Experience the cutting-edge technology next to the "Newton Apple Tree" and join the "National Science Popularization Day" Shanghai event

Release time:Sep 18, 2024 17:54 PM

A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned from the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology yesterday that the launching ceremony of the 2024 Shanghai "National Science Popularization Day" will be held at the Shanghai Science Hall on September 22. The theme of this Science Popularization Day is "Improving the scientific literacy of all people and working together to build a strong country in science and technology". In addition to traditional science popularization content such as scientist reports and popular science communication promotion and selection, new activities such as punching in the "Science Popularization Map", experiencing science under the "Newton Apple Tree", and "Science Popularization Game" interactive experience exhibition are also planned. More than 2,000 science popularization activities will be held in science popularization venues and places in various districts, towns, and communities to bring a science popularization feast to the citizens.

In order to comprehensively improve the public's scientific literacy and open up the "last mile" of science popularization, at the launch ceremony, 16 districts in Shanghai will release "popular science maps" with their own characteristics to provide citizens with convenient navigation of popular science resources. For example, Minhang District has built aerospace-themed popular science routes around the Shanghai Aerospace Popular Science Center, Shanghai Aerospace Popular Science Education Base, and Future Concept Aircraft Popular Science Base; Hongkou District has formed special popular science maps with the themes of green and low-carbon and maritime popular science; Huangpu District has drawn a hand-drawn schematic diagram of popular science walking with the theme of "Central Science and Innovation Zone".

Many enterprises and parks, relying on scientific and technological innovation resources and leveraging the advantages of scientific and technological talents, will open enterprise exhibition venues to tell the entrepreneurial innovation stories of entrepreneurs. For example, the exhibition center of Zizhu National High-tech Industrial Development Zone will popularize 5G and AI cutting-edge scientific knowledge to the public, and through the use of intelligent fusion, arc projection, physical projection and other technologies, it will fully display the development trajectory and characteristics of Zizhu High-tech Zone, let the innovative achievements go to the public, and promote the popularization of scientific and technological achievements.

The "National Science Popularization Day" targets elderly residents in the community and has invited doctors from seven hospitals, including Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University and Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital, to hold interactive science lectures such as "Healthy Management of Diabetes" and "Is My Back Pain Serious?"; for the youth group, experts from the science popularization lecture team of the Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Jiusan Society have been invited to hold interesting science lectures such as "Good Habits Make Good Children" and "Use Magic to Defeat Magic, Scientists 'Use Insects to Control Insects'" to bring high-quality science popularization content to the citizens.

Wang Pinxian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of the Department of Marine Geology and Geophysics at Tongji University, will release his new book, Science and Culture: Academicians Talk about the Source of Innovation, during Science Popularization Day. Based on his more than 50 years of teaching experience and in-depth thinking, Academician Wang Pinxian explores the relationship between science and culture in the book, and proposes that the potential for scientific and technological innovation should be explored and released at the source of culture.

"Newton's Apple Tree" settled in Shanghai Science Hall.

A few months ago, a "Newton Apple Tree" carrying the spirit of science was established in the Shanghai Science Hall. It is the only "Newton Apple Tree" in China with two certificates, one is the "birth certificate" issued by the British Trust Foundation, and the other is the "identity card" issued by the State Forestry and Grassland Administration. This tree comes from Cambridge, England. According to legend, when physicist Newton was reading under an apple tree, he was hit by a falling apple and got the inspiration to discover gravity.

On September 22, the main event of the 2024 Shanghai "National Science Popularization Day" - the Newton Apple Tree Youth Science Experience Event will be held at the Shanghai Science Hall. Primary and secondary school students will visit the Science Hall and get in close contact with the forefront of science and technology through a number of exciting science experience activities such as "EEG confrontation" and "magical polarization phenomenon".

In the International Conference Hall of the Science Hall, the G4G platform will hold an interactive experience exhibition of "Popular Science Games", focusing on gamified popular science projects such as "I am an Astronaut" and "Spark Journey" jointly developed by G4G, Xinhuanet, and Shanghai Planetarium. It will provide audiences with fun photo-taking areas that restore the space station environment, aerospace knowledge quizzes with prizes, and other interactive gameplay, using games to carry out interesting popular science and promote the scientific spirit.

Experience the cutting-edge technology next to the "Newton Apple Tree" and join the "National Science Popularization Day" Shanghai event
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