home, so I didn't have time to change." In response, Lou Qinglei smiled and apologized, saying that he was not well prepared and that "not getting a haircut" was a personal problem. "I didn't realize my hair was too long, I'm sorry."

This move sparked heated discussions among netizens, with most expressing their understanding and giving thumbs up. On September 17, Zhejiang Province lifted the typhoon emergency response, and Lou Qinglei returned home.

[Yangtze River Delta Daily] Nanjing's first edition of the national land space master plan is here
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