Travel tips are here. Pudong police: Tourists need to make reservations. Shanghai's "Twin Mountains" will officially open tomorrow.

Release time:Sep 19, 2024 09:07 AM

On September 20, the southern area of ​​the Expo Cultural Park will be officially opened. Among them, the 48-meter "Twin Mountains" on the bank of the Huangpu River are the most popular and are expected to attract a large number of tourists to "check in". In response, the Pudong police have made security preparations in advance.

It is understood that citizens and tourists must make an appointment through the "Expo Cultural Park Mini Program" one day in advance and obtain a valid QR code before they can climb the mountain for free. If the appointment is not full on the day, on-site appointments can be accepted. The Shanghai Greenhouse Garden at the foot of the Twin Mountains is also open at the same time. If you want to further explore the wonderful world of the garden, you need to buy a ticket to enter the park. Citizens and tourists can make online reservations and purchase tickets through the park's official website, WeChat public account and reservation mini program.

The Shanghai World Expo Park Public Security Department of the Pudong Public Security Bureau and the traffic police department conducted multiple field surveys and conducted a comprehensive assessment and inspection of the security facilities in the park to ensure that all types of security equipment are intact and reasonably laid out to effectively respond to various possible security incidents. At the same time, the park was instructed to add clear and unambiguous signage along the internal roads to help tourists easily identify and follow the established routes to visit the park and avoid getting lost or getting stuck.

In order to cope with the large passenger flow that may occur during holidays, the Pudong police have also formulated a detailed emergency plan and adopted flow control measures as appropriate to effectively control the flow of tourists and strive to create a safe, orderly and harmonious park environment.

In terms of transportation, tourists who choose green travel can choose Exit 4 of Metro Line 13 "Shibo Avenue Station" or Exit 4 of Line 7 "Houtan Station". For buses, you can choose Pudong Line 98, Line 83, Line 1049, Line 1118 "Shibo Avenue Changqing North Road Hub", Line 118 "Changqing North Road Guozhan Road", Line 610/1131/Binjiang 2/Pudong Line 97 "Tongyao Road Yaolong Road Station", etc.

"The entire Twin Hill is a collection of parking spaces," said Pudong police. There are six parking lots in Shanghai World Expo Cultural Park, with a total of more than 3,000 parking spaces. At the same time, in response to the actual needs of the public for non-motor vehicle parking, 48 non-motor vehicle parking spaces are set up on Tongyao Road, which can park about 600 non-motor vehicles.

Visitors who choose to drive can use satellite maps to navigate to the Expo Cultural Park P1, P2, P3 parking lots, Shuangzi Mountain P4 parking lot, World Flower Garden P5 parking lot, and Fusion Section parking lot. Among them, the Expo Avenue Fusion Section parking lot implements a reservation parking system to ensure convenient parking.

Travel tips are here. Pudong police: Tourists need to make reservations. Shanghai's "Twin Mountains" will officially open tomorrow.
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