What do consumers ask most? A merchant in Shanghai sold 100 million in one day! After the old-for-new subsidy was implemented

Release time:Sep 11, 2024 18:58 PM

On September 7, Shanghai's new round of promotional subsidies for old-for-new policies was first implemented in home appliance sales. According to the rules, the purchase of home appliances can be subsidized up to 20% of the product's sales price, with a maximum of 2,000 yuan per transaction.

This activity immediately triggered a peak in consumption in various home appliance stores and specialty stores in Shanghai. However, in actual transactions, many consumers were confused: Why are some products with the same energy efficiency level subsidized by 20% and others by 15%? Why do some require coupons to be collected in advance, while others do not? In this regard, the reporter interviewed relevant merchants and answered the most frequently asked questions by consumers from the perspective of practical operations.

Question: For the same first-class energy-efficiency products, why do some receive a 20% subsidy while others receive a 15% subsidy?

Answer: This is because this promotion subsidy activity is divided into two categories with different standards.

What do consumers ask most? A merchant in Shanghai sold 100 million in one day! After the old-for-new subsidy was implemented

The first category is state subsidies, including 8 categories of products, including refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, air conditioners, computers, water heaters, household stoves, range hoods, etc. Among these 8 categories of products, first-level energy efficiency products are subsidized at 20% of the product sales price, and second-level energy efficiency products are subsidized at 15%. The above subsidies are for one item of each category, and each item does not exceed 2,000 yuan.

For products in the “national subsidy” category, the first-level energy efficiency subsidy is 20%

The second category is Shanghai's green smart home appliance consumption subsidies, including 16 types of home appliances, including microwave ovens, steam ovens, rice cookers, electric fans, electric heaters, induction cookers, air purifiers, printers, dishwashers, water purifiers, clothes dryers, vacuum cleaners, floor scrubbers, sweeping robots, smart door locks, projectors, etc. For these 16 types of products, regardless of energy efficiency level, a unified subsidy of 15% of the sales price is given, and each person can enjoy it three times, with each subsidy not exceeding 2,000 yuan.

Products in the “city subsidy” category will receive a 15% subsidy regardless of their energy efficiency level.

What do consumers ask most? A merchant in Shanghai sold 100 million in one day! After the old-for-new subsidy was implemented

Question: Why do some products require advance payment of subsidy “category coupons” while others do not?

Answer: This is because the settlement methods of “national subsidies” and “municipal subsidies” are different.

For products that enjoy "national subsidies", consumers must collect "category coupons" for 8 categories of home appliances in the policy implementation area of ​​UnionPay QuickPass App before settlement. Starting from September 15, consumers can also collect them on Alipay and WeChat App. At checkout, according to the product category, 1 coupon 1 order is redeemed one by one, and each "category coupon" can only redeem 1 discount coupon. In other words, if consumers buy one product in each of the 8 categories and enjoy the subsidy in full, they can save a total of 16,000 yuan.

For products that enjoy the "city subsidy", there is no need to collect "category coupons". Consumers can directly enjoy the 15% instant discount subsidy through three payment methods: UnionPay QuickPass, Alipay, and WeChat Pay. Each payment method can enjoy it once. In other words, the upper limit of enjoying the "city subsidy" is 6,000 yuan.

What do consumers ask most? A merchant in Shanghai sold 100 million in one day! After the old-for-new subsidy was implemented

Q: When buying several items at the same time, why do some have to be settled separately while others can be settled together?

Answer: It is also related to the settlement methods of different subsidies.

Among them, "national subsidy" products must be settled one coupon and one order at a time; "municipal subsidy" products can combine the products participating in the activity for settlement, but cannot combine the products participating in the activity with the products not participating in the activity for settlement, otherwise the subsidy cannot be enjoyed.

For "city subsidies", if consumers purchase a wide variety of goods, they can combine the settlement or split the settlement and obtain more subsidies through different payment methods.

What do consumers ask most? A merchant in Shanghai sold 100 million in one day! After the old-for-new subsidy was implemented

For example, a consumer purchased a microwave oven, steam oven, and rice cooker, all at a price of 1,000 yuan each, a dishwasher and a water purifier, all at a price of 2,000 yuan each, a sweeping robot and a projector, all at a price of 3,000 yuan each, and an air purifier, all at a price of 4,000 yuan, for a total of 17,000 yuan. If the purchases are combined, the maximum subsidy limit is only 2,000 yuan; but if the air purifier is paid with UnionPay QuickPass and the rest of the products are combined and paid with Alipay or WeChat, the air purifier can be reduced by 600 yuan, and the rest of the products can be reduced by 1,650 yuan, for a total subsidy of 2,250 yuan.

Question: I need to buy three air conditioners for home renovation. Can I enjoy subsidies for each of them?

Answer: Air conditioners fall within the scope of "national subsidies", and each person can only enjoy the subsidy for this category once. If you want to buy three air conditioners, you need to use the subsidy quota of three consumers who have registered their real names on the payment channel. Therefore, this can be achieved through family consumption, mutual assistance among relatives and friends, etc.

Question: Why can’t I receive coupons for “national subsidies”?

What do consumers ask most? A merchant in Shanghai sold 100 million in one day! After the old-for-new subsidy was implemented

A: The "national subsidy" is implemented nationwide. Some consumers have received "national subsidy" category coupons in other provinces and cities but have not made actual consumption. The corresponding category coupons have not expired, so they cannot receive the same "national subsidy" category coupons again in Shanghai. In this case, just delete the category coupons received in other provinces and cities, and receive the corresponding "category coupons" again in Shanghai.

The validity period of the "national subsidy" category coupons is within 7 days from the date of application. They will automatically expire upon expiration and can be collected again during the subsidy activity period.

Q: Can I get subsidies for online purchases of home appliances in the corresponding categories?

A: At present, both the "national subsidy" and the "municipal subsidy" are carried out in offline stores. The specific list can be checked through the WeChat public account "Shanghai Release", the official website of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, the UnionPay QuickPass App policy implementation area and other channels to check the information of the stores where the activities are held.

What do consumers ask most? A merchant in Shanghai sold 100 million in one day! After the old-for-new subsidy was implemented

Q: What should I do if I encounter problems while participating in an event?

Answer: Consumers can call the participating companies’ customer service hotline, China UnionPay 95516, Alipay 95188, and WeChat Pay 95017 for consultation.

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