Bright Dairy protects citizens' "milk bottles" and delivers them on time! In the strongest typhoon in 75 years, it is unstoppable

Release time:Sep 16, 2024 09:49 AM

"The Bright Milk was delivered on time!" In the early morning of September 16, many Shanghai citizens opened the Bright Milk boxes at their doorsteps and were surprised to find that the Bright Milk they ordered was already quietly standing in the boxes. At this moment, the strongest typhoon "Bebejia" to directly land in Shanghai in 75 years was raging outside the house, bringing violent storms and heavy rain.

How do the Guangming Dairy deliverymen manage to deliver milk on time regardless of weather conditions? This is the result of the efforts of the entire industry chain of Guangming Dairy, a century-old dairy company. They have implemented various flood and typhoon prevention measures in detail and worked together to ensure that citizens have a continuous supply of milk bottles.

"In fact, some customers sent us messages directly, saying that the milk delivery could be delayed due to the typhoon. We were very touched and felt that as long as conditions allowed, we should deliver the milk on time every morning." The person in charge of Guangming Suixinding shared WeChat messages from some consumers, "This shows the consumers' care and trust in us, which further strengthens our confidence in serving every consumer."

Therefore, long before "Bebejia" landed, Guangming Suixinding was on high alert and made careful arrangements. On September 15, each milk station comprehensively checked the facilities and electrical equipment in the station to prevent the items in the milk station from being soaked by accumulated water. At 3 a.m. on September 16, many milk stations were already brightly lit - because the wind and rain impact of "Bebejia" was relatively small at that time, Guangming Suixinding decided to advance the departure time of milk delivery on that day from 5 a.m. on the previous day by two hours, and this decision was also supported by the milkmen. Then, on the premise of ensuring the safety of the road and other environments, the milk station staff sent the milkmen out one by one, and reminded them to wear raincoats, pay attention to weather changes and road conditions at all times, and communicate with subscribers to postpone delivery if they encounter bad weather.

This is how milk delivery was done during a typhoon. Many milkmen were soaked by the rain when they returned to the milk station after delivering milk. However, they had no complaints and instead felt a small sense of accomplishment, "We did it, rain or shine!"

Statistics show that as of 8:00 a.m. on September 16, there were 700 milk stations in the area affected by the typhoon, but none of them were closed. Bright Dairy has done its best to provide warmth and warmth for the health of citizens every morning.

In fact, the milk delivered by Bright Dairy is only the end of the entire industry chain of Bright Dairy. In order to ensure the arrival of "Bright" as promised, Bright Dairy's ranches, factories, Bright Fresh Logistics and other links in the entire industry chain are all on high alert, sticking to their posts in typhoon and flood prevention to protect the citizens' "milk bottles".

During the typhoon warning period, Bright Dairy's ranches immediately made typhoon and flood prevention preparations, held a typhoon and flood prevention work meeting, arranged safety officers to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the ranch, inspected, repaired and dismantled high-rise buildings, circuits, equipment, etc., and cleaned the rainwater ditch to ensure normal rainwater discharge. For example, in order to prevent the cowshed from being hit by heavy rain, the ranch arranged full-time electricians to strengthen on-site circuit inspections and make emergency plans. Once a severe situation is found, it can respond immediately and cut off the sub-circuit and main circuit of the cowshed area.

At the same time, the ranch insisted on operating. Employees on and off duty received safety training in advance to ensure that they wore safety helmets and reflective strips when working, and tools and materials in the machine repair and maintenance areas were stored and recycled in advance to ensure that the passages were unobstructed and the ranch could operate normally.

During the typhoon, the production of various Bright Dairy products continued in an orderly manner.

When faced with the threat of typhoons and heavy rains, Bright Dairy's factories implemented precise policies of "flood prevention first" and took a series of effective measures to respond immediately, ensuring that there were dedicated personnel in charge of each link, conducting comprehensive inspections of areas where potential safety hazards might exist, and making timely rectifications to eliminate safety hazards.

At the same time, the production plant has arranged corresponding on-duty personnel according to different levels, so as to be able to deal with various emergencies in a timely manner, ensure that various measures and work can be effectively implemented, and go all out to ensure production and provide substantial dairy product guarantees for the general public.

The Bright Dairy products delivered to Bright Dairy’s milk ordering stations and major shopping malls cannot be delivered without the guarantee of Bright Dairy’s fresh logistics.

To this end, on the eve of the arrival of "Bebejia", Guangming Fresh Logistics immediately made careful arrangements for flood and typhoon prevention to ensure transportation safety. In response to extreme weather, personnel from all departments of Guangming Fresh Logistics carefully checked the vehicles traveling, checked for possible safety hazards on each distribution route, and implemented solutions to ensure travel safety.

Facing the "Bebejia" disaster, Bright Dairy, with a sense of responsibility that "resisting typhoons and floods is everyone's responsibility", worked together and went all out to ensure the supply of "milk bottles" for citizens.

Bright Dairy wishes everyone safety and pays tribute to every frontline worker who is working hard on typhoon and flood prevention!

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