Nine districts have delicious food and fun waiting for you. Shanghai held the Farmers' Harvest Festival for the first time in the city, and it was held in a famous park.

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Sep 18, 2024 16:51 PM

September 22 is the seventh Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival. The reporter learned from the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Commission that this year's Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival Shanghai main venue harvest celebration activities will be held in Century Park, Pudong New Area, inviting urban and rural residents to participate widely and celebrate the festival together.

This is the first time that the main venue of Shanghai has entered the "urban area", and urban residents can feel the festive atmosphere in many ways. At 7:00 p.m. on September 21, the lighting ceremony began. On the facade of the Aurora Building, the theme of this event, "Learning and using the 10 million yuan project to praise the harvest of China" and "Urban-rural integration to share the harvest", appeared with the lighting effects.

The main venue event, which will open at 9:30 a.m. on the 22nd, will focus on promoting consumption as the highlight, in addition to singing and dancing performances. It will focus on the consumption peak season of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, and carry out activities that integrate online and offline and connect multiple scenarios, so that more high-quality agricultural products can leave the village and enter the city and onto the tables of citizens.

On the day of the event, delicacies from nine districts gathered in Century Park. Starting at 9:00, an e-commerce display area will be set up on Ginkgo Avenue next to the main venue square, with many "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" enterprises, universities and other entities participating to showcase and promote the sale of Shanghai's high-quality local agricultural products and local specialty foods. At the same time, citizens can see the crafts of rural craftsmen and intangible cultural heritage inheritors, learn about scientific research results, rural revitalization financial products, etc., and experience colorful activities in all aspects.

It is understood that on the day of the event, activities such as the promotion of rural tourism boutique routes will be carried out to guide urban and rural residents to deeply experience the taste of the countryside and a happy life. It is reported that Shanghai continues to enhance the development capabilities of leisure agriculture and rural tourism, and promote the integrated development of agriculture, culture, tourism and education. By the end of 2023, the city will have 799 leisure agriculture and rural tourism sites of various types, receiving more than 21 million tourists.

Nine districts have delicious food and fun waiting for you. Shanghai held the Farmers' Harvest Festival for the first time in the city, and it was held in a famous park.
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