
Touching moments converge into a sea - the 2023 Weibo entry story is about to kick off, with the story's musical notation on the global stage | Story | Touching
Touching moments converge into a sea - the 2023 Weibo entry story is about to kick off, with the story's musical notation on the global stage | Story | Touching

Stories have a magical power. It can share experiences, convey beliefs, evoke resonance, and build consensus. Since its first session in 2018, the CIIE has been successfully held for five consecutive sessions. "CIIE enthusiasts" from all over the world, regardless of where they come from, what language they speak, or what work they do, participate in this grand event to gain their own "CIIE stories", record the footsteps of the open era, and remember a "shared memory" of the world. We hope to compose the notes of these stories into musical movements, gather the subtle emotions into a sea, and let more people follow the tide of the times and bask in the open spring breeze. On May 14th of this year, the global solicitation activity for "2023 Blog Stories" was officially launched, with enthusiastic responses from all over the world, and story clues pouring in. Some of these story clues come from Fortune 500 companies