This district in Shanghai has moved the psychological service port to the community, providing a psychological "protective umbrella" for 1.2 million residents

Release time:Jun 15, 2024 06:31 AM

Modern people often suffer from "mental colds", and the incidence of mental anxiety and depression has increased significantly. Relevant data show that the incidence of mental illness in my country has reached 17%. Minor physical ailments can be solved at home, but how can we detect the "signs" of psychological problems in time?

Recently, the reporter learned from the Putuo District Health Commission that in the process of building a social psychological service system, the District Mental Health Center will take the lead in listing children, adolescents, the elderly, etc. as key groups for promoting mental health. At the same time, it will move forward the "prevention of disease and treatment of mental illness" port to provide a "mental health" umbrella for the 1.2 million Putuo residents.

Where can you go to seek help when you feel mentally ill? This is a puzzle for many people. The small "Yuexin Pavilion" set up at the doorstep of the community has become a psychological consultant for Putuo residents, effectively solving this problem.

At the Changzheng Town Community Health Service Center, the reporter found that within the small space, residents can click to complete the modules of scale assessment, psychological adjustment, expert and appointment guidance, psychological counseling services, and psychological science. Each module also has several projects, such as psychological adjustment, deep hypnosis guidance, negative emotion healing, anxiety healing, etc.

"Many people feel resistance and hesitation when they hear about going to a mental health clinic, which delays the best time to seek medical treatment. Yuexin Pavilion is like a sentinel point, where residents can self-screen and have channels to seek medical treatment in time if they find any problems," said Wang Ruifang, Party branch secretary of Putuo District Mental Health Center.

In 2021, the Pudong District Science and Technology Commission and the Pudong District Mental Health Center jointly developed the "Yuexin Pavilion", which became the city's first comprehensive mental health service platform "Yuexin Pavilion". It has now covered all 10 streets and towns in the district. After three years of practice, the "Yuexin Pavilion" has continued to upgrade on the basis of 1.0, and now incorporates 3.0 high-tech elements, adding "AI intelligent psychological question and answer large model", psychological CT, emergency assistance and other multi-functions.

Aunt He, who is over 70 years old, has a colorful life in her spare time. She likes to dance in the square, but she has been suffering from sleep disorders recently. She tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. A friend suggested that she go to the psychiatric department for treatment. Aunt He was a little afraid, so she chose to take a self-test at "Yuexin Pavilion". Through the internal module "Seven Days of Meditation for Sleeping", Aunt He felt much more relaxed. The module also lists the clinic hours of relevant sleep experts in the district, which is very thoughtful. According to reports, "Yuexin Pavilion" is currently superimposed with the original Putuo District Psychological Assistance Hotline to jointly promote the mental health of residents.

"I'm at the Ganquan Road Street Minor Protection Station. Liangliang, a child in the community, has not been to school for more than a month. His parents refuse to cooperate with our home visit. We need your help in handling the matter." After receiving the call for help from the community, the Putuo District Mental Health Center activated the emergency response mechanism and dispatched members of the psychological emergency medical team to assist.

After the intervention, it was found that the main obstacle to Liangliang's return to school came from her mother. Due to difficulties such as failed marriage, her mother's mood fluctuated greatly, which delayed her studies and seriously affected her child's mental health. After more than 10 days of psychological intervention, campus counseling and social support, Liangliang returned to school as scheduled, and her mother's emotional problems also improved.

From point to surface, Putuo District not only wove a dense psychological protection network of "Yuexin Pavilion", but also established the "Yuexin Alliance" mental health promotion project. This project carried out the "Three N" mental health promotion work through a joint working mechanism of multiple departments, enterprises and institutions, specifically "psychological hospitals, psychological campuses, and psychological communities", to fill the gap in mental health services for key groups.

In recent years, mental health problems among children and adolescents have become increasingly prominent. Wang Ruifang told reporters that experts found after community research that there are still blind spots in management and that psychological intervention for adolescents should be moved forward. "We have explored the three-party linkage from 'school-social doctors' to the four-party linkage mechanism of 'home-school-social doctors', forming a progressive service model of investigation-prevention-assistance-intervention, moving the 'discovery post' of children's mental health problems from schools to communities."

Not long ago, the "Yuexin Alliance" gradually expanded its scope to higher vocational and technical schools. The district mental health center signed a joint construction agreement with the "Vocational Technical School" and "Ganlin School" in the district, leaving a green channel for psychological intervention for teenagers in the district to ensure that adolescents can grow up healthily.

How can we provide targeted services to meet the psychological needs of workers in the workplace? Putuo District has explored a set of methods: launching a psychological care project for employees, setting up independent psychological counseling rooms in enterprises, and gradually expanding mental health services from the field of combining medicine and education to the workplace population.

Xiao Chen, born in the 1990s, was troubled by sleep problems. When he learned that his company, Boco Technology, had a professional doctor, he quickly made an appointment for consultation. "I think a one-on-one independent space is great!" Xiao Chen said that he frequently had nightmares and woke up every night, and was always in a state of work disorder in the morning. The relevant person in charge of the district mental health center suggested conducting a cause analysis and making an appointment for sleep monitoring and other examinations for him. Xiao Chen completed professional examinations, took targeted medication, supplemented by music therapy, mindfulness decompression, etc., and his condition improved significantly.

To protect the mental health of people in the workplace, this employee psychological care project named "General Workers' Ying" was jointly carried out by the District Federation of Trade Unions and the District Mental Health Center to create the EAP employee psychological assistance plan. So far, it has provided personalized mental health services to teachers, medical staff, community social workers and other groups. In the future, it will also provide systematic, multi-level and multi-dimensional joint actions for people in more fields.

The reporter learned that the "psychological CT" is currently being developed and designed by the district mental health center to monitor the mental health of the population. The so-called "psychological CT" is based on a diversified scale, designed into differentiated packages for different groups of people, and produces physical examination reports. Now, the "psychological CT" has been put into use in many community health service centers and physical examination centers of various hospitals within the medical alliance, and a referral system has been established to ensure "early diagnosis and early treatment" of mental illness.

Deng Haiju, secretary of the Party Committee of Putuo District's Health and Health Work, said that creating a "15-minute mental health service circle" for residents and establishing mental health services are aimed at solving people's urgent problems and ensuring that health services are truly implemented.

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Recently, it was reported that Professor Li Xinxiang from the Department of Colorectal Surgery at Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital led a team to publish a research result confirming that "delayed surgery after neoadjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy" as the standard treatment plan is not universally applicable to all locally advanced colon cancer patients. Research has shown that patients with locally advanced colon cancer who experience poor tumor regression after neoadjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy have poorer survival benefits with longer preoperative intervals. These patients should be screened in a timely manner to avoid delaying surgery. The relevant research results have been published in the internationally authoritative academic journal International Surgery, with an impact factor of 13.4. Colon cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in China, seriously threatening the lives and health of residents. Surgical intervention is an important means for colon cancer patients to achieve curative treatment. Data shows that over 80% of colon cancer patients are already in the initial diagnosis stage

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