Across thousands of miles of seas! This unit is 70 years old today, holding the most powerful weapon of the country

Release time:Jun 19, 2024 04:52 AM

They lurk deep into the ocean, silently guarding national security;

They hold the great weapons of a great nation and traverse the vast seas;

They are always ready to rush to the battlefield and annihilate the invading enemy;

The submarine force is a modern military force that is both romantic and boring, high in technology and extremely arduous.

Due to their good concealment performance and strong attack power, submarines have been favored by the whole world since they came out.

According to the Qing Dynasty's Yiwenlu, during the reign of Emperor Guangxu, the Chinese had made a bold attempt to develop a submarine. This "machine that travels on the bottom of the water" is shaped like an olive, and the device on the boat can be manipulated to sink the boat to the bottom of the water and then travel.

However, China, a giant that once led the world in invention and creation, gradually fell behind.

More than 100 years ago, the destruction of the Beiyang Fleet is the eternal sorrow of the Chinese nation.

Officers and fighters of a certain submarine unit are undergoing arduous training.

The total number of submarines built by naval powers during World War II was about 1,600.

At the beginning of the founding of New China, the number of submarines of the People's Army was zero.

In the early 1950s, Chairman Mao Zedong issued an order: "In order to oppose imperialist aggression, we must build a powerful navy."

Since then, China has gradually acquired a relatively complete set of surface warships.

On June 19, 1954, my country's first submarine unit was officially formed.

On June 24, 1954, China received and planned to receive four Soviet submarines.

Across thousands of miles of seas! This unit is 70 years old today, holding the most powerful weapon of the country

The four submarines were named "New China No. 11", "New China No. 12", "National Defense No. 21" and "National Defense No. 22".

Since then, Chinese people have had their own submarines.

On June 27, 1957, my country's first Type 03 submarine was launched and named "New China No. 15".

On July 5, 1959, China's submarine force sailed out of the Yellow Sea for the first time and successfully set a record of 22 days of voyage.

In 1969, my country launched a Type 33 submarine designed and built independently using only domestic materials and equipment. It was named "New China No. 42".

At this point, the Chinese have fully realized their dream of submarines roaming the deep ocean.

"It only takes one strategic nuclear submarine to push a modern country back to the Stone Age."

Such an assertion by a military scientist may be too absolute.

But there is no doubt that nuclear submarines are an important support for national security.

In the 1950s, faced with the blatant "nuclear blackmail" of imperialist countries, Mao Zedong and other older generation proletarian revolutionaries resolutely issued the great call to "build a nuclear submarine even if it takes 10,000 years."

In December 1970, China's first independently developed nuclear submarine was launched.

In August 1974, the first nuclear submarine was officially put into service.

However, what was truly epoch-making, comparable to the atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and satellite, and what excited the Chinese people and shocked the world was the loud noise like a tsunami that came from a sea area in northern my country on September 15, 1988.

With that loud bang, the Chinese people told the world: After the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France, China has become the fifth country in the world with the ability to launch carrier rockets underwater from nuclear submarines.

In other words, China has become a country with a second nuclear strike capability.

Across thousands of miles of seas! This unit is 70 years old today, holding the most powerful weapon of the country

At the same time, it declared that the era when the powerful ships and warships of the great powers could act recklessly in China's oceans had ended.

A certain submarine unit organized multiple submarines to conduct formation navigation training.

The People's Navy submarine force sneaks silently into the deep blue

Today, I wish the People’s Navy Submarine Force a happy 70th birthday!

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